NECO GCE English Language 2022 Verified Essay and Objective Answers

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Neco gce English Language Theory and Objective Answers (100%legit) English Language Essay verified Free (Expo) for National Examination Council. Neco gce English Language Questions For you to have good Neco result in English Language as well as repeated questions for free in this post.
Neco Gce English Language OBJ
Once upon a time there were two friends; they were as poor as a church mouse. Both were studying in a college in their village. Shan was hard working. He gave importance to working hard and accomplishing his goals. He kept saying that hard work opened the door to success and that ‘Good things come to those who wait’.
The other boy was Usman; he was the total opposite of Shan. He was inconsiderate and negligent. He always wanted a shortcut in his life and didn’t believe in hard work. He was also short tempered and non rational.
The families of both the boys faced financial insecurities, so Shan decided to start working to feed his family. But, Usman wanted a white collar job. He told Shan that the work he was doing was undesirable. But Shan was just happy with his decision.
Days rolled on, Shan performed well at his job. Usman wanted to earn a lot of money and he wouldn’t listen to anybody else. Finally he got a job with a firm that made its income in unjust ways. When he started to work Usman made a promise to his family that he will give half of his pay to them, but his family refused to take his money because the way he was earning the money was not acceptable. Usman still didn’t felt guilty.After a few months, they both got married and start living happy with their wives and children. Usman was earning a lot of money. His wife and children didn’t know about his job. His family thought that he was a hard working honest man. Usman loved his family a lot. His father and mother died after his marriage.
On the other hand, Shan became substandard but, he was earning legal money. His wife was good-natured, sympathetic and kind. Shan’s child was like him; a brilliant and hardworking boy like him. Shan and Usman didn’t meet each other after their marriage.One fine day, Shan took his family to the park, the same day Usman also took his family to the park. Both families were sitting beside to each other but they didn’t realize it. When Shan turned around to look at his children playing he was shocked to see Usman. Both felt gratified to meet each other after a long time. Usman was worried as his job was not going well; Shan tried to correct Usman again. But, he still didn’t feel guilty.
After few days, the papers were filled with the news of a man who was caught playing fraud with black money. After hearing the news Shan felt so wretched that he left his house and went to meet Usman. Shan went to the jail and spoke to Usman, he was worried about his family.“I am feeling very ashamed for my mistake, yes of course, good things come to those who wait, and you waited for good things Shan”, said Usman.“Yes Usman, you are absolutely right, I waited but you didn’t” said Shan.
“Please help me Shan, please” said Usman. But Shan could do nothing.
She was shocked because her friend made a generalize statement that women always lie.
The writer who is a also a woman was indicted as a liar since her friend generalized all women as liars.
Almost everybody lies – including men, women and children alike.
People lie to cover up their greed and insincere ways of life.
It has increased the rate of fraud in the country.
(i) Noun Phrase
(ii) It is the subject of the verb “is” in the sentence.
Greed and lie with other vices which has long-lived and seems intraceable in the country.
Lies has tremendously increased lately mostly in this political regime.
(i) Acquaintance – Friend.
(ii) Shock – Surprise.
(iii) Extricate – Exempt, Exonerate.
(iv) Colossal – Huge, Enormous.
(v) Worrisome – Pertrubing
(vi) Intensified – Escalated.
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NECO GCE Commerce 2022 Verified Essay and Objective Answers

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Neco gce Commerce Theory and Objective Answers (100%legit) Commerce Essay verified Free (Expo) for National Examination Council. Neco gce Commerce Questions For you to have good Neco result in Commerce as well as repeated questions for free in this post.
Neco Gce Commerce OBJ
(i) Warehousing
(ii) Advertising
(iii) Banking
(iv) Transport
(v) Insurance
(vi) Communication
(i) Warehousing:
Warehousing ensures the storage of goods till they are wanted. The storage of manufactured goods enables the manufacturers to meet the demands of their customers and to stabilise the prices of goods.
(ii) Advertising:
Advertising stimulates the demand for goods and services by informing the public about the uses of such goods and where to obtain them. The volume of sales is increased.
(iii) Banking:
Banks aid trade by making funds available to traders and other business establishments in the form of loans. Overdrafts payments for goods are also made through banks.
(iv) Transport:
Transport provides the means of carrying both raw material and finished goods to where they are needed.
(v) Insurance:
Insurance enables compensation to be paid to the trader. Traders are likely to suffer risks in the course of their trading. These risks can result through loss of the goods in transit. Loss of goods can also result from fire, flood, etc.
(vi) Communication:
Communication is the transmission of information from one place to another. The customers and suppliers can get in touch through telephone, telex and postal.
(i) By agreement
(ii) By performance
(iii) By breach
(iv) By frustration
(v) By lapse of time
(vi) Bankruptcy
(i) By agreement:
Before any of the two parties perform their part of the contract, they may both agree to terminate it.
(ii) By performance:
When each party has performed their part of the contract, it is automatically terminated.
(iii) By breach:
A contract is terminated if one party fails to perform its part of the contract.
(iv) By frustration:
When the performance of a contract by one party is rendered impossible due to factors beyond its control or no contemplated by the two parties e.g. death, ill-health and government legislation
(iv) By lapse of time:
A contract is terminated after the period stipulated for it has ended.
(vi) Bankruptcy:
A contract can be terminated when either of the parties is declared bankrupt.
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NECO GCE Biology 2022 Verified Essay and Objective Answers

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Neco gce Biology Theory and Objective Answers (100%legit) Biology Essay verified Free (Expo) for National Examination Council. Neco gce Biology Questions For you to have good Neco result in Biology as well as repeated questions for free in this post.
Neco Gce Biology OBJ
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NECO GCE Civic Education 2021 Verified Essay and Objective Answers

Get Free Live 2021 NECO GCE August/September (2nd Series) Civic Education Questions and Answers for Private Candidates Free of Charge | NECO GCE Aug/Sept Free Civic Education Questions and Answers (Essay & OBJ) EXPO Room (20th December, 2021).
(Choose any 3)
i. Fever
ii. Chills
iii. Rash
iv. Night sweats
v. Muscle aches
vi. Sore throat
vii. Fatigue
viii.Swollen lymph nodes
ix. Mouth ulcers
i. Having vaginal or anal sex with someone who has HIV without using a condom or taking medicines to prevent or treat HIV. Anal sex is riskier than vaginal sex.
ii. Sharing injection drug equipment (“works”), such as needles, with someone who has HIV.
iii. From mother to child during pregnancy, birth, or breastfeeding. However, the use of HIV medicines and other strategies have helped lower the risk of mother-to-child transmission of HIV to 1% or less.
The issue of stigma is very important in the battle against HIV/AIDS in Africa since it may affect patient attendance at healthcare centres for obtaining antiretroviral (ARV) medications and regular medical check-ups. Stigmatization creates an unnecessary culture of secrecy and silence based on ignorance and fear of victimization. This study was designed to determine if there is external stigmatization of people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA) by health care workers (HCWs) at a tertiary hospital in KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) province, South Africa. The study investigated the impact of knowledge of HIV/AIDS by HCWs on treatment of patients, as well as the comfort level and attitude of HCWs when rendering care to PLWHA.
A descriptive cross sectional study was designed to collect data using an anonymous self-administered structured questionnaire from 334 HCWs. The study was conducted in clinical departments of a large multidisciplinary 922-bed tertiary care teaching hospital in Durban, KZN.
Overall HCWs had an above average knowledge about HIV/AIDS although some gaps in knowledge were identified. Tests of statistical significance showed that there was association between level of education and knowledge of HIV/AIDs (p ≤ 0.001); occupation and knowledge of HIV/AIDS (p ≤ 0.001); and gender and knowledge of HIV/AIDS (p = 0.004). Test for comfort level was only significant for gender, with males showing more comfort and empathy when dealing with PLWHA (p = 0.003). The study also revealed that patients were sometimes tested for HIV without informed consent before surgery, due to fear of being infected, and there was some gossiping about patients’ HIV status by HCWs, thereby compromising patient confidentiality. The majority of HCWs showed a willingness to report incidents of stigmatization and discrimination to higher authorities, for better monitoring and control.
Although knowledge, attitude and comfort level of HCWs taking care of PLWHA was above average, enforcement of existing antidiscrimination laws and continuing education in medical ethics and healthcare law, would greatly improve the performance of HCWs taking care of PLWHAs. More psychological support and counselling should be provided to HCWs, to further reduce the impact of stigmatization and discrimination against PLWHA.
Pubic Service is a body or a department in the executive arm of the Government responsible for the execution of the policies and programmes of the Government.
(i)Refresher of courses and training programmes: The introduction of fresher courses and training programmes home and abroad for public servants on the various skills they need to improve their jobs and Nigeria.
(ii)Teaching political education in schools: The introduction of political education into the school curriculum like the learning of civic education, government, diplomacy and other political thoughts to all levels of education.
(iii)Use of code of conduct bureau and public complaints commission: Government should establish some disciplinary codes of conduct that will watch the affairs of public servants.
(ii)Emergency services
(iii)Environmental protection
(i)Provision of income for the family: When the bread winner of the family is gainfully employed he or she will be able to meet the basic, and future needs of the family e.g. provision of food, payment of school fees etc.
(ii)Sustainable productivity of the country: A country’s productivity can only be sustainable for her citizens in a situation where there are employments in place for the citizens and through this medium, poverty can be alleviated.
(iii)Reduction of crime rate in the society: When people are gainfully employed, they will stay away from crimes since “an idle mind is the devil’s workshop” this will help the government to save more out of her crime fighting fund.
(iv)Economic growth: If employment is put in place for the citizens, they will be able to work and cater for themselves and not depend on the government. Therefore the government will have to spend less on the citizens and use her money for other needs in the country which therefore bring about growth in the economy.
(v)Standard of saving and investment in the country: Income can only be generated from employment and through this medium, the citizens that are gainfully employed will be able to save some amount for future purposes, and this will help to boost the savings and investment in the country. This can help alleviate poverty in the future.
(i)Freedom from Discrimination: Everyone is entitled to all the rights and freedoms without a distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language, religion etc.
(ii) Freedom from Fear: Everyone is entitled in full equality to a fair and public hearing by an independent and impartial tribunal in the determination of his rights and obligations and or any criminal charge against him.
(iii) Freedom of Want: Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others. No one shall be arbitrarily deprived of his property. Men and women of full age, without any limitation due to race, nationality or religion, have the right to marry and to form family.
(iv) Freedom of Religion and Conscience: Everyone has the right to freedom of conscience and religion, this right include freedom to change his religion or beliefs either alone or in community with others in public or private, to manifest his religion or belief in teaching, practice, worship and observance.
(v)Freedom of Thought, Belief, Opinion and Expression: Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression, this includes freedom to hold opinion without interference and to seek, receive and impact information and ideas through any media and regardless of international boundaries.
(i)Over Speeding: Most of the fatal accidents occur due to over speeding. It is a natural psyche of humans to excel. If given a chance man is sure to achieve infinity in speed.
(ii)Drunken Driving: Consumption of alcohol to celebrate any occasion is common. But when mixed with driving it turns celebration into a misfortune. Alcohol reduces concentration. It decreases reaction time of a human body.
(iii)Distraction to Driver: Though distraction while driving could be minor but it can cause major accidents. Distractions could be outside or inside the vehicle. The major distraction now a days is talking on mobile phone while driving.
(iv)Red Light jumping: It is a common sight at road intersections that vehicles cross without caring for the light. The main motive behind Red light jumping is saving time. The common conception is that stopping at red signal is wastage of time and fuel.
(v)Avoiding Safety Gears like seat belts and helmets: Use of seat belt in four-wheeler is now mandatory and not wearing seat belt invites penalty, same in the case of helmets for two wheeler drivers.
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