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Beautiful Love Song Episode 20



Beautiful Love Song Episode 20

By: Adesola Adeomowole.M.

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I ran out of dice high totally,
Slowly lonely tears fell off my eyes as I run endlessly.
I felt his pains but there was nothing I could do.Come to think of it,if I had stay long, I might be framed up and he told me not to call Mrs Rose.
I sniffed and touch my lips that he kiss, I remembered he told me to run away when he was kissing me,he pinched my waist and whispered โ€œrunโ€ into my mouth.
Iโ€™m very sure he doesnโ€™t know what he was doing at that momentโ€ฆ.
he might have mistaken me for another person.
I wipe my tears and ran back into the show.Han Lilly and Mrs Rose were standing at the entrance,ordering the guards around.

โ€œDid you find Royal??
Han Lilly asked me in a very genue and concerned voice. I opened my mouth to reply her but I felt my words superfluous.
Just then,Elliot and three other five stars agencies faces showed on the projector.
The noisy staged-hall became so silent that a sail will turn a sea.

๐Ÿ’— Royal has been foundโ€ฆ
๐Ÿ’— someone injected him and lock him up behind the back door,we canโ€™t really explain how it happened,a very close person must have dine the evil work!! All thanks to whosoever activate the tracker on his wristโ€ฆ

๐Ÿ’— ohh myyy
๐Ÿ’— this is pure wickedness
๐Ÿ’— is Royal really safe???
The stage became silent.
I did as if I knew nothing but deep down,my heart is bleeding.I went to sit beside the girls Dora paired me up with.Shantai and Eve were among.
โ€œwhatโ€™s with the tears on your eyes?
Shantai noticed my mood.
โ€œwellโ€ฆmy stomach kind of hurtโ€ I lied and I hated myself for it.I had never lied in my life.I started lying the very day I met Royal.I started lying just to cover up my identity.

โ€œTai,letโ€™s go home!!
I changed the topic and drag shantaiโ€™s hand.
โ€œwait,it is not yet timeโ€ eve replied.
โ€œmiss Krishna, why is Royalโ€™s presidential bracelet hanging on your dress??? Shantai asked and drooled at the sight of diamond stones the bracelets was,made up of.
โ€œitโ€™s really pretty.It will definitely cost much fortunesโ€ eve said and touch the tiny bracelets,that coiled on the net part of my dress.

โ€œwhere did you see it?? did you meet Royal before the incident or did you perhaps save him? eve investigated, Shantai look up to me,waiting for an answer.
โ€œummm weellllโ€ฆ.I โ€ฆ.โ€
I stammered and untangle the bracelet away from my dress.
โ€œI I I saved him by activating the tracker on his wrist.I didnโ€™t know how his presidential bracelet tangled with my dressโ€ I replied them.
โ€œokay,its good you help himโ€ Shantai said and forget about the matter.
โ€œIโ€™m sure you touched himโ€ eve nagged.
โ€œI didnโ€™tโ€ I lied.
โ€œtime will tellโ€ she replied.
โ€œsorryโ€ I said and focused my attention on the stage.

Jeffery came up the stage with a phoneโ€ฆ
๐Ÿ’— spark is already spoilt
๐Ÿ’— why not cancel the party?
๐Ÿ’— gosh!! I regret coming!!!
murmurs bleeped.
The projector was turned on by Jeffrey,he connected his phone to it and face the audience.
โ€œI donโ€™t want your coming here to in vain because everything is not in absolute order but at least,we should try watching this combination of action love song video created by a mysterious goddess. I donโ€™t know who she is but her skills are perfect. Now, enjoy!! Jeffrey took his lips in and click on play with the remote.
The stage was filled with darkness..
Only the lights from the screen surpassed quarter of the darkness.
I wonder what the video is all about but which ever way, it will be interesting.
I smiled and love the way the exciting was professionally done.

โ€œohhhhhhh itโ€™s Krishna on the beat!!!
a loud voice ruminated out.
My mouth jump into my stomach.
ohh noo!!! is this my dance video???
I felt air inside my whitish skin.
The dance I danced for Dora played on the background.
it look so realโ€ฆ
just that my face didnโ€™t show.
But my lips and other part of my body showed.
Shantai hugged me in a clandestine manner while Eve pinched my waist.
Just three people know about my talent. Shantai, Eve and Dora.

๐Ÿ’— waoowwww,it was a blast!!
๐Ÿ’— soooo perfect!! a combination of high cheek bone and pure red lips. I wish to know who dancedโ€ฆ
Krishna what?????โ€ฆher surname wasnโ€™t mentioned.Gosh!!! sheโ€™s my role model already!!
Everyone stood up and started clapping non stop.
I stood up also and joined in the clap, pretending I wasnโ€™t the one that dance in the video.
I was more than happy.
For the first time,I felt one of my wish to be celebrated come true.
some people insisted on watching the video over and over again.I couldnโ€™t contain my hapiness.
Dora noticed my mood and sent one of her guards to drive me home.

โ€œsheโ€™s hotttttt.I canโ€™t stop watching this.I wonder where Jeffrey got this video from. The girlโ€™s lips is one thing that is driving me crazy.The lips is just sooo redโ€ I said.
โ€œyea,her shape is also perfect. I think sheโ€™s what five stars need to win this year debutโ€ Chris added and pour himself wine.
โ€œChris,the girl is mine.I gotta make sure I have her on my bed.she is my type of girlโ€ I said.
โ€œletโ€™s watch who will get her firstโ€ Chris said and zoom the video.The girl is fluent in singing and fast in dancing,itโ€™s been so long I watch those type of dance video. I mean their types are rare and very difficult to learn.

โ€œletโ€™s make a bet on her!!! I said.
โ€œYea,if I get her on my bed first,you will give me half of your wealth and if you get her on her on your bed first,I will give you half of my wealth.โ€ I said
Chris pour more wine into his glass
โ€œIโ€™m inโ€ he said and sip in.
Jeffrey came in looking as calm as ever in a white polo,a black jean trouser and a pair of black sneakers.
โ€˜youโ€™re here drinking wine when our friend is in the hospital. What type of friends are you?? he asked.
Chris belchedโ€ฆ
Jeffrey scoffed in an annoying manner that could make,one whip Chris ass.
โ€œaiiish,only God knows what I would have done if only i know who the hell injected royalโ€ Chris said. I breathed out and faced Jeff.

โ€œJeff,I just left the hospital not quiet long and I pray he will be fine.Royal is a strong guy,he will be alrightโ€™ I said,nicely.

โ€œsoooo Jeffrey, where did you get the video you play at spark? Chris asked.
Jeffrey rolled his eyeballs.
โ€œplease,tell us!! I pleaded.
He scoffed again and took the wine Chris was drinking,he drank out of it and took his lips in.
โ€œI saw the video on Doraโ€™s phone,I didnโ€™t even tell her before playing it on stage. So,I donโ€™t know who she is. I wanted to ask Dora about it but I forgot because I was at the sane time worried sick about Royalโ€™s health. I will still find out about the girl and will make sure she get signed into our industry.Five stars industry needs people like herโ€
Jeffrey said,dropped the glass,scoffed and ran upstairs.

โ€œBet mode!!! Chris laughed,gullibly.

Mrs Rose was present,
Mrs Samantha was present,
Han Lilly was sitting close to Royal on bedโ€ฆ.
There are also other many powerful lawmakers who I donโ€™t know their namesโ€ฆ..
Sir Zayn walked in,looking angry.

โ€œI wonder who the hell injected Royal!!! what of fence did this innocent boy commit????
Brandon,the most powerful of the lawmaker shouted,anger showing visibly in his veins.

โ€œMrs suga,I thought you signed that nothing will happen to him??? If Royal should die,I gotta hold you responsible! Brandon threatened.
he moved closer and noticed that his presidential bracelet wasnโ€™t there anymoreโ€ฆโ€ฆ
Everyone turned to my momโ€ฆ.
I noticed my mom had on a scared look filled with fearโ€ฆ.
Sir Brandon look was something i couldnโ€™t fathom.
Iโ€™m so confuser right now!

Firstly,why are the lawmakers present in the hospital???
why is Brandon mad over a bracelet?

โ€œHe must have lost itโ€
my mom replied in the most innocent look I have ever seen.

Royal opened his eyes and started gasping for breath really hard.
The pains were visible in his eyes as
he gasped for breath hardly.
the doctors rushed in and injected with a sedative drug.

โ€œThe person that inject him really bad by injected him in the neckโ€ฆ it will only worsen his amnesia but I pray it wonโ€™t turn out badโ€ the doctor said.
Royal opened his eyes slowlyโ€ฆ.
and clutch the duvet sheet tightly.

He look confusedโ€ฆ
I donโ€™t think he remember a thing.
He closed his eyes back.
Everyone left.
only the guards were left in.

Sir Brandon words made me stop halfwayโ€ฆ..
The test Mrs Rose gave you and royal, the result is out! he said.
โ€œwhich test??? I asked.
โ€œpresidential testโ€ฆthat whosoever reach the limit of 13.5zillion of rupees in three month will be voted in.โ€ sir Brandon said.

โ€œitโ€™s not up to three monthโ€ฆI still have up to two month to catch upโ€ I replied.
โ€œRoyal broke that record within a weekโ€ฆhis net worth just clocked 19zillion won this afternoon! sir Brandon replied and left me speechless.

Even after all these,
Royal wonโ€™t die!!!
Gosh!!!!!! 19zillion in just one week. How come??????

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MAXIMIZING DESTINY (IDENTITY, PURPOSE & MEANING) โ€“ Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja)




MAXIMIZING DESTINY (IDENTITY, PURPOSE & MEANING) โ€“ Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja)


Understanding your identity is a call to a settled sense of confidence.

Let your identity be defined by what God has said about you, not any other opinion.


1. Identify it
2. โ Refine it
3. โ Serve

Dear Beloved, kindly click on the link below to download the audio message of โ€œMAXIMISING DESTINY (IDENTITY, PURPOSE AND MEANING)โ€ WITH APOSTLE JOSHUA SELMAN.

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FOLLOWERS OF THEM (The Advantage of Models & Patterns) โ€“ Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja)




FOLLOWERS OF THEM (The Advantage of Models & Patterns) โ€“ Apostle Joshua Selman (Koinonia Abuja)



1. Profitable followership demands genuine connection and followership. Never follow an individual you cannot truly be committed and loyal to; it is a disservice to yourself.

2. Followership becomes profitable only when the learner or the follower remains a student. (Luke 6:40)

3. Profitable followership must factor in the limitations of the vessels that they follow. Never expect godlike perfection from the people you follow, you will be disappointed.

Guiding Principle for Models, References, and Pioneers:
All models must remain students themselves and never have an arrival mentality. The way models remain models is by continuing to be students while being models.
Humility is an antidote for shame and embarrassment.

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What will make our generation different from other generations is not merely our prayers, fasting, or spiritual activities, it is a product of humility, alignment, and through an election of grace, that we receive delivery of the supernatural power of God from the realm of the Spirit, where it resides to the realm on earth where it is needed.

In essence, we do not pay the price Jesus Christ has already paid for us on the cross, we pay the price of alignment to receive delivery of what has been paid for.

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