
(Living the life of a lie)
By : Kebby NG
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“What’s this dad,Why are you acting this way?”I asked as I went towards him
“I do not approve of this marriage neither do I approve of him “He said starring at Brian
“But dad! I already told you how important Brian is In my life,He even knows that am not Dora yet he loved me and accepted me that way”I said
“He should,After all its what he owes you”He said still starring at Brian
“With all due respect sir,I love your daughter,I know the way we started out was the wrong way but what I do know is that I love your daughter and we are married,You were in a coma for us to have ask for your blessing and now that you are up,Your blessing is the only thing we need “Brian said
“Never, You will never get my blessing”He said angrily
“Dad you are being unfair!”I said wanting to move towards Brian but he caught my hand and pulled me to him
“Don’t go near him,He is nothing but trouble for you”He said meaning every word
I turned to stare at Brian and saw that he was also starring at me
“You now have a girl who is pregnant with your child,Leave my daughter and go be with her” He said and this time I knew that have had enough
Pulling away from him I went to meet Brian “please give us some time,I must have a word with my father”I said and gave him a brief kiss,He left the room and I turned to see my father staring after Brian like he was a devil
“What was that all about? Why were you so rude to Brian?”I said
“Listen to me when I say this,Brian is not good for you,He is trouble real trouble”He said looking nervous and agitated
“You know I don’t just say things if I didn’t have a good reason,just do as I say Emma please”He said
“What would that reason be dad? You don’t do things with out having a good reason,Then tell me why you don’t want Brian with me?”I asked
“I can’t tell you,Not now but you will surely find out the truth and when you do my child,You will certainly Hate him”He said looking so sure of him self
“Dad you are scaring me? What do you know about Brian that I don’t?”I asked
“As have said,You will know soon and before that happen try to break what ever relationship you have with him”He said
“If you won’t tell me why Brian isn’t good for me,I will also not leave Brian,Have always obeyed you but on this matter,I won’t,I won’t leave the man I love,Get some rest,you need it”I said and took my bag and then I left the room
I was waiting in the lobby when she walked towards me
Quickly I went to meet her “What happen?”I asked
“I don’t know what has gotten into father head,I never thought that the first meeting between the two of you would be this way”She said
“Do you know why he was acting like that?'”I asked
“He didn’t tell me,Come to think of it,You said you knew my dad from some where,Do you know where,Maybe you did some thing that he disapproved of or you……try to think Brian”She said softly
“I only said that because I thought he was some one I knew but after taking to him today,I know that have never seen him before”I replied and she hugged me
“I don’t want the two people I love most in the world fighting “She said
“Don’t worry my love,This is not us fighting,He is just feeling angry that he wasn’t the one by you and that when you needed him,He was in a coma”I said as I held her tight
“I don’t think so Brian, He said you were trouble for me, My dad wouldn’t just make an accusation like that with out having a reason ” She said
Trouble,How will I be trouble to the woman I love
Earlier I thought his reasons was because he wasn’t there when his daughter needed him but now I don’t think so.
Him telling Emma that I was trouble certainly meant some thing and I don’t think it’s good at all
“Let’s just go home,I dont want any more fights between You two” She said and then we left.
It was late in the evening,Long after that episode with Emma father
I stayed back in the study working on some important business
Why would he say that am trouble to his daughter, I thought
Just then my phone began to ring and I answered
“It’s me” I knew who it was even with out looking at the caller
“Hello,Are you listening,This is the guy who knows what……….”
“I know,What do you want from me now”I asked
“I thought that when I told you about your dad evil doing you will report it and make him pay for what he did twenty five years ago but it seems like you are also with him on this and since you did nothing,I decided to do some thing about it”He said
“What do you plan on doing ?”I asked
“Should I tell you or should I not”He said laughing
“Stop messing with me and tell me right now”I yelled at him
“Do you know where your wife is right now?”He asked and i stood up,Still on the phone I began to head to our bed room
“I swear if you mess with my wife I will………”
“Don’t threaten me,I hate it when some one threaten me,it brings out the worst In me”He said
I got to our room only to find it empty,I called her name but there was no response
“What did you do to my wife?”I said as I began to head out side
“Just calm down! I didn’t do any thing,Not yet,I only sent her a package and from the message I received from my messenger,It has been given to her,She would have known every thing that happened twenty five years ago right?” He asked
I turned off the phone and began to look for her around
I went to the patio and I found her,Holding a package in her hand
She was starring out into the night and judging from the way the package was,She hadn’t opened it yet
I walked towards her and hug her from behind,Taking the package from her
“Why are you out here ,All alone”I asked wanting to distract her from the package
“I just came to think for a while,Hey give me back my package “She said
“What is in it?”I asked wanting to confirm if she had opened it
“I don’t know,I just want to check “She replied
“You don’t ha…….”I couldn’t finish my sentence because her phone rang and she starred at me
“It’s mom”She said as she walked off forgetting about the package
As soon as she left,I went to my study and opened the package
There were pictures of little Helen and a letter was attached to it
‘i know you will be the one reading this
You would have found a way to get it
From your wife,This is to prove to you that
I mean it,I won’t rest until you all pay
For what happened to Little Helen’
As soon as I read it finish,I tore the letter and also the picture.
I gave it to a maid to get rid of it and as soon as she left my office
I called him myself this time and on the third ring he picked
“Did you see my package”He asked
“Yes I did “I replied
“What will you do then?”He asked
“Let’s meet face to face,Have had enough of these phone calls,Let’s meet right now “I said
“If that’s what you want,Let’s meet “He said agreeing to my terms.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here