HER LAST WISH Chapter 13

HER LAST WISH Chapter 13
Zeemah Writes
“Why don’t i just tell him every single car in my father’s garage got burnt to ashes”
“Chloe!!!” They all screamed and everyone turned to them worriedly.
Most of the students hissed when they saw it was nothing serious and few grumbled on how worried they were for nothing.
Everyone turned back to their business.
“What?” Chloe asked, rolling her eyes.
“I thought you would come up with something better but what was that?” Christy asked.
“Isn’t it a good decision?” Chloe asked.
“It isn’t” Mira and Sabrina said.
“Well..that was the best i could come up with” Chloe said.
“That is a big NO for me” Christy said.
“Yeah” Sabrina and Mira agreed.
“What do i do then? I really want him to be mine” Chloe said.
“We’ll come up with something okay?” Miranda assured.
“What do you plan to come up with? If Dan doesn’t feel attracted to Chloe, he can’t be forced to” Christy stated.
“Just shut up” Miranda sent her a look “he might be attracted to her but just doesn’t know how to approach her”
“It doesn’t look so…” Christy was saying when Sabrina cut in.
“I agree with Miranda, Dan might not know how to approach Chloe.”
“He doesn’t look like the sort of guy that won’t be bold enough to express his feelings” Christy said, being the only one among them who doesn’t really like deceiving Chloe.
“He doesn’t look that way doesn’t mean he isn’t that way, when it comes to feelings,most people are timid. Chloe do not listen to Christy,she’s bad vibes” Miranda said.
“Obviously” Chloe shrugged, sending Christy a pointed look.
Christy sighed automatically zipping her lips.
“I so much hate this teacher” Sabrina groaned as a teacher walked in.
“It’s so great to have you join us for lunch” Jessie smiled at Dan who smiled back.
They were all sitting round a table in the cafeteria, including Layla who Jessie wished hadn’t joined them.
“Oh look, everyone is staring at our table” Jessie giggled, excited she’s getting what she wanted.
The attention of everyone.
“Why are they all staring at our table?” Dan asked, looking puzzled.
“That’s because you are sitting with us!” Kate said.
“I.. i don’t understand,how does that relate with the stares?” Dan asked.
“They probably couldn’t believe you would sit with us” Kate said.
“Why?” Dan asked.
“Seniors sitting with Juniors during lunch break isn’t so regular here and not when the senior in question is the school idol” Jessie said, smiling in a flirting manner.
“Oh please,I’m not the school idol. I’m just Dan” He said biting his burger.
Jessie blinked and swallowed, she had thought Dan would be impressed with being called the school idol but obviously he doesn’t want to be called that.
She bit her lips thoughtfully thinking of a better thing to call him that would impress him and make him see her as a potential lover.
“Sarah,i haven’t seen you in the house for a while now.” Dan said.
“Yeah,i don’t live close anymore. I stay with my aunt now” Sarah said.
“Oh..” Dan said.
“I actually stay close” Jessie said.
“I do too” Kate smiled.
“Sarah! Kate! Your houses are even farther than Sarah’s aunt’s” Anne said.
“Oh really?” Kate said, tucking her hair behind her ear with an embarrassed smile.
Sarah groaned and shook her head, knowing what Jessie and Kate are up to.
Jessie resumed her thought of impressing Dan..
He’s so cute and sitting so close to him is almost making her melt.
“So, I think we haven’t done a proper introduction. I want to know my sister’s friends better, except Sarah though” Dan smiled.
“Of course” Sarah chuckled.
“I’m Kate Miles and it’s so nice to finally meet you” Kate smiled.
“Oh, Kate. It’s so nice to get to know you too. I love your hair though. It looks beautiful” Dan said, admiring Kate’s long curly hair.
“Really? Thank you” Kate said, restraining herself from showing her excitement.
God knows she’s gonna start flaunting her hair more now.
They all turned to Jessie,it was her turn to introduce herself but she seemed to be lost in thought.
She didn’t even notice the pairs of eyes on her.
“Oh wow, it’s so unusual of Jessie to be this quiet” Anne said.
“Jessie” Sarah stirred her and she looked really embarrassed to have been caught lost in thought.
“I was actually thinking of how to go about the school work we were given earlier today, y’all know how much i hate failing. I love studying a lot” Jessie said, hoping that would impress Dan.
“What!” Anne and co exclaimed,if there’s anyone among them who hates studying the most,then it’s Jessie! . Jessie would rather lazy around than study! They wonder where this was coming from.
“Anyway,it’s your turn to introduce yourself to Dan” Sarah said.
“Really?” Jessie’s face lit up.
“I’m Jessie Shaw,a very nice girl to the core,my hobby is studying. It’s so nice to meet you Dan,i really hope we maintain a close relationship” Jessie smiled, stretching her hand for a handshake.
Her friends stared at her in astonishment, Sarah’s mouth was even slightly opened.
“It’s great to meet you too Jessie” Dan smiled as he accepted the handshake.
Jessie reluctantly pulled her hand from his after a long awkwardness.
“I know y’all already know Layla but im gonna introduce her anyway. This is Layla Moremi Williams,a special friend of mine” Dan smiled.
“Hi Sarah, Kate, Jessie” Layla said.
“Hiii Layla” Kate and Sarah said.
“Hey” Jessie said.
“Nice sitting with y’all for lunch, Layla and i would have to return to leave now” Dan said.
“Why? Lunch break isn’t over” Anne said.
“Yeah,we planned to go to the library after having lunch” Dan said.
“Oh” Anne nodded.
“Nice having you guys with us” Sarah smiled.
“Yeah” Kate said.
“I hope you sit with us some other time Dan” Jessie said.
“Sure” Dan said and waved before walking away with Layla.
“Jessie! You were so obvious” Sarah said.
“Really?” Jessie asked.
“Of course,even a blind would know you like Dan. C’mon” Kate said.
“Gosh, i couldn’t control my feelings” Jessie sighed.
“Does that mean he noticed I’m into him?” Jessie asked.
“He should,it was so clear” Sarah rolled her eyes.
“Great then,it’ll make everything easier” Jessie smiled.
“I would advise you to stop whatever feelings you’re having for Dan, he won’t even think about you in that direction” Anne said, sipping her juice.
” Why? Am i not pretty enough?” Jessie asked with a frown.
“It’s not about being pretty,he doesn’t even go for looks. I’m not sure he would want to get into any romantic relationship for now because he just got out of one, ‘heartbroken’. The thing is Dan won’t even consider dating you,the fact that you’re my age is a huge turn off,he’s gonna feel like he’s taking advantage of your young mind, so you should erase whatever crush or feelings you’re having for him so it won’t grow into something you won’t be able to control” Anne said and they were surprised when Jessie bursted into tears.
“Hi Phil” Layla greeted as she walked into the living room.
She hadn’t expected to meet Phil at home,not even looking like she’s ready to step out of the house.
“Hey Layla” Phil said.
“Aren’t you going to the cafe?” Layla asked.
“Because it’s my Cafe. And i can choose not to go whenever i don’t feel like” Philia said.
“Oh, right” Layla said.
“I’m going to go freshen up” Layla said, starting to walk towards the direction of her room when she remembered about the allowance.
“Phil,you gave me extra dollar notes this morning,so i guessed you miscounted it. here is it” Layla said, handing Phil the extra money.
“No,i didn’t miscount it. I’ve decided to increase your allowance” Phil said and Layla stared at her in surprise.
“And don’t ask me why, i just decided to” Phil quickly added,not ready for questions.
“Really? You decided to increase my allowance? Why?… I mean..” Layla sighed, trailing off.
Philia did not just increase her allowance with a little amount but with a huge one.
“I just told you not to ask questions, go freshen up and join Aria in the cafe” Phil said.
“Okay Phil, thanks so much” Layla said.
“But..” Layla paused. “If you’re being nice to me because of a particular reason,then you should stop”
“Would you go freshen up and join Aria already!” Phil raised her voice and Layla hurried to her room.
“Aria” Layla called, smiling in greeting.
“Hey! Layla, how was school?” Aria asked, glad Layla is here.
“Great” Layla said, washing her hands.
“And how’s Dan and co?”
“They’re fine, though I’ve not been in contact with Felia and Rylan since we last met here but we do exchange greetings through Dan. He’s our middleman” Layla chuckled, putting on her apron.
“Don’t you think you should get a phone? I know you’re saving up,so you definitely have the money to and if probably the money is not enough. I can help” Aria said.
“No,the money with me is more than enough to get myself a phone” Layla said.
“Then what’s stopping you?” Aria asked and Layla shrugged.
“I would get one soon” Layla said, hoping she keeps to her own words.
“I hope you do” Aria said and Layla nodded.
She started attending to customers while Aria prepared the orders.
“Isn’t Philia coming?” Aria asked when Layla returned from taking a customer’s order.
“I don’t think so” Layla said.
“Oh..look who we have here” Aria smiled.
“Felia!” Layla smiled.
Thanks for reading

{ His Human Mate }
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
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{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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March 25, 2021 at 11:17 am
Awaiting the next chapters o
April 2, 2021 at 3:12 pm
this story is hot ooo pls next chapter