
(Miss Perfect
By: Faith Lucky
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Valerie could hardly stay still in the room. As soon as Jericho had left, she kept hearing voices from afar – the voice of a woman screaming.
What was going on? She thought.
Something in her guts told her to go on and check, but one part of her mind reminded her that she wouldn’t wanna get caught up in such mess. So, she just let it be and tried gathering up her things so she could leave the room.
She couldn’t stay there any longer.
These boys…. they were just too dangerous for her liking – extremely dangerous and she shouldn’t be found around them.
The woman had kept screaming and Valerie couldn’t help but wonder what could’ve possibly happened to her. Did they kill her??
Oh! It was possible. She’s seen them do a lot of terrible things! What else could be impossible for them huh??
It didn’t matter anymore -the spots on her face as she was so ready to let it go already. Yes. It was better she had a spoty face than to lose her life trying to get it back. So, she was done.
She arranged her dress, took her bag and hurried out of the room and getting out to the sittng room, she found Klaus over there.
“Hey”‘ he beamed as soon as he saw her.
He was serving himself a drink.
“Wow! Now, you looking so pretty” he complimented but Valerie couldn’t understand what he was referring to.
“I um… I need my car keys. Could you help me ask Jericho where I could get them please?” She asked anxiously.
“Oh! You sure you came with a car?” Ethan asked with a furrowed brow.
“Yes! I mean….one of my cars had been stuck here. Please, just ask him to hand me the car keys”. She blinked hard and tiredly and Klaus drank from his glass.
“Okay darling” he shrugged and left away.
Valerie took in several deep breaths, trying to calm herself down as she waited for him to return with the keys. Oh please! She really hoped Jericho would have them with him.
But…. what if he decides to get them himself, huh? Oh God!! What if he decides to bring the keys himself??
Goodness! Please, she really didn’t want to see him. Something in her mind kept telling her they must’ve killed that woman – whoever she was.
Shortly, she heard footsteps and three to see it was Klaus and oh! He had the car keys with him.
Hold on; Jericho really didn’t bring the keys himself?
“Here you go” Klaus said as he handed the keys to her, wondering why she seemed a little reluctant.
“Um… Thank you” she mumbled and after a little reluctance, scurried out of the house.
As soon as she parked her car in front of the house,her mother came running out immediately.
“My God! Valerie! Are you okay? Your line has been switched off!” Mrs Houston squealed as she ran to hug her, making Valerie think about her phone. Shouldn’t it be in her bag?
“I’m so sorry, mum. But I’m fine now. I…”
“Your face..!” Mrs Houston gasped, taking a surprised look at it.
“Who treated them Valerie? The spots are gone”
Valerie arched a surprised brow and touched her face. What??? The spots were really gone! How come she didn’t notice???
“Jericho” she mumbled the name as she stated down at the floor.
He must have done it while she was still asleep or something. No wonder he asked her to leave. It was obviously because he had taken care of the spots and had returned her freedom.
Oh! She had no idea else, she’d have thanked him before leaving.
“Honey, are you alright?” Mrs Houston asked with concern, not liking the look on her face.
“I’m… I’m fine,mum. It’s just…”
“Valerie!” She heard her name and craned her neck to see Sally coming out of the house.
Oh! She was there?
“Finally, the Queen is home. I told you she’ll be back, Mrs Houston” Sally beamed as she got closer to them.
She was putting on an extremely short dress.
“Yeah. Come on, now. Let’s go in…”
“Are you sure doing that to Hapitha was the right thing to do?” Klaus asked as they all sat at the balcony, chilling with some drinks.
Except…. Jericho only held a drink in his hand but wasn’t drinking from it.
“Of course, Klaus. Those were father’s instructions” Ethan replied and Klaus just confirmed with a nod.
“Urgh! I really can’t wait to get back home. Damn! I’ve missed mother, father and the hot pretty ladies over there” he bit his bottom lip and smiled.
“We’re not leaving tomorrow” Jericho suddenly said and tbe four eyes pierced at him.
“What? Why?” Klaus scoffed.
“I have some unfinished business to take care of”.
“Jericho, you can’t possibly be serious. We’re done here and need to leave” Ethan almost yelled.
“Then, you can leave without me” he answered and stood up, knowing that would be impossible.
“We leave a day after tomorrow” he stated unruffledly and stood up, going into the house.
Klaus chuckled as he shook his head and drank from his glass. Somehow, he knew what was going on.
Jericho returned shortly with his car keys, he walked pass them and went straight to the garage where he picked one of his cars and drove out of the mansion.
Valerie was in her room with Sally, telling her all about her experience with the B-Boys when a knock came on the door and intrrupted them.
“Who’s it?” She asked with a sigh and Sally was surprised because the Valerie she knew would’ve rolled her eyes or something.
The door opened gently and a maid walked in.
“Good evening ma’am, and sorry to interrupt, but there’s a guy out there, requesting to see you. He said his name is Jericho”.the maid reported politely.
Jericho? Valerie thought, alarmed. Why was he looking for her? At that time? It was so dark already.
“I don’t think you should go, Val” Sally quickly said. “What if he brings the spots back on?”
Valerie glanced at her and took her eyes to the floor, trying to give it a thought.
What if she was right? Well… what if she wasn’t?
“I’ll just check it out” She finally mumbled and stood up from the bed, then followed the maid out of the room.
She had so many questions playing through her mind as she followed the maid out towards the gate. Why was Jericho there huh? Maybe…to say goodbye? What could be his reasons?
Walking out of the gate, she found him standing beside his car.
His hands were crossed below his chest, Making his muscles more visible in the black T-shirt he was putting on.
Valerie exhaled deeply and moved closer to her and when he turned to look at her, she felt a skip in her heartbeat.
“H-hi” her voice cracked a little.
She tried not to lean on the car.
“Hey” Jericho answered calmly and turned properly to face her, releasing his folded hands.
“How you doing?”
“I’m fine” she mumbled, her gaze on the floor.
She couldn’t tell why she was feeling so forced to act that way towards him. It was more like… she was feeling scared of him o something.
For almost a minute, there was silence.
“I’ll be leaving a day after tomorrow” he finally said and Valerie found herself staring up at him.
What? That was going to be her birthday!
“Oh…” Was all she could mumble as she took her gaze right back to the floor.
“So… I was wondering, if you’d want to give me one more treat before I leave? You know…spend the whole of tomorrow with me” Jericho said and she scoffed.
“I can’t do that. I mean… I’ll be making preparations for my party” she blinked rapidly
“You don’t need to be available for the preparations, Valerie – you and I know that” Jericho said with a smirk and she knew she was bursted.
But goodness! Another date with him?
“The last time I had a date with you, I…”
“It won’t happen again. I promise” he said with his right hand up in the air and Valerie almost laughed.
“Fine, then” she shrugged. “You can…come pick me up when you’re ready”.
“Perfect. See you tomorrow, then” he turned towards his car to leave.
“Jericho” she called and he stopped to look at her.
“I just wanted to um… thank you for taking the spots off my face” her cheeks were almost growing red.
“Oh. You welcome” he said with a heart-melting wink and walked into the car.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here