
(Miss Perfect
By: Faith Lucky
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Valerie didn’t realize there was a smile glued to her face as she walked into the house and met her mother in the sitting room.
“Hmm. And look who’s smiling” Mrs Houston said as she stood in front of her, blocking her way.
“Who the hell is that guy Valerie? He kinda looks so hot, you know?” She winked at her and Valerie gasped.
“Mum! He’s no one okay?” She rolled her eyes.
“Oh, really? You sure about that?”
“Of course, mum. He’s… Maybe, he’s a friend” she smiled and walked away, taking the stairs.
Next Morning,
Valerie tunred sleepily on the bed and yawned.
“Happy birthday in advance, baby” she heard that sweet voice and opened her eyes to see her mum sitting on the edge of the bed in front of her.
Oh… obviously, she was the one who’d woken her up
“Mum…” She called sleepily and sat up. “Good morning”.
“Good morning, darling. How’re you feeling?”
“I’m…fine” Valerie took her hand to her face.
It wasn’t a dream at all. The spots were really off her face. Oh, Jericho…
“We have a lot to do today, Valerie. The party’s tomorrow night and…”
“Mum” Valerie cut her off calmly. “You can um…you can handle things while I’m gone, right?:”
“Gone? What’re you talking about?” Mrs Houston arched a brow.
“No…I mean, I just have somewhere to go to today and won’t be able to stay for the party arrangements. But you can handle everything right? Besides, I already have a dress, the caterer is ready, pressmen, artistes, event planners ..I sure don’t need to be here today”. She enthused, earning a suspicious stare from her mother.
“And if I may ask, where are you going that seems so important?” She asked with her hand on her chin.
“Oh. Don’t think wrongly about this mother, it’s just… it’s just a friend. I mean, there something important we need to do”.
“Mum,come on. It’s no big deal, right? Please… I’ll be back soon” She cut in calmly and Mrs Houston sighed and stood up.
“If you say so, pumpkin. Just make sure you’re careful Okay?”
“Of course, I will”
Mrs Houston planted a kiss on her forehead, then stood up and left.
Knowing Jericho was the type that always wanted his things early, Valerie decided to get ready in time. So, as soon as her mum left, she went into the bathroom, brushed her teeth and took her bag.
As she stood in front of the mirror, applying her body lotion, she suddenly smiled at the reflection of her spotless face.
Gosh!; She couldn’t believe her beauty was back – how she’s missed it, her Perfect face.
You wouldn’t blame her if she choses her words more carefully now because her experience with Jericho had made her understand even a person who’s heavily guarded could still get into trouble.
Recalling the hell she went through getting her beauty back kinda made her scared and realize the mistakes she’s been making the whole time but was too pompous to notice.
Perhaps, we find ourselves in some uncomfortable situations because nature wants us to learn a lesson and realize our mistakes.
She found something classy to wear and applied some Make up afterwards. Now, she could be so bold to apply make up and look like the beautiful Valerie everyone knew her as.
She smiled to herself, loving the reflection she saw in the mirror.
She left the room and went for the kitchen to fix herself some breakfast and while she was sipping her tea, a maid walked in.
“Ma’am, there’s a guy out there, waiting to see you” the lady said politely and Valerie didn’t need a soothsayer to tell her it was Jericho.
“Alright” she muttered to the maid who turned around and left the kitchen.
Then she gulped down the rest of the tea before leaving the kitchen and returning to her room.
As she stood in front of the mirror with her bag, ready to leave, she scrutinized her look and wondered if she was looking pretty enough
Hold on…Why should she even be concerned about that? It’s just Jericho and she doesn’t need to worry about impressing him or anything.
Suddenly, just when she was about turning away, a memory flashed into her head; something Jericho had earlier said to her:
“Before the end of the week, you’ll definitely have sêx with me”.
She shook her head and forced herself to wave it off. Oh,come on Valerie!
She exhaled deeply and finally left the room.
Getting out to where his car was parked, she found another car pulling over, right beside his.
The car looked really familiar.
Hold on…Lincoln?
She stopped walking as she watched in Surprise, wondering if she was prolly mistaking him or something. But when tbe front door opened and the driver stepped out, she discovered it was really him and there was no mistake
Jericho was still seated in his car.
“Lincoln?” She called as she moved closer to him. “What’re you doing here?”
“Hey Valerie…”
“Don’t call my name. What’re you doing here? Did you forget something?” She snapped and he sighed with his hand on his forehead.
“Look Valerie, I know you’re pretty mad at me, but I just want us to talk”
“Talk?” Valerie cut him off with a scoff. “Talk about what, Lincoln? Talk about the fact that your new girlfriend is sitting there at the hospital, bald-headed? Or talk about the fact that you’re surprised that my beauty is back?”
“Valerie please…”
“Whatever you have to say Lincoln, bury it inside of you cause I’m not interested. Now, if you wouldn’t mind, I need to be somewhere important”. She tried walking away but he held her back by the arm.
“What is wrong with you? Will you let me go?” She rasped and just then, Jericho’s front door opened and he stepped out.
“Hey blondie” he called, leaning on the opened door.
“Is there a problem?”
Somebody should better advice Lincoln

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here