
(Miss Perfect
By: Faith Lucky
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When Valerie was done having breakfast with her parents, she returned to her room immediately and got ready for her appointment.
She took her bath, primped herself up and by the time she was done, she was looking like the perfect beautiful Valerie she loved.
She smiled at her reflection in the mirror, wore her specs, took her designers bag and walked out of the room.
Her phone beeped on her way down the stairs.
“Yes, Gloria. I’ll be there in less than 15 minutes” she spoke calmly on the phone as she glanced at her wrist watch.
“Of course! Don’t worry about it; I’ve got it all covered.
“Alright. Bye”
Suddenly, she missed a step and nearly fell, but was quick enough to support herself with the wall.
“Oh God…” She groaned painfully, her hand touching her forehead.
The dizziness… wen would this stop??
She hated the fact that she had to feel so weak almost all the time. She needed herself back; needed to be the strong active Valerie she knew. So, why this illness?
Obviously her dad was right. She needed to run a test and know what exactly was wrong with her. Yes. That was just the best plan.
She took in a deep breath and slowly, managed to move away from the wall and continue walking. Thank Goodness her mother wasn’t in the sitting room else, she’d have worried herself to death and wouldn’t let her leave the house.
She walked out of the house and surprisingly, found Lincoln standing right there, beside the door.
“Lincoln??” She scoffed as she took off her specs, trying to have a proper look at him.
“What the hell are you doing here??”
How many times do I have to tell you before you listen? Stay away from me, Lincoln”.
“Come on, Valerie. Just take in a deep breath” Lincoln sighed and took a step closer to her
“How was your night?”he asked calmly.
“My night is none of your business, Lincoln. But it was fine, anyway”. She answered quickly and crossed her hands below her chest.
Then, silence descended as Lincoln sought for words to use.
“Please Valerie, it’s been 2 Months already. What’s do I have to do to earn your forgiveness? He asked.
“I still love you so much and want us to get back together, Val. What else do I have to do?”
Valerie scoffed and tyxed her hair behind her ear.
“Unfortunately Lincoln, there’s nothing you or anyone can do to earn my forgiveness. Fine; you were lied to by Sally, you were deceived, but it still doesn’t change the fact that you’d flipped to Ivy in less than 3 days like she’s always been on your mind”.
She paused and sighed.
“You’re a nice person, Lincoln – perhaps. But sorry, I can’t get back to you; never again”.
And with that, she walked away, ignoring his calls and pleas.
She got into a car, took in a deep breath and drove out of the compound.
The nerves of that boy to try to ruin her mood. Geez! Doesn’t he learn??
For the past two months, he’s been trying so hard to get her back; he keeps sending her flowers, gifts, offering dinners, but she’s no longer interested and will never be.
Her phone beeped and taking a peep, she discovered it was her hair stylist.
Oh… geez!
“Hi Kim” she called dolefully, her right hand still controlling the sterling.
“Good morning ma’am. You asked for a hair do right? Should I still come over?” Kim beamed.
“Um… I should’ve called you earlier, Kim. I’m sorry, but I don’t think we can do that today anymore. Let’s say… tomorrow huh? I’ll give you a call”.
“Okay Ma’am. What colors did you say you needed again?” She asked, but Valerie’s mind had already drifted away as she saw something shocking from the window.
Whaaaat???? Hapitha???
Her heart skipped a bit and her brows furrowed as she found the old woman sitting in front of a grocery store, on the floor and seemed to be a beggar. What the heck??? She was still alive???
But Jericho…she thought he’d killed her or something? Oh…So, they’d set her free?
“Ma’am? Are you there? Ma’am?” The repeated voice broke into her thoughts and Valerie shrugged back to reality, especially when she’d driven pass the woman.
“I’m… I’m here, Kim. Um…you can just come with the pink” she blinked hard and dropped the call.
Goodness! Hapitha was still alive and in the city??
#Next Morning
Valerie sat with her mum in the doctor’s office, awaiting the results.
They’d just ran the tests and were waiting for the results like he’d requested.
Well, Valerie wasn’t feeling nervous at all as all she wanted was to know the name of her ailment and get it treated as soon as possible.
“You’ll be fine honey. Okay?” Her mother cooed and touched her palm and she just simply nodded.
Few minutes later and the doctor walked in, holding an envelope with him.
“Hope I didn’t keep you waiting?” He asked as he took his seat.
“Oh! Of course, not doctor. It’s fine” Mrs Houston’s reply came with a chuckle.
He cleared his throat a bit and adjusted his stethoscope before proceeding.
“The results are ready, ma’am. And from the looks of it, you’re pregnant”.he released the bombshell.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here