
(Miss Perfect
By: Faith Lucky
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Valerie and the woman continued running until they were far enough and sure they weren’t being followed anymore
Valerie was breathing heavily, her heart beating so hard and as soon as she stopped running with the woman, she turned away and threw up.
“Hey, are you alright?” The woman ran to her and asked with deep concern, helping her up.
“I’m fine. I’m fine” replied Valerie in deep breaths.
Her chest was rising and falling so heavily, she sweated profusely and her waist hurt terribly due to the unusual race she’d undertaken some seconds ago. She felt like she was going to pass out any moment from then.
The woman noticed how tensed up she looked and looked around to see if she could find a place for her to seat, but she couldn’t as the entire place was covered with grasses.
“Young lady”, she called, looking back at Valerie.
“Who are you? And where do you come from?”
Valerie panicked instantly, if the woman was smart enough, she’d have noticed her hands shake at that instance.
Oh God! What does she do? She really needed some help here. And with the look of things, the woman looked like a nice person.
“Was that boy telling the truth?” She further asked.
“Are you… really not from this place?”
Valerie’s eyes dimmed. God! She was getting into more trouble.
“Talk to me. Where are you from?”
“I’m… he was lying” Valerie finally replied, but herself, she could notice she was lying.
The woman looked at her with scrutiny, then moved closer to her and stared deeply into her eyes.
“You’re from earth” she muttered, making Valerie’s heart skip.
How the hell did she know??
“You’re from earth!” She said again, this time around,in a gasp.
She paused and looked around,to be sure no one was watching. Then, turned back to look at Valerie.
“What’re you doing here? Don’t you know it’s so dangerous?? If anyone discovers you’re not from here, you’re getting killed Immediately!” She queried and timid Valerie just lowered her gaze to the floor.
God! She was so hungry and thirsty.
“I’m…. I’m not from earth” she tried to lie, but it wasn’t strong enough.
“Oh! Tell me what I don’t know” the woman rolled her eyes. “I know for sure, it’s so obvious even from your clothes”.
She paused and looked around again.
“You should come with me. It’s not safe out here. Come on”.
She held Valerie’s hand and ran away with her.
They walked for a long time, Valerie’s waist was hurting so terribly and felt kind of scared as they only kept going through bushes the whole time.
She was about questioning the woman to know if they were safe, when she finally spotted a small house in front of them.
“We’re home now” the woman answered the disturbing thoughts in her mind
Valerie who had been extremely tired, heaved a huge sigh of relief as she finally found “home”. At least, she had some shelter already.
Getting to the door, the woman brought out a key from her dress and opened the creaky door.
“Come in” she said to Valerie who quietly followed.
They got into the not – so – good looking house and Immediately, Valerie found a place to sit as her waist was hurting a lot. God! She could hardly breathe anymore.
“Please,get me some water” she forced herself to say, her heart beating so fast.
The woman didn’t hesitate a bit as she quickly rushed to get her the water and in less than a minute, she returned with a wooden cup of water.
Instantly, Valerie collected it from her and gulped every single drop, amusing the woman. She was really thirsty.
“Thank you” she finally uttered after the drink and handed the cup back to the woman.
“Um….do you need more?” The woman asked
“No, no. I’m fine now. Thank you”
She placed her hand on her chest, trying to get rid of the sick feeling she was getting tha was making her feel like she was going to throw up any moment from now.
The woman left and returned shortly with a napkin.
“What’re you doing here, dear? What’s your name? And why did you take such risk to come over to Atlancia?” The woman asked but Valerie didn’t reply as she stared away, feeling so uncomfortable at the question.
“Dear” , the woman sighed. “you really need to talk to me because that’s the only way I can help you. Else, I can’t shelter a total stranger in my house. If someone else sees you out there, they’ll definitely have you killed, just like the boy who tied you up and almost ràped you. It’s a written law dear, and right now, I can be severally punished if I’m being caught housing you at the moment. So, I need details please. Who are you?”
Valerie looked at her and could see the sincerity in her eyes. Maybe she really needed to open up to her.
“I …” She paused and sighed.
“My name is Valerie. And you’re right; I’m not from Atlancia, but a planet called Earth”.
“I knew it” The woman smiled. “I knew you were from earth. So, why did you come here dear? Who’re you looking for?”
Valerie was really uncomfortable with that question. But still, if she wanted to see Jericho, she needed to get help from someone.
“I’m…. I’m here to see Jericho” she replied and the woman’s eyes dimmed
“You mean prince Jericho?” She asked in surprise and Valerie only nodded
“Oh, my…why are you looking for him dear? Why would you come all the way here just to see the prince? Have you met him before?”
Valerie didn’t reply to that and smartly, the woman was able to fix the puzzle.
“Tell me I’m mistaken” she gasped. “You met the Prince during his mission on earth, and somehow…. you want to see him again”.
She searched Valerie’s eyes for answers and got what she needed from her silence.
“By the saviors! I’m correct!” She gasped again.
“Oh dear, are you sure that’s a great idea? It’s too risky. And…. I don’t know how Prince Jericho acted on earth, but over here, he’s different; entirely different – you might be so shocked when you see him”.
Valerie’s brows furrowed in Surprise. What’s she talking about?
“I .. I don’t understand” she shook her head. “How’s he different?”
The woman sighed and turned around to face a table which she wiped it with a napkin.
“I work in the palace” she Said. “As a cleaner. And today, I’ll be going to get some dirty clothes for washing. If you want, I could take you with me so you could see for yourself”.
Valerie was already panicking.
“But … wouldn’t I be seen as someone from a different planet?” She asked.
“No. Not if I give you our kind of dresses”. The woman shook her head and watched Valerie sniff
“Then….then, I’ll go with you. Of course, I’ll go with you”: she answered.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here