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“I love you… I love you so much, it’s all i ever wanted to tell you Alberto”
“Graciela you have no idea how long I’ve yearned to hear those words escape your lips, you are the only woman my heart has ever reached for… I love you”
Calista blinked rapidly at the huge screen in front of her eyes, she clearly couldn’t take her eyes off the two opposite sex kissing.
“Tch…” she scoffed, and breathed out a sigh of relief when “The End” appeared in front of the screen.
What in the world did she just watch.
“So how did you enjoy the movie?” Calista’s friend Mika asked, moving her short blonde hair to the side as they walked outside the movie theater.
“It was Oka-
“It was horrible” Ray, Calista’s other friend chipped in.
“What?” Mika blinked in astonishment. “This is literally my favorite movie, I took my two best friends to the cinema to see my favorite movie as a nice gesture, and all I get is how wack the movie is? that’s harsh Ray”.
“The truth is harsh.” Ray shrugged.
“Look, let’s just head home, it’s freezing out here and I need me some rest” Calista sighed clutching her purse to her body.
“You okay?” Ray asked.
“I’m fine, just feeling a little pressed from the movie, no offense Mika” Calista shook her head with a weak smile.
Mika sighed “None taken. But it was a beautiful love story”.
“Beautiful my ass” Ray scoffed.
“I mean Ray is right, beautiful our asses, because that isn’t a love story, you can’t just fall in love with someone while bumping into them for the first time.”. Calista explained.
“it’s called love at first sight.” Mika huffed.
“That’s not a perfect love story Mika” Ray shook his head, his height towering both of the ladies.
“Exactly, love doesn’t work that way”. Calista chimed in.
“And what do you know about love, you haven’t loved or been in a relationship all your life and you’re what? Twenty four. Classic” Mika laughed.
“Okay, and we’re done here” Calista shook her head about to walk away when Mika pulled her back.
“I was just joking, I mean you haven’t been in a relationship before but don’t take that the wrong way. There’s something called love at first sight.”
“it’s just in movies it’s not real, take your time to know someone before falling into so called love, and even the word love sounds childish. Now for the billion dollar question, do any of you have any cigarettes.?” Calista bit her bottom lip as she waited for an answer.
But instead she got a gasp from Mika.
“So you’re saying Adrian and I are childish?”
Calista blinked rapidly. “Uhm no way, you and your fiance are perfect and in love, I just don’t see myself in that shoe, I mean I do want to fall in love but, I am a twenty four year old grade one teacher who lives in a single bedroom home that looks more like an attic than a home, I think love is an overstatement for my situation.”
“How you downgrade yourself.” Ray sighed.
“Whatever, now do you have any cigarettes… This is the second time I’ll be asking” Calista sighed.
“Sorry I don’t go around carrying cigerattes, I mean not anymore.” Mika shrugged.
Calista rolled her eyes. “No kidding, ever since you got engaged to pretty boy Adrian you quit a lot of things.”
“It’s a good thing, look I’m trying to be the perfect lady for him.” Mika beamed.
“And why can’t he be the perfect one instead.”
“Because he is already perfect.” Mika mouthed.
“No lie about that.” Ray scoffed. “Perfect with a bit of mysophobia disorder”
“Adrian does not have mysophobia” Mika defended.
“You wouldn’t want to step on his fancy shoes by accident then.” Ray shook his head.
“He would murder you” Calista added and she and Ray shared a heart warming laugh.
Suddenly receiving a text message, Mika looked down at her phone before bringing her head up to glare at her friends.
“it’s Adrian. I have to go.”
“Of course you have to.” Calista rolled her eyes.
“Anyways, this wasn’t the evening I expected for the three of us, but sure, enjoy the rest of your Saturday” Mika said, and with a forced smile she walked away.
“She’s mad.” Ray laughed.
“Yeah. Maybe we shouldn’t have called Adrian mysophobic”.
“But he is.” Ray rubbed his curly hair.
Calista lets out a smile before saying, “Anyways. I better head home.”
“Same here… Mind if I walk you home?” Ray asked expecting a no.
“It’s okay,” Calista breathed out, just like he had expect.
“I expected that, anyways I’ll see you tomorrow… Oh wait I’m busy, I’ll see you on Monday, oh shit you’re busy. I’ll see you any day nature agrees that we can see” Ray pursed his lips together, causing Calista to laugh.
“Just go home Ray, I’ll reach out to you”.
“That would be great, good night then.” And with a small flash of his perfect teeth, Ray walked away.
Calista breathed out a sigh of relief as she watched him go, how she used to be in love with Ray, she had known Ray through Mika seven years ago, when Mika introduced him to her as her friend from camp, she was just eighteen and he was just perfect to her.
Her unrequited love for Ray lasted for three years and she only shared the secret with best friend Mika, whom she had known all her life, and Mika did a pretty good job keeping it from Ray.
The three of them had clicked so much over the years, and Calista had gotten too comfortable with Ray to the extent that she felt the one sided love she had for him slowly drifting away, and she was glad.
Trying to walk ahead of herself in the freezing weather, Calista heard her heels crack and silently praying it was not what she was thinking. She breathed out a devastating sigh when she saw the pointy heel has been separated from the shoe.
“I could have worn sneakers.” she sighed.
Calista slowly reached for her broken shoe and pulled it off her feet,
shrieking due to the cold ground, she cussed multiple times and after getting a hold of her tongue, she started to walk home with her one leg barefoot and the other covered in a three Inches heel.
She couldn’t care less about the eyes she started to recieve from passers by, she just had to get home.
T. B. C

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here