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The next morning, Calista opened her eyes immediately the alarm she had set last night went off, and she started to panic silently.
Yes she was ready for the job interview for Anees, but she had also met a random person on the road who had claimed to be someone important for Anees and who had offer her his card, telling her to come for an interview without telling her the actual time to show up, and what if he was lying to get away with what he did.
Anxiety was creeping its way through Calista’s mind and something randomly told her her to stay home, just as she was giving it to whatever was absorbing her mind, she shook her head and sprung into the shower.
Of course she didn’t know what time the interview started, going a little early won’t hurt the process.
Getting dressed in one of the most successful looking outfit in her closet, a pencil skirt, a white T-shirt and a matching blazer that went with the skirt.
After pulling her hair into a ponytail, she slipped on a pair of black shoes, grabbed her folder containing her resume and other stuff she had prepared for the day.
Calista boded a taxi to her destination and while inside the taxi, she silently prayed to get a hold of the job, or even pass the interview.
Getting to Anees, the big building meeting Calista’s eyes caused her jaw to drop, she could stand and stare all day but wouldn’t want to act foolish.
Walking into the huge building, the security guard standing in front of the exit door, flashed her a smile as she tried to push the heavy glass door open instead of pulling it open.
“It goes the other way ma’am, you pull it open.” the security guard smiled.
“Ah right, thank you” Calista smiled, hiding how embarrassed she was.
“Have a great day” The security guard added as she walked in.
Stepping into Anees was more confusing for Calista, the inside was spacious and everything glistened as it was made out of glass, looking at your feet you could almost see your reflection on the floor.
“Damn!” Calista mumbled under her breath as she looked around not knowing where to turn to. There was an escalator on her left and the elevator and the stairs on her left.
Where in the world she should turn to.
As she stood like a lost city girl, watching as men and women passed by looking all busy, someone suddenly bumped into her.
“I’m so sorry” The lady who had suddenly bumped into Calista apologized.
Calista turned to look at her. “It’s okay” she sighed.
“Sorry, this little device distracted me from seeing you” The lady sighed waving her phone in the air. “Anyways, I’ll keep going now”.
“Wait!” Calista called her back as she tried to walk away.
“Hmm?” The lady turned.
Calista cleared her throat. “So I’m here for the interview and I was wondering if you can tell me where…
“Oh the interview?” The lady Interrupted.
“Yes please” Calista was glad she asked.
“Well I’m here for the interview as here, and I SD given an information that it is happening on the third floor, we can go there together.” The lady smiled and Calista nodded with a grin.
How lucky she keeps getting, and silently, she hoped the luck would last until her last minute there.
Calista and the lady got to the third floor, and immediately they joined the line waiting in front of an office.
An elderly woman stepped out and complimented them on their early arrival, saying any interviewee who would walk in that door the next minute would be considered late and would be sent back home, as the people who arrived on time had pass the first process of the interview.
And Calista couldn’t help but breathe out a sigh of relief.
They were given tags that contained numbers afterwards and the interview started.
Fidgeting her nails nervously and watching each and everyone of the interviewee walk into the office and then come out with a sad face after the interview frightened Calista.
It was getting to her number and Calista could feel her heart beating, but then she stopped thinking about it, she was smart, if she wasn’t she wouldn’t have gotten a job as a teacher in Hillfeld, ordinary teachers can’t get in a school like that, and she was also almost close to beating her high school valedictorian back then, what could she possibly fail at this interview.
She should be confident in herself.
Speaking about confident, Calista’s body left her soul when her number was called, she knew it was time to unleash the smart dragon inside of her, and try to recall Anees’ history she had read.
Mika was having peach pie that afternoon when she heard the gate bell, with a grin on her face, she jumped to her feet and hurried out to the gate, knowing who it was.
After her interview, Calista had suddenly text her that she was done and would be coming over.
“You’re here.” Mika beamed, as she closed the huge gate behind them.
“Yeah and I’m stressed as ever.” Calista sighed, catching her breath to look at her surroundings.
It was her second time in Adrian’s home, well now it’s Adrian and Mika’s home and it never ceased to amaze her, how it looked too expensive and gives this glassy sparkle.
“How was the interview?” Mika asked as they walked into the house.
“I don’t know to be honest” Calista smiled.
“You don’t know?” Mika scoffed.
“I’ll tell you about it, but first, please I need to change this skirt, it’s making me lose my mind.” Calista whined.
“Okay then sit, I’ll get you my ugliest pair of shorts.” Mika joked, as she watched Calista take a seat on one of the sofa in the living room.
“I bet they’re prettier than my prettiest pair of shorts” Calista added and Mika laughed before walking away to get her best friend something comfortable.
Changing into the pair of shorts Mika brought, Calista breathed out a sigh of relief and laid on the cold floor.
“This is the life.” she breathed out, staring at the small chandelier above her head.
“So how was the interview, do you think you’ll make it?” Mika asked.
“Uhm… Let’s just say it’s a fifty percent chance that I made it and another fifty that I didn’t. Anyways I won’t know, they assured me that if I did make it, an email will be sent to me today or tomorrow.”
“I believe you’ll make it” Mika smiled getting on her feet.
“it’s not about being smart, I think it’s more about how the company wants to use its workers. But I don’t care, I’m ready to be used.” Calista rolled her eyes.
Mika laughed out loud as she walked into the kitchen to grab a medium sized sponge cake.
“Cake?” She asked Calista as she walked into the living room.
“I don’t think I have any appetite now, I’m a bit nervous”
“Well then, more for me. And don’t worry just take in deep breath and have faith, I have faith in you.” Mika smiled nudging her best friend.
“Have faith? Hello, it’s Anees we’re talking about here, owned by Noah Leonhart.” Calista rolled her eyes.
“Oh? Noah? I think Adrian mentioned having a meeting with him today, I think, I don’t know Adrian’s a bit secretive, but I think he did mention Noah.” Mika shrugged.
“Really? I guess your boyfriend’s close to Noah, can you tell him to put in a good word for Me” Calista shrugged.
“Uhm… First of all, my fiance, and no it doesn’t work that way, he doesn’t like Noah much, it’s all business.” Mika added.
“Shit!” Calista mumbled.
“And speaking of fiancé, Adrian said he wants us to get married…” Mika spilled the words and the whole house went quiet.
Calista gawked at her best friend before breathing out a scoff?
“How fascinating that I imagined just exactly this reaction coming from you.” Mika laughed.
“It’s not about my reaction Mika, let’s rewind, Mr pretty boy asked to marry you? Seriously?” Calista asked again to be sure.
“Hmm mmh” Mika nodded, her mouth full.
“That’s too soon.” Calista shook her head.
“Exactly what I said, we just got engaged, why is he in such a rush.” Mika shook her head. “It’s not like I don’t want to get married, it’s just that I don’t want to now, because we just got engaged, he should let our engagement sink in.”
“I’ve said this before and I am going to say it again, Adrian is head over heels for you, that’s why he wants you to be his wife. That’s so sweet” Calista beamed.
“Ugh? Which side are you on?” Mika glared at her.
“Definitely yours.” Calista suddenly rushed her words.
Mika sighed and laid her back the sofa “Anyways, I just don’t know what to do. If he brings up this marriage stuff one more time, then I might have to give in.”
“I’m sure, you can both work this out, want me to talk to him about it?” Calista asked, glancing at her phone for any new email.
“No!” Mika almost yelled. “Adrian is going to flip when he finds out I am telling you this, he hates when something about him gets leaked out”
“Right? I forgot he’s also very reticent, controlling and bossy” Calista blabbed getting an eye roll from Mika.
“Am I wrong?” Calista scoffed. “He’s always like, Mika you can’t wear this, you can’t wear that, don’t go there, don’t eat this, eat that. Hello i would flip if anyone controlled me like that”
Mika smiled. “I know right, he’s kind of hot when he does that.”
“What in the world.” Calista scoffed rolling her eyes, and then checking her phone.
“You’ll get in stop worrying.” Mika grunts, taking the phone from her.
“Let me remind you for the last time that it’s Anees, we’re talking about.” Calista sniffed.
“Onwed by Noah Leonhart, I know that” Mika smiled.
Calista suddenly sat up “Speaking of Noah, I’ve only heard of him and seen him once on my laptop screen online. I don’t think I’ll be able to recognize him, if I do see him in real life.”
T. B. C

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here