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Staring at the wine bottles he just chugged Adrian almost puked but controlled himself.
“I warned you not to play this game you’ll do nothing but lose and the only penalty for losing is drinking, you will be having a lot of alcohol in your veins tonight Adrian.” Mika beamed.
“What in the world. This game is useless, I don’t even understand a single thing, we flip cards and coins and boom I lose?” Adrian complained.
“Look Adrian, it’s hard to explain and don’t take it the hard way, I’ve been losing too and I am the founder of this game” Calista added, her words fumbling, signs that she was already getting intoxicated by the alcoholic whine.
“See, you just have to get lucky.” Mika shrugged. “Just like Ray and I”.
“Yep. Mika and I have good spirits,” Ray beamed and raised his hand for a high five and getting a heavy one from Mika.
Adrian glared at Ray before getting up from the concrete floor.
“I quit” He barked.
“Ah, see pretty boy, that’s the problem.” Ray scoff. “You just don’t quit.”
“What?” Adrian narrowed his eyes at him.
“You can’t just quit unless you’ve lost five times and this is just your third time losing.” Mika stated.
“But the game doesn’t make any sense.” Adrian spat, his accent becoming thicker.
“Still before quitting without meeting the quitting requirement you must chug two bottles of wine.” Ray shrugged.
“What?” Adrian yelled. “Are you trying to kill me?”
“No we’re not trying to kill you but it’s what you have to do.” Calista scoffed.
“I see why this game is dumb, it’s Calista’s idea.” Adrian spat sitting down.
“Call me dumb or whatever you like, you’re still chugging two bottles of wine.” Calista replied and lets out a giggle.
The game finally ended with Calista and Adrian drunk, and Ray and Mika having their victory cake in front of the two.
“I hate you both” Calista mumbled referring to Ray and Mika.
“We love you more.” Mika beamed.
Calista bit her bottom lip and slowly touched her head. “I’m hot” she mumbled, her hand reaching for the hem of her shirt as she tried to pull her shirt over her head when Ray’s eyes landed on her.
“Shit..! Cal what are you doing?” Ray asked, rushing up to her and pull her hand down.
“I’m hot” Calista complained.
“You’re not in your apartment you can’t just take your clothes off.” Ray shook his head.
“But I’m hot.” Calista whimpered.
Mika laughed. “Oh shit, this is golden, she’s drunk. I better get this on camera. She is so going to kill me when she sees it”
Taking out her phone, Ray rolled his eyes at Mika. “Help me here and stop recording”
“Nope. It’s my birthday, I get to do what I want to do.” Mika wiggled.
“What are you twelve?”.
“No but I’m old enough to know that you only get this Calista once in a while and I am not missing this for the world.”
Ray turned back to Calista who seemed eager to rip off her shirt.
“Okay there, it’s time to go home.” Ray sighed getting on his feet and helping Calista up.
“Hey, no fair.” Mika snapped.
“She’s drunk okay, and besides it’s late already.” Ray sighed.
“Fine.” Mika sighed putting her phone away. “I’ll get Adrian to drive yo-.
Mika stopped talking when she realized Adrian is drunk too, she glanced at him to see him quiet at a corner.
She loved how cool headed and amnesiac he becomes when he’s drink.
“I’ll escort you both outside and will book a ride right away” Mika announced, grabbing her phone again.
Ray and Calista walked outside the house to meet the cold night.
“You feel hot now Calista?” Mika joked after shuddering from the cold.
“It’s still hot.” Calista mumbled.
“Oh yeah before we go.” Ray paused. “I know Calista got you that necklace and stuff, but we both bought you another gift.”
“Wait.? Really?” Mika bit her bottom lips trying not to smile so hard.
“Yep it’s around the corner over there” Ray added.
And slowly Mika walked to the other side of the house and lets out a loud gasp when she saw the puppy walking in circles.
“You both got me a Maltese dog?” Mika blinked.
“Surprise” Calista yelled, almost losing balance but luckily Ray held her again.
“This is amazing.” Mika said, and slowly her smile starts to fade.
“What? What’s wrong?” Ray asked. “Why the sudden frown.”
“Adrian doesn’t like dogs, or pets or animals.” Mika sighed.
“But you do.” Ray added.
“I do, but it’s Adrian we’re talking about here, they’re animals and might litter the place and Adrian doesn’t like di-
“Yeah, clearly he’s mysophobic”. Ray interrupted.
“He’s not.” Mika defended.
“Isn’t that the reason he doesn’t want pets or literally any human being that isn’t you.” Ray scoffed.
“Try to understand me here Raymond” Mika sighed.
“No the only thing you need to understand is that Adrian’s dislikes shouldn’t stand in the way of the things you like and the things that makes you happy”.
“Exactly” Calista shipped in, and Mika rolled her eyes at her drunk friend.
“His dislikes isn’t getting in the way of anything, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Mika scoffed.
“You’ve always wanted a Maltese dog, it’s the one thing you’ve always wanted but because Adrian doesn’t want it you can’t have it. Think about it” Ray rolled his eyes.
“I don’t mind. I want a Maltese dog. Fine. But if he doesn’t want it in his home I can’t have it, and I don’t mind not having it” Mika shrugged.
Ray sighed. “Guess I’ll take it back then, happy birthday Mika”
“Thanks.” Mika pursed her lips together.
“Happy birthday Mika.” Calista tried to hug h we friend but ended up almost falling.
“Just Stay still. You’re drunk.” Mika laughed.
“I am not” Calista denied.
“You clearly are, come on, let’s go.” Ray said holding onto Calista and grabbing the dog, before leaving Adrian’s home.
Mika walked back into Adrian’s home which suddenly felt empty without her friends, but a smile suddenly lit up her face after seeing Adrian, sitted alone and also remained quiet.
“Adrian…” she called and walked up to him to sit beside him.
“How are you feeling?” she asked.
“How should I feel?” Adrian retorted.
“Well you drank a lot so that shouldn’t be too good.” Mika shook her head.
“Well I am fine and certainly not drunk.” Adrian said promising.
“Yeah I doubt it” Mika smiled.
“I saw…” Adrian began. “I saw Ray staring at you at one point during the game.”
“Here we go…” Mika mumbled trying not to laugh.
Adrian’s drunk state and words is always making up fake scenarios in his head and saying it happens, and Mika is already used to it.
“You did. He was staring at me?” Mika added.
“Yes, is he in love with you or something? This is why I don’t want him here, he is going to steal you away from me and I don’t want that”.
“Ray is not in love with me Adrian. Grow up.” Mika laughed.
“He is. I can tell. And you two are a lot closer than you’re supposed to and I don’t like that” Adrian added.
“Adrian, I promise he is not in love with me”. Mika smiled.
“And how do you know that?” Adrian turned to look at Mika, who suddenly cupped his face.
“Because he told me he likes someone else.” Mika breathed out.
“He did.?”
“He did, which means he’s not a threat, now stop trying to make Ray the bad guy” Mika beamed.
“But if he’s not in love with you like I thought, then who is he in love with?”.
“Calista…” Ray mumbled “Your key?”
“Right, it’s in my purse” Calista added trying to walk out of Ray’s grip and take out her key, but shamelessly staggard backwards.
“just stay still. I have this under control” Ray sighed grabbing Calista’s purse and pulling out her key.
Stepping into her apartment, Calista breathed out a sigh of relief and fell on her bed immediately she got close.
“Home sweet home” she muffled into her pillow.
“You are so…” Ray sighed, dropping her purse and tying the dog’s leash to the door knob.
Walking towards Calista, Ray placed his hand into his pocket and pulled out a plastic wrap. “Take this tomorrow morning.” He ordered and Calista slowly sat up.
“Why?” she furrowed her brows.
“Because you are going to have one hell of a hangover and this is going to help.” Ray replied.
“Tch. I doubt it” Calista scoffed.
“Just take it anyways. You’ll not doubt it when it happens tomorrow”.
Calista replied quiet before turning to Ray “Sit” she ordered him tapping the bed.
“I’m about to leave, you need to good night rest”. Ray shook head.
“What? The fun’s just starting why do you want to leave so early.” Calista yelled.
“You are worst than your sister when drunk. I’m leaving.” Ray sighed.
“Do not bring Katherine into this.” Calista snapped.
“Okay fine, but you need to rest cal.” Ray was getting tired.
“Fine leave then.” Calista added grumpily.
“It’s not like I don’t want to stay, I’m afraid something might go wrong and the fact that you’re drunk.” Ray snickered.
“I am not drunk, and what’s the worse that could happen.” Calista folded her arms, trying to keep her unsteady body balanced.
Ray stared at her before sitting down and turning to her. “A lot worse” he mumbled.
“Oh really?” Calista laughed. “And do explain what you mean.”
“Oh, you definitely know what I mean” Ray added leaving closer to Calista, their faces inches apart.
T. B. C

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here