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The day was already starting to get dark before rain clouds took over the sky. As everyone made it back to their suite rooms, Jeremy pulled Calista back as she tried to walk into her room.
“Hey” He said, “You seem extremely worried earlier, is everything okay?” he asked.
“Well it’s just my friend, but everything’s fine now” Calista replied.
“is your friend related to Mr. Kowalski by any chance? Cause the way he left the trip early.”
“I believe this is not my news to spill, Jeremy I’m going to bed.” Calista sighed.
“Okay, I’m not here for that, I wanted to ask if you’d like to go to the hotel’s swimming pool, it’s an indoor pool and it is the best, I saw it on the hotel’s manual.”
“It is going to rain soon, and you don’t want to swim on a rainy night, trust me.” Calista eyed him with a scoff.
“Did you just say pool?” Debbie said out of nowhere, stepping in between the two of them.
“You interested.” Jeremy asked.
“Hell yeah, I am.” Debbie smiled. “But dang, I didn’t bring any swim suit.”
“We’re VIPs, so you don’t need to worry about that, we can request for one and boom, anyways since Calista is being a debbie downer, or should I say Calista downer, since we already have a debbie here. Debbie and I can go to the pool and you can enjoy your suite room to yourself.” Jeremy breathed out.
“Now don’t say i didn’t warn you Remy, it’s going to be a cold night”.
Stepping into the bedroom and taking of her clothes, Calista flinched hearing the sound of thunder.
“Sh!t” she cussed.
Grabbing the robe by the bed and putting it on, Calista reached for her phone to call Mika but she didn’t answer.
And then she decided to call Ray.
“Hey.” Ray said immediately he picked up.
“Thank goodness, I’ve trying to call you Mika for some time, and she’s not answering, how is she? Where are you guys now?” Calista asked.
“We’re still at the hospital, she’s fine now and alseep and I think her phone is on silent.” Ray replied.
“Oh thank goodness, she got me worried si… Calista flinched again by the sound of the loud thunder, and her phone dropped from her hand
“Holy Mother of God” she breathed out holding her chest, and picking up her phone.
“It is sure going to be a stormy night over there isn’t it, I can here the sound of the thunderstorm happening there, same is happening here too, so it’s going to be one stormy night for us” Ray smiled.
“Yeah, it sure is.” Calista breathed out.
“Are you going to be okay?” Ray asked.
“What do you mean?” Calista retorted, “of course I’ll be fine.”
“Don’t you have astraphobia?” Ray scoffed.
“I don’t, I am going to be fine,” Calista shook her head.
“You never agree you do.” Ray sighed.
“Look, I am not a child, I can’t be afraid of thunders and lightenings, I just hate the sound and sight of it.” Calista stated, aggressively.
“Adults can have astraphobia. Anyways, just place an earphone over your ears, do not use a wireless one, and maybe just download the sound of falling rain without thunder sounds and sleep on it.” Ray expounded.
“Thank you Ray.” Calista smiled. “Anyways, tell Mika to call me when she wakes up. I have to go now.”
“Okay bye, I’ll see you when you get back.”
Calista ended the call, before walking towards her suitcase to grab the warmest pair of clothes she had brought and after putting them on and leaving the robe on its rack.
She grabbed her phone and was about to walk out of the bedroom when another lighting flashed across the sky and the sound of thunder trailed behind it.
“This is excruciating.” Calista sighed, adjusting the sweater jacket on her body, before opening the door and walking out of suite room.
‘Just the person, I wanted to see.’ Calista thought seeing Boris in the hallway.
“Boris.” Calista called, and his head snapped up at her immediately.
“Miss Calista.” He smiled, walking up to her. “Ugh, sorry for disturbing.” Calista breathed out.
“No, it’s no problem what do you want?” Boris smiled.
Calista beamed. “So uhm.. I’m having a bit of a situation in my suite room, and I was kind of wondering if… I don’t know how to put this.” Calista let’s out a nervous laugh.
“And what is this situation?” Boris asked.
“It’s a situation that I rather not say” Calista shook her head.
“Okay then, what do you want me to do for you then.” Boris titled his head.
“I know this might be too much for me to ask.” Calista sighed.
“Oh no, feel at home here, Mr. Leonhart did want everyone to feel comfortable here and be provided with whatever they want, and it’s certainly our last night here too, so feel free.”
“Okay, i was wondering…
Calista paused when she heard the sound of rain.
“You were wondering” Boris continued after a moment of silence.
“Oh yeah, I get this discomfort when it rains, not that I hate rain, I don’t like the sound of what it brings, like thunder and I was wondering if there’s a quiet place for me to stay until the rain ends.” Calista breathed out.
“You mean like a soundproofed room?” Boris smiled.
“Yes, If the hotel has that.” Calista nodded.
A crashing loud thunder hit the sky, causing Calista to jump from where she stood. She shut her eyes in embarrassment and opened them again to hear what Boris would have to say.
“The hotel does, but… Uhm…” Boris wore a worried look as he looked back and forth between Calista and his phone.
Contemplating on whether or not to tell her about the room, Boris breathed out a sigh as he spoke, after pitying the woman in front of him.
“Recall the room we had our dinner meeting yesterday evening?”
“Yes” Calista nodded.
“Opposite the entrance to that place is a door, and well the room is exactly what you’re looking for. You can use my card to access the lock.” Boris explained, bringing out a blue card and handing it to Calista.
“Thank you” Calista smiled.
“You’re welcome, but please do make sure to go back to the suite room when it stops raining.”
“I will” Calista smiled, about to walk away when Boris called her back.
“Is there something else I need to know?” Calista asked.
Boris paused, closed his eyes and shook his head. “Never mind, it’s nothing.”
“Okay” Calista nodded.
Stepping in front of the door, Calista touched the thick door before swiping the card over the door.
Hearing the clicking sound that came after, Calista grinned before pushing the door open and stepping in.
The room was dark as Calista closed the door behind her.
She looked around the darkness around her and gulped. The sound of rain could no longer be heard, everywhere was quiet but she couldn’t stand the darkness.
Reaching for the walls and rubbing her hands against the warm Rocky wall looking for a light switch, Calista paused when the room suddenly went bright.
“What are you doing here?” She heard Noah’s voice behind her and turned around immediately.
“I… Well…
Calista couldn’t find her words.
Noah threw his brows up at her.
“Boris gave me keys to this room, he said I could stay, until it stops raining, I didn’t know you were going to be here, I can leave if you want me to.” she rushed her words.
“I’m not going to bite, what? You hate the sound of rain or what?” Noah asked.
“I… I don’t.” Calista shook her head, stepping away from the wall.
“Then why are you here, I come here to think because it’s soundproofed, I can still hear some chatters coming from other room while I was still in the suite room, so that’s why I always come here to think.”
“I don’t like the sound of thunder.” Calista pinched herself as she breathed out the words.
“Oh, Janice hates thunderstorms too, it frightens her.” Noah smirked.
“It doesn’t frighten me, I just don’t like.” Calista scoffed.
“Whatever you say, anyways, do make yourself comfortable, and please if you could breathe quietly too that would be nice.” Noah sighed taking a seat.
Calista glanced at the comfortable soft cushions in the small and cozy room, it had nothing but two big couches facing each other, a shelf with books behind the left couch, a water dispenser at the edge of the room and a cabinet near the door. The floors were covered with rugs and carpet and the walls were tall and looked warm.
Calista took a seat opposite the one Noah was seated and remained quiet.
Noah was reading a book, and was trying his best to stay focused and not notice the woman in front of him.
But after re-reading a particular sentence three times, he got vexed.
Noah breathed out a sigh and looked at Calista.
“What?” Calista gawked at him.
“You’re distracting me.” He breathed out.
“But I’m not even saying a word, and believe I am trying to breathe as quiet as ever” Calista explained.
“You’re not creating any noise, you sitting there is a distraction, I’m used to being alone in here.” Noah expounded.
“Oh well, I’ll just find another place then” Calista said, getting on her feet and walking towards the book shelf behind the couch.
“I’ll just check out these books quietly, you can pretend I’m not here.” she forced out a smile.
Looking at the books on the shelf that screamed, history, business and political, Calista scrunched her nose at them, not seeing herself reading any even in her grave.
Gawking at a red covered book that grabbed her attention, Calista tried to reach the book that laid on the top shelf when she accidentally hit another stack of book that caused six books on the first row of the shelf to fall down.
Noah sighed closing his book and getting on his feet. “I thought you promised to be quiet.”
“I don’t make promises, but I’m sorry, I’ll pick these up immediately” Calista apologized picking up the books and trying to put them back up on the shelf, but was too short to reach.
“You know what. I think these books are best here at the bottom shelf.” Calista breathed wanted to place them down, when Noah stepped in front of her.
“Give em.” He ordered opening his hand, and watched as she slowly place the book on his palm.
After arranging the books back on its shelf, Noah looked down at Calista. “You should reach for the stars above your head not the one in the sky.”
“I am five feet six inches tall Mr. Leonhart, you’re indirectly calling me short and I am not.” Calista breathed out, trying to control her words.
Noah scoffed. “Fine then. Just try reaching the top shelf next time.”
“I can if I want to.” Calista mumbled about to walk away when a nail from the shelf grabbed her knitted sweater, pulling her back.
She lets out a gasp hearing the sound of her cloth tear.
“Oh no.” she cried.
Noah couldn’t help but smile. “Stay still, I’ll help you out.”
Pulling out Calista’s sweater from the nail he shook his head. “Your sweater is ruined, you might as well want to take it off and look at it, or perhaps you would refrain to prevent the accident that happened last night.”
Calista paused at his statement and turned to him. “Okay, I have to say this ,i am just trying to keep it together because you are my boss, but sorry to say this, you ugh… I can’t even say this, but I can’t believe what you even said to me last night, that was low of you and to s…
Calista stopped talking when she felt Noah’s hand under her chin.
“What are you doing?” she asked.
“This…” He replied, leaning down to kiss her.
T. B. C

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here