JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 70

JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 70
By Zeemah writes
if you miss any episode click Here
Anel’s POV
“Where’s she?” I asked Dad whom i met pacing the living room.
“She’s in the room” he said worriedly and i dropped my backpack and the paper bag on the couch before hurrying up the stairs.
I opened the door to the room and met her packing her luggage in tears.
She stopped when she saw me and then continued again.
I rushed to her and pull her into my arms.
Her breathing hitched.
“Claire i like you so much, you’re one of the most caring ladies on earth,pardon my behavior towards you,i had a reason for behaving that way but right now,I’ve changed..I’ve turned a new leaf,I’ve accepted you as my dad’s sweetheart. I’m so sorry Claire.” I said.
She looked at me for a while and suddenly smiled.
She hugged me back muttering ‘thanks’
“I thought you didn’t like me” She said wiping her face.
“I don’t like you” I said and her face turned sad.
“I love you and my dad loves you too” I added with a smile.
“I love you too” She screamed happily and held my hands.
We both did some dramatical dance before laughing out loud.
We heard the door opened,dad strode in and his face brightened when he saw us.
Claire left me and rushed to hug him.
“I’m sorry love” She said and placed her head on his chest.
Dad winked at me before hugging her back.
They both kissed and i turned around.
I wonder what kiss feel like?
I started helping Claire unpack, smiling and humming.
I’m so happy right now.
I’ve never felt this happy,once i get home. I need to apologise to Jack and Mary.
Dan made me change within hours.
I wonder what type of person he is.
“OMG” i heard Claire gasped and i turned.
They were both staring at me.
“Honey,she has changed truly” She said to Dad who smiled.
“Of course,that’s the reason she’s my princess” He winked.
“Come over for a hug” They both said to me and i did.
We were all engulfed in a hug and i have to admit how peaceful i felt.
“It’s delicious, I’m gonna learn from you some day” I said to Claire.
We were all at the dining having a reconcilation lunch as dad called it.
Claire is obviously a good cook.
“Whenever you’re ready,I’ll be so happy to teach you” She said.
I nodded cause my mouth is filled with chicken casserole.
I waited till i finally swallowed the meal before speaking.
“I’m gonna do the dishes” I said.
“Don’t say no” i quickly added when she was about objecting.
She smiled and continued her lunch.
“You loo..” I was saying but got interrupted by my phone.
I brought out of my pocket and checked the caller ID.
I swiped to the receiver and placed it on my ear.
Hi Liam.
How’re you Anel?
I’m fine.
Where are you? Jack said he didn’t meet you at school.
I’m sorry i didn’t inform you but something came up, so I’m at dad’s.
I hope it isn’t something serious?
Nay, it has been resolved, I’ll be home soon” I returned Claire’s smile..
Alright then. Bye.
I disconnected the call and placed my phone on the table.
I packed the dishes to the kitchen after we were done eating.
I started washing them, rinsing and placing on the drain board.
I was done in few minutes,i wiped my hands with a napkin and walked out of the kitchen.
I picked my phone and walked to the living room where my backpack is.
I met Dad and Claire cuddling on the couch.
I smiled and hung my backpack over my shoulders and then held the paper bag in my hands.
“You’re about leaving?” Dad asked.
“Yes Dad”
“I’ll be back soon Claire,i gotta drop her off” He said getting up from the couch.
Claire got up behind him and pecked me bye.
“Bye” i waved at her as dad and i headed to the door.
“What’s in the paper bag?” He asked as we stepped out of the house.
We walked to his car.
“Gifts” i smiled remembering Dan.
His parents arrived earlier than expected, they’d be so pissed cause they aren’t even aware of anything starting from the day Dan got wounded.
“What gift?” Dad asked unlocking his car.
“None of your business” i stuck out my tongue and got into the backseat.
He laughed..
“Thanks Dad” I said as i alighted from his car in front of my house gate.
“You’re welcome princess”
“Send my greetings to Claire” I said.
“No problem and thanks for resolving the issue,im so happy right now” He smiled.
“It’s fine dad” I waved.
He waved back and i watched him drove off.
I knocked on the gate twice before the gatekeeper opened the gate.
“Hi” i said walking into the opened gate.
He stared at me.
“I won’t change again this time” i smiled and started walking to the door.
“I hope so” He said after me and i laughed.
I saw Jack standing by the car,i quickly walked up to him.
“Hi Jack” I said.
“H..i” He said, looking a bit surprised.
“I’m sorry” i said.
“It’s nothing,Liam told me you went to your Dad’s ” He said.
“It’s not that,i wanna apologise for the way I’ve behaved towards you…I’m so so sorry and i hope you forgive me”.
“Wow!” He exclaimed.
“I’ve forgiven you already Anel,i knew something made you behave that way. It’s totally fine and I’m so happy you decided to change” He said.
I nodded…”Yeah”
“Have you been given lunch?” I asked.
He smiled “Yes, thanks”
I walked to door and pulled it open.
I stepped in and closed the door behind me.
I walked to the living room and met Ana asleep on the couch.
Huh? Why didn’t she go to her room.
I should pinch her cheeks right now but that’ll be wicked of me.
I left her and headed to the kitchen,i need to apologise to Mary.
I got to the kitchen but couldn’t find her,i turned back and was about walking away when i saw her emerge from the store room.
“Hi Asanel,do you need your lunch?” She asked.
“No,Mary. i came to apologise over the way i behaved towards you,I’m so sorry, I’ve turned a new leaf and i hope you forgive me” I said.
“OMG” She half screamed and quickly pulled me into a hug.
“I’ve forgiven you Asanel,Im so glad you reconsidered” She smiled.
I didn’t.
Dan did.
“Thanks for forgiving me Mary” i said.
“It’s perfectly fine,do you want me to prepare your lunch?”
“No,i already had lunch at Dad’s” i said.
“I’ll be going up to my room” I said.
“Okay Asanel”
“Incase,Liam passes by. Tell him I’m back” i said.
“Okay” She smiled and walked into the kitchen.
I climbed the stairs and headed to my room.
I opened the door and walked in with a sigh.
I feel naturally good!
I dropped my backpack and paper bag on the bed,i pulled off my shoes and then my school wears.
I walked into the bathroom to freshen up.
I sat on the bed after getting into the casual wears i selected.
I picked the paper bag and brought out the artwork.
I smiled and admired it for a while before hanging it on the wall just beside my bed.
I would love to see it beside me always.
How could a man be this creative?
Bryan Shaw is just like a god,he’s good in almost everything.
Now i gotta check Dan’s and then have my chocolates.
I opened the paper bag and brought out what seems like a sketch pad.
I unrolled it and gasped Immediately,not
Dan drew this?
Its a drawing..a perfect drawing of me.
I was about screaming in excitement when i sighted something at the tip of the sketchpad;
Bryan Shaw’s sketchpad!!!
Dan’s POV
“Dad we’re sorry” Mike and i pleaded, standing in front of Mum and dad who looked disappointed.
I left the school Immediately they called that they are already home,i had quickly went to pick Mike and also pack our luggage.
“How could you do that Dan! You couldn’t even call us to inform us about what happened” Dad said angrily.
“I’m sorry Dad,i know you went there for an important business,if i had told you. I knew you would have started coming right away and that might ruin the business you went there for…I’m so sorry Dad”
“Nevertheless, you could have just told us. So you mean the phone calls we had were all lies,you were at your Mum’s all through?” He asked and i nodded.
“Dad,i was the one who called her,against Dan’s wish though. i knew he wouldn’t be able to do anything much in the house with the wound on his head so i called his mum and she came straightaway and took both of us to her house” Mike said.
Dad sighed..
“So how did you came about this wound?” Dad asked.
“I tumbled on the school stairs” i lied.
Mum gasp and drew me closer, inspecting the plaster.
Thank goodness the bandage has been removed.
“Sorry dear,are you still in pain?” She asked and i shook my head.
“Honey,let’s forgive them. what they did is worth forgiving,the only mistake was that we weren’t informed. Let’s just let everything go” Mum said and i smiled.
I quickly hid my smile when dad glared at me.
“You both come here” dad said spreading out his hands, we both rushed to hug him.
I smiled happily.
Isn’t today my lucky day?
I got forgiven by two people.
“I miss you both” He said pecking our cheeks.
Mum also did the same.
“We miss you too Dad” We said.
“Mike was a pain in the ass” I frowned.
“And you were a pain in the nose” He said and we all laughed.
“I hope you bought a lot of gift for us” Mike said.
“Of course” Mum smiled.
“But it’s gonna wait till tomorrow” Dad added.
“Ah” we groaned.
“That’s the punishment for what you both did,now go freshen up boys,we’re going on outing” Dad said.
“Yaaaaay” Mike and i squealed.
“Hurry or we’ll leave you both behind” Mum said.
We grabbed our luggage and rushed to our rooms happily.
“Ah! I’m worn out” i said eating my ice cream with mike at the backseat.
We were returning from the outing and it was damn fun,we all enjoyed ourselves.
“How was the outing?” Mum asked.
“It was great!’ I exclaimed.
“Awesome” Mike smiled.
“We’re glad you both appreciate it” Mum said.
It’s been long we went for an outing and i kept wondering what prompted Mum and dad.
Dad honked in front of our gate and it was opened.
He drove into our compound…
I plopped on the bed after having my night bath and changing into my night wears.
I was about to sleep when i heard my phone ring.
I picked it and quickly sat up after viewing the caller ID.
Hi ps.. Anel
Dan,are you related to Bryan Shaw?” She asked and my heart pounded in my chest.
Please answer my question,are you related to Bryan Shaw?
I was about telling her this afternoon before her phone interrupted.
I inhaled before answering.
Yes,he’s my dad
There was silence on the other end. The only thing i heard was her breathing,which
Anel,I’m sorry. I was about tell..
She hung up before i could finish talking.
What have i done again!

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here