JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 80

JUST FOR LOVE (Love made her) chapter 80
By Zeemah writes
if you miss any episode click Here
Dan’s POV
“Lord, I thank you” I shouted happily in the street, ignoring people’s gaze.
I ran faster… beautiful psycho
I stopped running as i realised i can’t possibly run to Anel’s house,it’s damn far.
Well…I’ll just go home, freshen up and take a cab to her house.
I’m so happy right now.
My Anel is back!
I can’t wait to see her.
My face was filled with smiles as i jogged back home.
I knocked on the gate and waited for a while.
It was opened by the gatekeeper and i walked in.
I noticed he was smiling happily.
Of course,who isn’t happy that mum and dad are back.
I smiled back at him before walking to the door.
I opened it and walked in…a delicious aroma welcomed me.
Woah…Mum is cooking already.
“Hmm” I sniffed as i closed the door behind me.
I walked into the living room,and met Dad already painting.
“I can bet you’ve missed your work” I smiled and sat beside him.
“Ofcourse i have. Its the thing i missed the most” he smiled.
He has freshened up already, looking young and handsome in a black short and white t-shirt.
His curly black hair is brushed back and i watched as he painted the drawing perfectly.
Im so proud of my dad.
“I gat the most handsome dad in the universe” I said to him and hugged him tight making him drop the paintbrush but i don’t care at the moment.
“And i gat the most handsome son in the universe” He patted my back.
“Why should i be left out from this hug” we heard Mum said.
We giggled as she walked to us with her apron and her chef cap which made her look awesome.
She joined in the hug after pecking my cheeks.
I smiled. “I gat the most beautiful Mum in the universe”
“ I can’t believe I’m blushing” She said and we laughed.
“Dad! You couldn’t call me to join in the hug” We heard Mike yelled.
“I’m sorry little prince,come here” Dad said.
He rushed to us and also joined in the hug.
He grinned at me…”Dan don’t you think we gat the most wonderful parents in the world”
“I don’t think so,i know so ” I said.
“Honey” Dad called.
“Yes sweetie” Mum answered.
“Don’t you know we gat the most amazing children in the world” He said.
“Of course sweetie” Mum said and i think my cheeks glowed.
Mike grinned like an idiot.
“ the soup is burning” Mum shouted and started running back to the kitchen,her chef cap fell off her head and we all laughed.
“Silly people” she laughed and picked her cap before continuing her race to the kitchen.
We laughed on and on…
“I thought you were going to Anel’s place” Dad said after our laughter subsided.
“Yeah…i was actually on my way but i realised i couldn’t run all the way there,it’s damn far” i said.
“So what are you gonna do?” He asked.
“I’ll just go freshen up and board a cab there”.
“You’ll do that now?” Dad asked.
“Yeah Dad”
“No, you’re not gonna do that now”
“Why?” I asked.
“You’ve not eaten” He said.
“That’s not necessary,I’ll eat when I’m back”
“Nah, you’ll go freshen up,eat and then you’re free to go anywhere” He said and i sighed.
“Okay Dad,I’ll quickly go freshen up then” I picked my backpack and stood up, about walking to my room.
“Dad how was India? Didn’t you bring anything for us?” Mike asked.
Dad glanced at me, before clearing his throat.
“Mike,you know it was a business emergency,they couldn’t get anything for us” I said.
“But i wasn’t asking you” He said and i felt like knocking his head away from his neck.
I sent him a glare and he twitched his nose,then jumped on the couch.
He grabbed the remote control and switched on the TV.
“Business emergency indeed” Dad whispered to me and laughed.
I chuckled as i climbed the stairs to my room.
I dropped my backpack on the bed and pulled off my shoes and socks.
I un-bottened my shirt and pulled it off.
I sat on the edge of my bed and pulled my backpack closer.
I unzipped it and brought out my phone.
A message to Anel will do.
I smiled as i began texting her.
Hi, beautiful psycho.
How are you?
I’ve missed you so much, I’ll be right at your place soon.
I love you” I thought of adding it but i don’t think i had the courage to.
I cleared it.
I ended the message with;
I sighed and stood up.
I can’t just express how happy i am.
First,my parents are back and my beautiful Psycho is now mentally stable.
I can’t be more happy!!
I danced into the bathroom…
I picked my phone immediately i finished dressing up.
The message read; ‘seen’ but there was no reply.
Maybe she’s busy…
Should i just call her? No i think i should wait till i get to her house.
I felt a bit sad as i walked out of my room.
I descended the stairs to the living room,i found no one.
I headed to the kitchen.
They were all seated, obviously waiting for me.
“I’m sorry to keep everyone waiting” I said and quickly took my seat.
“It’s okay” Mum said and began dishing out the delicious looking meal.
The aroma almost made me dip my hand into it.
Mike was smiling to himself as mum placed a plate of soup and baguette in front of him.
I laughed when i remembered the feud between him and Ana.
“Why are you laughing?” Dad asked.
“I remembered something” I said.
“You always have something to remember”Mike said with a mouthful.
“And how’s that your business,i can’t even believe you’ve started eating already” I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t believe it! That’s your cup of tea!” He said.
“Mike,Dan table manners” Mum said and placed my own meal in front of me.
“Thanks Mum” I said and waited for her to finish dishing hers and dad’s.
She did and we all started eating.
“Delicious” I smiled.
“Yummy” Mike said.
“Tasty” Dad winked.
“Thanks sweets” Mum smiled.
We continued eating,i wanted to ask Dad some questions but not in Mike’s presence and i can’t disregard the table manners.
Mike was the first to finish eating,i was surprised he didn’t ask for more.
He stood up “I’m going to do my assignment”
“I’m surprised you didn’t ask for more” I said.
He rolled his eyes at me before sauntering out of the dining room.
I laughed.
I gulped down water after i was done with my meal.
Everyone was done with theirs too.
Mum cleared the plates to the kitchen.
I offered to but she declined.
“Dad” I called.
“What time were you released? What time did the cops said Anel was mentally stable?” I asked.
“We were released by 2 o’ clock and we got home by 3. Just thirty minutes before you guys returned from school.” He said.
“I was actually about calling my lawyer before we were released”
“Why didn’t you called your lawyer immediately you were arrested,i know you won’t even have spent a night in cell if you had”
He smiled “of course i know,but i had my reasons for not calling my lawyer immediately.”
“It’s unheard of to be arrested for someone else’s mental disorder” Mum said, walking back into the dining room.
“I was so pissed at first” She added.
“Of course it’s unheard of but do you know Liam told them a totally different thing” Dad said.
“What?” I asked.
“Never mind son,you still want to visit Anel today right?” He asked.
“Oh! I’ve forgotten” I quickly stood up.
I dropped my phone on the dining table and ran to my room to take some cash and my face cap .
I was returning to the dining when i overheard Dad and mum’s discussion.
“I can’t believe he told the cops that we hit something on Anel’s head!”
“The cops should have asked for the medical report” mum said.
“They did but he claimed he hasn’t gotten it from the hospital yet”
“I can’t believe Liam has turned into a monster. I knew he was hot tempered but he wasn’t this worse then”.
“Yeah,and that’s the reason i didn’t call my lawyer immediately cause i know he’ll be sued to court if my lawyer investigates the whole thing and discover that he was telling lies” Dad said.
“Mara’s death really affected him,Liam wasn’t this cruel” Mum said and dad gave a nod.
I walked back into the dining and tried very much to act like i didn’t hear a thing.
I picked my phone.
“I’ll be leaving now. Mum,dad I’ll be back soon” I said.
“Okay dear”
I walked slowly out of the dining room.
How could Liam tell such a huge lie.
He’s beginning to piss me off seriously..
I walked out of the door, dipped my phone into my pocket,wore my face cap and started walking to the gate.
The gatekeeper opened it before i got there.
I thanked him and walked out of the gate.
I stood in front of our house, waiting for a cab.
Thoughts of what Liam did kept flooding my head.
He was looking for ways to make sure my parents get punished.
Who does that but a cruel person.
I waved a cab to a stop…
I need to get some chocolates first.
‘what if Liam throw me out?’ I thought for the umpteenth time as i stood in front of Anel’s gate.
I’ve been standing here for some minutes now,scared to knock on the gate.
‘what if he had told the gatekeeper not to allow me in’ I thought as i rested my back on the wall.
Why didn’t i think about all this before coming?
“Dan” I heard a little voice call my name.
I turned and saw Mary their house help and Ana who was already rushing to me.
I smiled and bent slowly, holding her in a hug.
I pecked her cheeks..
“How are you Ana?” I asked.
“I’m fine Dan and you?”
“I’m good”
“I miss you so much” She said.
“Me too,you look more beautiful” I said as i dragged her chubby cheeks.
“Thank you” she smiled.
“Good afternoon” I greeted Mary.
“Good afternoon Dan,how’re you?” She hugged the grocery bag closer to her chest.
“I’m fine, thanks”
“Is anel in?” I asked.
She shook her head and i couldn’t hide my disappointment.
“Is she still at the hospital?” I asked.
“No, she’s now at her dad’s”
“Woah!” I sighed in relief.
“The doctor said she needed a psychologist and her dad’s fiance is one so she’s gonna be staying there for a while” Mary said.
“Ohh.. thanks so much Mary” I smiled.
“You’re welcome”
“I’ll be leaving now” I said and brought out a box of chocolate from the ones i got for Anel.
I handed it to Ana who jumped on me in excitement.
“Thanks Dan” She hugged me.
I smiled.
“Mary,do you also love chocolate?” I asked.
“I don’t mind” She smiled shyly.
I brought out a box and gave her too.
“Thanks Dan” she grinned and threw it into the grocery bag.
“I’ll just board a cab here” I said.
“Okay we’re gonna wait here with you” Ana said, holding my hand.
“No Ana,we can’t. Your dad will come looking for us once he realise we’re getting late and drop your chocolate in here,he mustn’t see it” Mary said.
Ana frowned and dropped her box of chocolate into the grocery bag.
Mary knocked on the gate.
“Bye Dan” They both waved, before walking into the opened gate.
“Bye” I waved back with smiles.
“Dan,when will you visit our house again?” Ana asked.
“Soon” I said.
“Are you sure?” She asked.
I nodded.
“Okay Bye” She waved at me one last time before Mary closed the gate.
I know I’m not gonna be visiting here anytime soon.
I saw a cab approaching…
Even if i was afraid to knock on Liam’s gate, should i be afraid to knock on this one too?
Anel Dad isn’t as wicked as Liam.
I knocked gently on the gate and waited for the gatekeeper to open it.
The gate opened and i came to face the gatekeeper.
“Good afternoon” I greeted.
He answered with a nod of head.
“Come in” He said and i did.
He locked the gate and turned back to me.
“I recognize your face,you can go in” he said.
“Thanks” I smiled and quickly walked to the door before he would change his mind and decide to ask me questions.
I rang the doorbell twice and waited nervously.
I transferred the nylon of the chocolate from my right hand to the left.
The door opened and my heart thumped faster.
Anel’s dad fiance, Claire stood there with a smile.
“Good afternoon ma’am” I bowed a little.
“Good afternoon dear, how’re you doing?”
“I’m fine ma’am”
“You’re here to see Anel right?” She asked and i nodded.
“Come in” She said and paved way for me.
“Thanks” I said before stepping in.
I breathed in fresh scent of flowers.
Its so cool in here .
I waited for her to close the door before following her down to the living room.
My walk came to a halt when i saw Anel seated on the couch,her face buried in a novel.
Her black hair was packed neatly into a ponytail and there are fresh flowers stuck in her hair.
She was twisting some between her fingers as she read the novel and there’s another bouquet of flowers beside her.
Should i also have bought flowers instead of chocolates?
Is that what she likes now?
“Anel, someone is here to see you” Claire said.
She raised up her head and her gaze locked with mine for a short while.
She turned back to her novel without acknowledging my presence and i must admit that i felt a bit hurt.
“She has refused to talk to anyone since she returned from the hospital,i hope she’ll talk to you” Claire whispered to me before walking away.
I walked to her slowly… hoping she’s gonna accept the hug I’m about to offer.
I don’t care if she hasn’t talked to anyone,i miss her.
I got to where she was seating, dropped the nylon, crouched in front of her and pulled her into a hug.
She didn’t push me away neither did she reciprocate the hug.
“I’ve missed you so much Anel” I said.
I hugged her tightly for a while before releasing her.
I expected her to say something but she didn’t,she didn’t utter a word and didn’t even act like i was there.
She wasn’t even looking at me.
“Anel” I called but she didn’t respond.
Her face was still buried in the novel.
I took the novel from her laps and read the title aloud.
“Safe by his side by Debra Webb”
I’m glad i finally made her look at me but the look she was giving me wasn’t a nice one,it spoke of hatred.
“What are you doing here?” She asked, almost in a whisper.
“I..i came here to see you” I said.
“You can leave,i don’t want to ever see you again” She said and my heart filled with sadness immediately.
“Anel, please I’m so sorry”
“How can i continue my friendship with the son of my mother’s murderer. Dan, please kindly leave” She said slowly.
“Anel,i can’t believe you’ll allow that get to you. My father didn’t kill your mother, please don’t let that affect us” I pleaded.
“It already has,for the first time in my life; i had mental disorder!” She said and i noticed her eyes had turned red.
Even the voice no longer seem like hers.
“While you were enjoying, i was constituting nuisance, while you were playing,i was dragging my own hair, while you were happy,i was sad. My mother was killed,i had mental disorder” She laughed sadly.
I couldn’t control the tears that ran down my cheeks.
“I don’t want to ever see you again, you’re not part of my life anymore” She said.
“Anel, ple…”
“Get out!!!” She screamed and tears dropped from her eyes.
I stood up slowly and left their house in tears.
Maybe that’s the end of our friendship…
And also the end of my love for her.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here
September 16, 2019 at 9:58 am
I pity for Dan ooo
plz continue
September 16, 2019 at 10:01 am
I pity Dan ooh
plz continue