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+. Bella. +
I stared at the ink and I didn’t even know when I asked.. “Can I touch it?”
. Fynn laughed…
“S..sure.” he stuttered.

My hand reached for his body and my fingers went numb when it came across his packs…
Wait what am I doing?
The door to my room opened and Jane walked in.
Fynn and I Turned to the door to see Jane looking at us blankly…
My hand quickly left his body and I sat back on my position.

“I’m sorry to interrupt on you guys again.” Jane laughed nervously as she walked out my room.
Wait.. She better not get the wrong idea since Fynn is shirtless.
“Hey.! Jane wait up” I said as I ran after her.

“What?” Jane laughed when I caught up to her halfway on the stairs.
“It’s not what you th–
“It’s not what I what? Think? I’m not thinking anything, what makes you think I’m thinking about anything.” Jane folds her hand.
“Well… You saw Fynn and…
” And? ” Jane beckoned me to continue.
“Bella.” she called and I looked up.
“I’m tired, I’m going to go to sleep now and I did not see anything” Jane said and before I knew it, she was gone.
I sighed and made it back to my room to see Fynn with his shirt on.
“So why did you run up to Jane like that!” Fynn asked standing up from the floor.
“Cause…” I sighed. “She might get the wrong idea about us”.
“Get what wrong idea?” Fynn smirked.
“She has already misunderstood the situation so…” I shrugged.
“Misunderstood what situation I’m lost.” Fynn asked.
“Well I can’t explain.”
“What’s there to not be able to explain?” Fynn asked.
“What? You were about to touch my birthmark when Jane walked in and you suddenly chased after her isn’t that something very explainable.” Fynn smirked and I rolled my eyes at him.
Did he just call that enormous tattoo I saw on his stomach a birthmark, cause that is more than a birthmark. But since he was born with it I guess that’s what he’ll refer it to.
With a smile Fynn started. “I have to go, Jojo’s probably hungry by now.” Fynn said as he walked to the balcony.
“So You’re leaving now?” I asked not knowing my voice would betray me by sounding so sad.
“Yeah looks like our game of truth or dare will be continued till next time. Why? You don’t want me to leave?” Fynn smiled.
Well honestly yes.
“Well… If You have to go, I’m not stopping you.” was what I said.
I hate how I can’t come clean with what I actually mean.
I have to learn to be more open and specific about a particular thing.

“I’m going home and it’s not far from here, it’s just here!” Fynn said and pointed to the tree outside my house
“You mean the tree?” I asked.
“Yeah. And don’t make it sound like I actually live in a tree” Fynn stated.
I laughed. “well you do”
“I don’t.” he sighed. “Well fine, why don’t you come with me.!” He made it sound daring.
“Fine. Let’s finally see the boy’s tree house” I laughed and he rolled his eyes.
“I can’t possibly climb down this tree.” I said as I watched Fynn made it past my balcony and used the branches of the tree to go down the tree easily.
“I can’t believe you’re that lazy.” Fynn retorted coming back up.
“I am not lazy, I’m a girl okay, and girls don’t go on climbing trees like monkeys, it’s inappropriate.” I ranted.
“Oh so boys are monkeys.” Fynn asked as he jumped down and into my balcony. He was standing so close to me but for some reason I didn’t move back a bit.
“I don’t know are you one?” I threw back the question.
He smiled.
His eyes looked down at my lips and my heart skipped a beat. His eyes travelled back up to my eyes and he asked.
“Do you have any phobia”
“What? No… Uh” before I could reason his answers clearly his hands travelled around my waist and before I knew it we were on the ground .
I gasped and rolled out of his hands
I looked up to see my balcony above my head and to see the tree’s full body.
“How come… How did we get down here so quickly?” I asked.
“I can’t believe you’re asking that.” Fynn said and took my hand in his. “C’mon” he said and pulled me in front of the huge tree.
It was now dark and the light from my room brightened the top of the tree.
“Okay… i can’t believe we’re actually going into your tree house, finally” I teased.
“It’s not a tree house.” he rolled his eyes.
“Okay, whatever” I laughed, it’s so fun to get on his nerve, though I’ve never seen him get angry before, he just keeps up with his smiles.
“Now would you prefer to close your eyes or just leave them open cause we’re going to walk in the tree” he instructed.
“I’ll leave them open.” I said, he held my hand tight as we walked closer to the three, like wait! Are we going to walk through the tree. We’re not going to bump into it right?
I was panicking as we got close to the tree, I closed my eyes tightly and continued walking with Fynn and I felt him stop.
“I thought you said you weren’t going to close your eyes.” I heard his voice said and I opened my eyes to see a door in front us, instead of a tree.
“Well I couldn’t help it, I mean we were walking right into the tree how could I not close my eyes.” I scoffed.
Fynn smiled and said “We’re here anyways so…”
He let’s go of my hand and I suddenly felt empty.

He opened the front Lonley door in front of us and pulled me in.
I gasped when I came into an actual huge house, and I suddenly felt like a great force rushed into my body leaving me at my most energetic state. The concept of the house was green and black, the cushions were to die for, it was wide enough to fit a million people, I looked around and found a huge piano at the side of the room.
“And no. I don’t play. The piano has always been there.” Fynn answered like he knew what I was about to ask.
“Oh wow.” I said as I saw the TV, it was another model and out of this world.
“This is definitely more than a tree house.” I said…
“I told you the tree was just a camouflage” Fynn smirked.
Suddenly I heard a familiar barking and Jojo came out from under the chairs, and jumped into fynn’s hand.
He barked at Fynn and Fynn glanced at me.
“Yeah, she’s finally here.” He smiled.
He understands his dog.
I can remember when Jojo made me understood him, that was creepy as it was fascinating.
Back then I didn’t know Fynn was a magical being, I didn’t understand how I could understood a dog, thinking about it now, it all sounds so funny and now look at me, feeling and being like one of them, I am gifted now.
“HI… Jojo.” I said lowly and he barked.
“I don’t know what you meant but nice to meet you again” I smiled.
“do you wish to understand him?” Fynn asked…
“No thank you.” I laughed nervously.
Fynn eyed me and dropped Jojo down. “Jojo make yourself understandable to her.” Fynn said to his dog as it ran through a door.
“Just so you know.” Fynn started and walked up to his window and the heavy curtains that covered the window took me by surprise it was super thick… “Everything you’re seeing here is magical” Fynn continued.
“No kidding, how much is this curtain it must be pretty expensive.” I said as I walked up to him.
He laughed. “You’re pretty funny.”
He opened the curtains and the bright sun hit my eyes.

“But it’s nighttime.” I was shocked.
“Yeah, at your world, it’s day time here” he replied.
“My world.!” I was super confused.
Look, I don’t know how, but the time here and your time there doesn’t work the same way. In here it’s two days faster than yours.
“Whoa,” I looked around. “So you’ve been living here all by yourself.”
“With Jojo, I got to study more about this place and everything when my mom disappeared, living my little self and Jojo to the world.” Fynn explained and I looked around.
“Wow. This place is beautiful anyways.” I giggled.
“Of course. And in here, anyone who comes in here feels a great wave of energy,” Fynn said.
“Oh yes, that’s true, I did feel like the most strongest coming in here.” I said and fynn smiled.
“I also feel at my most powerful coming here. And in here, you just get to see the sun from the window here, you can’t actually go outside, cause there is only one door, the door to your world.” Fynn said and pointed to the door.
Wow so many things to catch up with.
“But… whoa.” I was speechless as I look around.
“So you mean there is no outside world, but just your house. And a door to my world, this is confusing.” I tell him.
“Well you’ll get a hang of it soon.” Fynn assured me.

The door Jojo walked in earlier opened and a young attractive man walked out of the door.
He was deadly attractive. I found myself staring.
“Hey Bella.” the man smiled at me and gave me a wink from his oceanic eyes.
“Really Jojo?” Fynn said to the man.
“Jojo?” I repeated.
“What?” the man retorted.
“Jojo has the power to transform into human here, I mean he’s a familiar, what can’t he do. But don’t be decieved, though my familiar can change into any form he likes, but his real form is a puppyc Fynn said and his glare never left the man… I mean Jojo’s eyes.
“You’ve left Bella staring, at least you can transform into someone less attractive.” Fynn said through gritted teeth.
“What?” I laughed and he shrugged.
Jojo shook his head and made it made a turn going back through the door he came out from.

“So… I’ve looked around your house. I agree it’s pretty astonishing but I have to go back, cause it probably past my bed time” I said.
“Oh seriously Bella. You just arrived and you’re leaving at the same time. But don’t worry, as long as you’re here it’s sunny, you won’t get sleepy, you can look around or help yourself to any kind of food. Or we can both play games.” Fynn said.
“But we have school tomorrow.” I said.
“So.? It’s always day here and night there but somehow I always keep up don’t worry you will too, let’s hang out a little.” Fynn said and pulled my hand.
He pulled me towards one of the door and we both walked in,
“And this is where i sleep” Fynn announced.
“Whao.” I gasped surprised by the enormous bed.
“Jojo and I share this bed.” Fynn said.
I walked up to the bed and sat on it, I looked around the room, it was almost empty with only the bed, a small chair and a reading table.
“I guess you don’t do much here.” I said.
“Not really,” he said and laid beside me.
“You know it’s really nice having you here, for once the house isn’t Lonley.” Fynn breathed out a sigh.
“It’s not like I’m doing anything while I’m here.” I rolled my eyes.
“You’re not, but with you here, the aura in this place is totally different, just us, no one to bother us, it doesn’t matter if you don’t do anything or you do anything.” Fynn said and I rolled my eyes even though I can’t help the fact that I’m actually taking all the compliments and actually can’t keep up with the hotness of my face.

We both remained quiet and not knowing what to say or do. Honestly I want to go back home, Cause the thought of being here and the thought of knowing it is day here and nighttime at home.
I mean it’s crazy.

“You don’t know Bella.” fynn started. “But I really like you.” Fynn continued and my heart started to beat faster than ever.

Well thinking about this now. Jane has already gave me a heads up about Fynn liking me. But now he said it himself and I just can’t understand why my heart is beating so fast and loud that I secretly prayed Fynn shouldn’t hear it.

“You know when I first saw you, I liked you immediately, I didn’t know why but I just did, Jojo always told me about you and then I finally got to see you and I liked you, I’ve always wanted to tell you, but then you made that deal with Sophie and I, and I lost my chance, I know you didn’t like me but I knew eventually I’d get to be with you sometimes I know this all sounds stupid, but trust me, I’ve lived here all my life without knowing what to do when I found the door to your world but when Jojo came to you and led me to you I knew what I wanted immediately, I wanted you.”

I was speechless, that was a whole lot of of confession.
Okay, how do girls react to confessions, cause right now I’m so confused on how to react.
Hold on a second. Do I like Fynn?.
Do i need to like him?
Wait? I do like him! But not like him like that but I like him.
I don’t know I’m confused.

Fynn continued “So when I said I don’t to be in a relationship with Sophie else but with someone else. That someone else was you.!”
I get that point now.!

Fynn remained quiet for a while before he sat up and turned to me.
“Why aren’t you saying anything?” he asked calmly.
“What do you expect me to say!” I giggled nervously.
“Well you don’t have to say anything, just let me be with you.” Fynn said and leaned closer.
Why the hell is he so close. I’m not used to things like this.
But still I kept my cool.

I turned to him and his glossy eyes held mine firmly.
“I know you don’t know what to say but can I kiss you?” Fynn asked and I felt my chest dropped to my stomach.
Of course he can.
I said nothing as my head slowly reach for his.
T. B. C

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{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

If you miss any episode click here



” I know, Diana but… This is a feeling, and I trust my instincts on this. Alpha Derek will win this war but… something will come after it. “
★ ★ ★ ★
It took five days before the battle was over. And after that day, Derek went missing. For years… Nine year, he was nowhere to be found.
The battle went well with alpha Derek winning as May had foretold. He conquered the White Wolf Pack, now claiming it to be his.
But who will be their new leader when their new alpha has gone missing??
Who will be there to protect the two packs from any future intruders??
Although Diana tried to believe that he was dead, but her heart keeps telling her that he isn’t.
And even as Lucas has grown enough to take over the throne, Diana still refuses to crown him as the next Alpha.
She knew he was gonna come back, she knew Derek will one day come back to claim what rightfully belongs to him… and he did.
But… that was on the same day Diviana and Lucas turned twenty.
~ The Final End ~ ❤️


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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48




THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

If you miss any episode click here


“Dearly Beloved,” the elder began, ” we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Alpha Derek and Lady Diana in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this – these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace. “
He continued, “Friends, we have joined here today to share with Alpha Derek and Lady Diana an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one.”
“Do you Alpha Derek, take Diana, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you two part.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Do you Lady Diana, take Derek, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you two part.”
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
” It’s time to put each other the ring.” The elder instructed.
” I Derek give you Diana this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” He fixed the ring into her finger.
” I Diana, give you Diana this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” She did the same to him.
At the final declaration, the elder said. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you alpha Derek and Lady Diana husband and wife. You may now kiss each other. “
He ended with, ” I present to you the newly married couple
Everyone stood up with an applaud as the couple lead out.
After the matrimony was over, Diana’s eyes went all over in search for her parents. Even with the now over grown bumb, she walked up and down. Now that she has seen them, she ran to give them a warm hug.
Derek had ordered some people to stop her but, she didn’t listen but kept running. Mrs Craig, her mother held her mouth in fear, but did that seem to bother Diana?
She ran to them, throwing herself in their embrace. ” Diana, you will hurt the baby. ” Her mother gave her a look.
” Mom, don’t worry, the baby is fine. “
” Well, that isn’t an excuse to me. If you wanna die, then not my grandchild. “
” Mom, you don’t care about me anymore? “
” I do, but it seems like you don’t care about yourself. Come here, give me another hug. ” She chuckled, pulling Diana to herself.
” Dad, how have you two been all this days. “
” We’ve been doing great. Though, your mother keeps mourning you until Kent told us you were alive with the wolves. “
” Mom… ” She stressed the word. ” Do you wanna kill yourself? “
” What do you expect? I thought I had lost my only child and daughter. I have to, it’s not like I loved what I was doing. You know what, whatever. It’s your day, let us jubilate it. “
” Why don’t we sit at the high table. I know my husband will be expecting us. “
” Yes, sure. Sure. “
Chapter 48:
( Seven Months Later )
“Call me my mother! Call me my mother! ” She cried in pains.
“But, my lady. You… ”
” I said, call me my mother!” She yelled at the nurse who did that Immediately.
Not quite long, her mother walked in straight to her side.
” Hold me tight, don’t let me go.” She said in pains and tears.
” I will never leave you my love. I’m here for you, okay? ” She assured her.
She nodded continuously while the nurse asked her for a push.
She screamed, her grip tight on her mother’s hand. She kept gasping for air.
The nurse ordered for another push which she did. Again and again, this she went on until something like a head was seen.
“I see it. I see it. One more push my lady.”
There came the cry of a baby filling the air.
“What do we have?” One of the nurse asked.
“It’s a girl!”
Diana stared at her mother who offered her an assuring look that everything was gonna be okay.
Soon, Diana felt pains in her stomach like something was kicking her.
“There’s another!” A nurse informed. “There’s one more.”
Diana looked at her mother weakly, she wasn’t sure if she could endure it this time. She needed to rest, but the being in her wants to leave.
” Kiara, I thought you said it was only a she! ” She echoed not minding the people around her.
” Sorry, I forgot to mention there was a he too. “
” Oh my God, I don’t think I can hold this anymore. Mother… ” She pressed her hand tight.
Mrs Craig rubbed her palms softly, tears dropping out of her eyes. She can’t do this, she needed some rest.
“Okay. You need to push hard, my lady. Push!”
She held her teeths firmly together. Her body stiffened in each push. It was time for the last push, she gathered her strength, her eyes turned purple.
” Diana, this is the last… you’ve got to push. ” Kiara whispered in her head.
” I’m trying, Kia. I’m trying, okay. “
The other her was ready, Kiara has to help her.
She gave the hard push…
She breathed heavily.
“What do we have?” A nurse asked.
“It’s a boy! ” Replied the other.
“I wanna touch my babies.” She said dully and they brought the two infants to her side.
They laid them beside her. She couldn’t stop from staring at this creatures, they were beautiful, they were gorgeous.
“Do you want to feel them?” She asked.
She nodded her head. ” Yes, yes. Oh my… goodness. ” She held them both in her arms, humming one of those lullabies she always sang for Diana when she was little.
” Aren’t they beautiful?”
She nodded.
Derek entered, looking astonished at his two little kids on Diana’s arms. ” Come, Derek, look what we have. ” Mrs Craig said,
He came closer, He took his male child into his arms, holding him tight from falling. He loved babies, but he has never taken one into his arms so he fears he might hurt his child.
For the first time, a tear fell from his eyes. He has never thought of being a father. Now he is, what kind of father will he become?
“He’s beautiful. They both are so beautiful. My bloods, my futures. “
★ ★ ★ ★
( Six years later )
Diviana ✓
” DIVIANA! ” I heard mom called but I paid deaf ears to her, running down the hallway. ” Diviana, I said, get back here, will you?! “
I stopped, stamping my feet angrily to the ground while I heard her approach me. ” Mom… “
” Don’t you ever mom me, okay? I said get back to your room and stay with your brother. ” She pointed towards the direction of my room.
” But mother, Lucas can take care of himself. Besides, I just wanna play. “
” You just wanna play, ” I notice her eyes look on my legs. ” And you aren’t putting on your shoes? Divia… “
” But this is not outside the castle… “
” Can you stop exchanging words with me and do as I said? To your room, now! ” She pointed.
” But mother… ” I tried to say.
” I said, don’t mother me… “
” Diana, take it easy. ” Cax said, touching her shoulder.
” Take it easy? Did you even listen to her? No, she is going into her room. And woman, what are you still waiting for? ” She said, throwing me a hard gaze.
” Fine, I’m going.. ” I scoffed, murmuring to myself as I headed back to my room.
” Hey Divia… ” Lucas tried to say but I cut him short.
” Shut up. ” I banged the door close.
Diana ✓
” You have to take it easy on her, besides she’s still a kid. “
” No, she’s stubborn. ” I corrected.
” That trait didn’t just come from nowhere, she must had gotten that from her mother. “
I eyed her, ” That was years ago. “
” Traits doesn’t give a damn how long it was or has been. It flows, and I think you just passed that down to her. ” She chuckled.
” No, I was stubborn, but not as stubborn as she is. ” We started to my room.
” I bet yours was worst. Cos if I can remember, yours resulted to you getting bitten. “
” Oh, maybe I must have forgotten. “
” Thank God I reminded you. “
” Uh-huh… “
To Be Continued…


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{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

If you miss any episode click here


The morning has surfaced, we were both awake sitting on the bed. Derek was busy with his laptop, while I sat busy with nothing. I was still contemplating if I should tell him about Kiara’s discussion with me or if I rather keep it to myself.
I don’t even know how to start it but… I really need to have this discussed with him now. I sighed.
” Derek, ” I called him.
” Mm-hmm. “
” Can we talk about something? “
” Right now? ” He asked, his eyes still on his laptop.
” Yeah, right now. “
He stopped what he was doing, shutting his laptop close. He adjusted himself, that we were sitting face to face.
” Okay, I’m listening. “
” I uhmm… ” I started with a pause. ” You know, I was wondering, we haven’t gotten married yet and, I’m almost… so close to giving birth. So, I was thinking if we might discuss about our union. What do you think? ” I don’t even know what I’m saying.
” I thought about that so, I decided on hosting our marriage next week. But I didn’t wanna push it too forward without getting your opinion first. And you know, I didn’t wanna talk about it in your condition. “
I sighed. ” It doesn’t matter if we have to get married with me being pregnant. It’s much better if I may say. “
” You’re scared people might take me away from you? “
” No… I.. I mean of course not. ” But the look was just too obvious to tell, leaving him to laugh at me. I found myself laughing too.
By the way, why would I be scared?
Everyone of course knows we are mated already. Or, am I being too concerned because of guests yet to come for the wedding. You know, those pretty ladies who thinks they are better than everyone in the world.
Gosh… I guess I’m overthinking right now.
” Yeah, I’m scared, a little tho. ” I confessed.
” It’s okay to be scared. But you’ve got to believe this, I’m never leaving you for anyone. Not after what we’ve started together. “
I nodded in relief.
” You wanna talk about anything else? ” He asked again.
Hold on… Did he just…
” You just read my mind, didn’t you?” I pointed at him.
” It was too much. I mean, your thoughts are too much and they are bothering me. “
” I’m sorry, I… Maybe I won’t ask again. “
” No, go ahead. “
I exhaled, rubbing my palms. ” Last night, I thought about this but, I don’t think you might approve it. Can you just read my mind, please? “
” Diana you know I can’t do that. It’s your privacy, I don’t wanna invade it. If you’re being too shy to tell me, maybe you can anytime. “
” No, I want to have it discussed now. I… Okay, it’s about my parents. I was thinking maybe you can permit them to attend the ceremony. I just wanna see them, even if it’s for the last time. “
He smiled. ” Don’t worry about them, I already sent them an invitation. “
I chuckled, scoffing. Gosh, I’m damn surprised. ” Oh my goodness, Derek, you’re full of surprises. Thank you so so much, I love You. I love you. ” I threw myself on him, causing him to rest on the bed.
” I’m grateful for what you did, Derek. You definitely don’t know how happy I am. “
” Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy too. “
This time, it was I who pressed my lips on his, kissing him passionately.
” Damn it, kiara you’re hurting me. ” I grunted at the hot pains in my belly.
” Sorry, she’s too stubborn just like you. I’m trying to calm her down but she’s too… “
” Ahhh…” I cut her shirt with my yell. ” Kiara for damn sake make her stop!! ” I yelled.
” I’m trying. I think… “
” You think what? “
” I think she wants to pull out. “
” Pull out? ” I repeated. ” Pull out where?! What’s that supposed to mean? “
” I don’t know. I think she wants to leave your womb.”
” Then make her know it not the damn time yet. I’m … Oh my God, I feel like passing out. Kiara!! “
” For God sake, Diana, I’m trying!. “
” Then keep trying!! ” I held the lower part of my stomach, pushing myself to lay on the bed. ” This is the most painful moment of… my… life. ” I said in clenched teeth. ” Whew…” I breathed, in and out.
I did that again and again as if that would help. And indeed it did. ” Kiara, ” I called with a warning tune. ” Don’t you ever, ever again play with her. Understood?! “
” Yes, boss. “
I exhaled heavily, resting my back on the bed. ” Whew… “
That night, I sat happily at the varenda. I always go there each time I wanted to be alone. I wanted to think, to be outside the universe.
I never expected Derek to have done what he did. Every other alpha will try to show how angry they were when humans are being mentioned, humans different from their mates.
But Derek just proved how different he was to other alpha’s. First, he respects my privacy. He never reads through my mind without my permission. And now, he just approved the idea of letting my parents attend our marriage.
Did I just said approved? He has already send an invitation letter to them??
Good God, I’m so fucking excited right now. Finally, I was gonna see my parents once again!
To Be Continued…
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