Son Of Thunder EPISODE 12

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 12
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until a maid walked in,I got myself.
the girl said she is Angelina and that she’s obi girlfriend…
I smiled and dropped the magazine, I first deleted the number from my phone then I recheck the magazine.
There were six more numbers there, I dialed the next number it wasn’t going through at first but later it got picked~ it was a man’s voice.
“hello caller”the voice said.
“umm hi,I want to speak to Obi or can I have his personal number”I said.
“personal number?? why? do you have any endorsement deals”he asked.
“ummm yes”I lied.
“okay why not contact his escort, Angelina instead”he suggested.
hmm so Angelina is just an escort.
“no I would love to speak to obi directly”I said.
“okay I will forward it to you”the man said perfunctory.
I hung up and just couldn’t contain my happiness..
no man has never made me loose control of my desires like this,
I’m just crazy about him
ever since royal high,Obi will be the first guy I will be scared to approach, guys are the ones that are always scared to approach me knowing fully well that I will turn them down,not the other way round.
why does obi seem different?..
cheerly,the gods knows what they are doing…after all the gods made Obi for me…didn’t they?.
he will be such a blessing to me,
add to my fames,
even give me an edge over my counterparts..
of course yes,am more beautiful than all the girls in royal high..
I smiled when my phone beeped..oh my goodness the man sent me Obi’s personal number.I quickly save it on my phone using the meaning of his name (Heart).
Then I add him up on wattsapp, his wallpaper screened and I drool the more….he’s too handsome to be a man and I wondered how his teeth would look like.
the yellow overall coat suit him best then his red head band was dipped in his head, it was officially signed “spark”.
waiiit he is (ex mr Nigeria).
hmmm I saved this picture already.
I was lucky to see his Instagram handle,ain’t I lucky?.
I was smiling in love until a maid distracted me.
“princess uju the form for the face of ultimate is out should I register you” she asked.
“yeah sure”I replied nicely.
the maid was surprised I spoke nicely to her…
“have just set your bath?”another maid came..
“please spare me a minute”I said.
something fascinating came to my mind. I should add Obi’s picture on the school website so that I will look more respected.
I added the cute one.
**my heart** I quickly upload the picture on the school website.
messages started flooding..
uju…explain more
hmmm our queen…
hot…are you two an item…
more chats kept on flooding..
I will still read the messages later.
my phone rang, I checked it it was Eze my brother.”Ujunwa what’s the meaning of that picture you posted on school website”.
“the last time I checked,am miss royal and I can post whatever thing I want…” I said.
“fine…delete it after 3hours” eze said.
I scoffed and ended the call.
I smiled when I saw the huge number of views.
I remembered I haven’t posted an update about what outfit the girls are to wear to school tomorrow.
All royal high girls should be on uniform strictly tomorrow.
either skirt or shorts~~~
signed queen Ujunwa.
I closed my laptop,dropped my phone and joined my maids in my bedroom.
Kira brought out a cloth,she’s preparing ahead for me.
“are you high? have I ever wear cloth two times”I asked.
“I’m sorry ma’am”she apologized.
I rolled my eyeballs and went to bed.
ChetachiChetachi’s p.o.v
that midnight,
I woke up and continued my book from where I stopped,it was even more easier with a laptop. I used the Skype app to connect to Margaret to send me the notes that I missed.
I studied till 4am in the morning.
ohh Jesus…when will I….I can’t help my tears knowing fully well that Clara will deny me access to school today again..
I removed my rosary from my neck then I opened my bible…
it was an old bible that belongs to my mother..she had given me this before she died and I kept it like a baby..
At the middle of the bible was a torn out cloth and a old picture of my mom me and Rita and OKon my younger brother.
the cloth was torn out from my mothers favorite wrapper…
I feel like she’s with me each time I smell the cloth,that’s the only memory of her that I have.
I quickly close it and kept it in under my pillow so that I won’t cry anymore then I knelt down beside my bed and wanted to pray..
the door burst open.
“what are you doing—“Clara didn’t finish her statement,she collected my rosary.
“I told you I don’t want to see this nonsense rosary in my house- if you want to pray then go and do it in your mothers grave inugo(you hear)”
she nagged and took the rosary away from me.
“hmm but its just a rosary-
its a….aunty I just wanted to pray” I said and she slapped me.
“no prayer,no singing in my house if I see you with a rosary or bible you will be dealt with”Clara said and went out.
son of thunder by adesola omowole.
“mom the form of the beauty contest is out-just #500,000” I overheard Amaka telling her mother when the form is just free of charge.
“okay,I will transfer it to you”…
I did all my chores and prepared for school,I checked the school website with the aid of my laptop,Ujunwa is the one to tell the color code or anything that has to do with dress.
surprisingly she said school uniform.
I wore the red skirt,it was too short and didn’t even enter me,my hips is also landing me in trouble..
no uniform means no school.
I tried in the shorts,it entered but my laps…this one just look like a bumbershot.It fitted me but….
I wore the white shirt and tucked in, I smiled for no reason.
I look so classy.Perfect I tied the jacket on my waist and used that one to cover my laps then I carried my bag and hopped downstairs.
“seriously you want to go to school when my clothes are dirty”Amaka crossed me.
“I will wash it when I return from school” I replied meekly.
“go to the stream and wash my daughters cloth”Mrs Clara said.
I started crying again as I ran upstairs.
soon I arrived at the stream.
I took off my uniform,tied a wrapper and started washing the clothes fast so that I will go to school.
seeing the waterfall gave me little hope of going to school today
I saw a bracelet inside the waterfall. I didn’t pick it cos I will get wet if I should go closer.
hmm does obi visits here?.
well I pray he doesn’t reveal my identity…
I washed all the clothes and spread one was coming so I quickly changed into my uniform and carried my bag when suddenly arinze from the next four kingdom approached.
He’s from Eziala and of course a drunk..who normally looks tattered and unkept.
He came to the stream with a big pot that am guessing should contain fermented liquor.
He looked at me,I quickly look away and hurried to carry my bag.
most people says he’s mad.
“water water,my fair maiden I need to quench my taste”Arinze said.
I looked around,is he talking to me.
I collected his cup and get him water from the stream making sure that my uniform didn’t stain..
I gave him the water,
he drank it like a prisoner.
“why….why….why must it be today that the lion decides to meet the tiger ahh ahhh aahhhh” Arinze the drunkard said and laughed.
I wanted to go,he followed me.
Jesus…will he follow me to school.
“Arinze just go away am in no mood for your drunken words” I said and still walk away.
“you dare walk out on me…chai love is really an idiot”he laughed in a drunken way,I ignored him and ran.
“the spirit says you’re scared of a man telling people you’re poor in school”arinze said…I stopped running.
“what else did the spirit says? will he expose me?*I asked.
“Interesting…very interesting.. hia the spirit says you should forget about the guy and kiss the one in your front” Arinze said.
“Arinze please tell me what the spirit truly says”I said.
he laughed in a drunken way.
“chetachi the goddess of beauty”.
I was surprise he knew my name. “Arinze tell me what the spirit truly says and I will hunt a big game for you” I said.
“hia…..the spirit says you need to take care of your sister so that your destiny will not be changed… if your sister die,your destiny dies with it” Arinze said.
“what is my destiny?”I asked curiously.
“give me your hand and I will tell you your destiny”arinze said.I cleaned my hand and gave it to him.
“hmm your destiny is to be my wife” he said and kiss my palm.
“you’re mad”I collected my have and ran away to school.I know am late. Margarete would have gone.
soon I got to the main road and waited patiently for cab.
soon I got to school.
“you always come to school without car.. tell us what is your identity” one of the security stopped me.
“well…..”I didn’t just know what to say.
“where is your pass?”another asked..
they were distracted by a car..
Obi again but he brought another car. I ran in when the security were not looking…
gosh she’s hot!
why is she using jacket to cover her endowment!!
I heard from a line of girls that passed me..
Firstly,I need to write my test since I missed school yesterday..
I entered an hallway,it was really pretty…I was as well scared cos people were looking at me like…….
you understand.
I got to an empty hallway,
the floor was different…
chai..hope I won’t fall,the floor look slippery.
finally,I walked slowly on it until I got to the last where I slipped and fell into someone, we almost kissed or should I say our lips almost touched.
my eyes reduced,
when I opened it it was obi.
He looked hot in what he wear,he didn’t wear uniform..the royals wear whatever thing they like.
He left me immediately and walk away… hmmm do I have infections?.
“I saved you not because I care but because the doors of my heart laces through mercy… next time stay away” I heard him say.
“okay,I will do just that but please do not tell anybody what I am” I said and took a separate way.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here
November 24, 2021 at 2:36 pm
Regina splendid
December 17, 2021 at 2:52 pm
Obi is nicely with her
sha interesting
January 7, 2022 at 1:04 pm