Son Of Thunder EPISODE 23

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 23
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prince Eze’s p.o.v
the rain got heavy more than expected with powerful thunderstorm several times,
later a deep cold sensation was felt everywhere.
jeeeeeezzzzzz…I rolled over my bed, I feel so cold.
this is not even a rainy season,rain is not expected to fall.
why now??
the door to my bedroom opened revealing two young maids.
“my prince..warm water”the dark one with short skirt says.
I sat up and took the flask.gosh I feel so cold.The second maid made a seductive eye contact with me.
“my prince this weather is so cold, are you sure you don’t need me to warm your bed for you”she said.
I look over to the window,
the rain already reduced.
“the both of you should leave,now” I command.They bowed and left.
moments later,
I went out and checked ebuka’s room.I knocked,it was opened by two young ladies in sexy bra and panties.
“hy…..”the both giggled.
I blinked my lashes and tucked my hands in my pockets,the girls are too sexy.Ebuka still want clubbing last night despite this heavy rain.
“hmm we are busy with ebuka”the pretty one said.
“enjoy then”I said and left.
I checked the next suite door which was emeka’s room.He was right on the couch with his laptop.
The sweater he wore covered every part of his body,he even wore two socks.
the cold is something else.
I was returning to my room when I saw queen mother uloma in the hallway with a priest.
“wise one, you still haven’t revealed the meaning of this strange rain”I heard her asks.
The sage shakes his head.”the rain mean something powerful yet difficult to understand”.
“I care to know”she had replied
“The rain speaks of someone..
He seeks to be known,
he seeks to be heard,
he seems to be greater than the one who have authority over the earth.
By the coming of the night,no one can never wrap him in the cocoons of darkness; for the son of thunder he is and the son if thunder he shall remain..
He who holds him to the ground hold himself”the priest said.
I scoffed,rolled my eyeball’s then went away.Enough of this nonsense already..
Rita’s p.o.v
I slept soundedly and dreamt peacefully.I wish I should remain in my dream forever.
Mama came in my dream and gave me and cheta food..
that food taste soo nice,oh my god delicious,sumptuous….
cheta took me shopping..
I had so many funs,I even had my own car which carries me to school.
why did I have to wake up from that dream???.
mama left me and my sister in that dream…so painful cos we now feel like an orphan.
“Cleaning starts”cheta said from the bathroom she was washing.
Amaka burst into our room.I already knew she came to show off her expensive hair to my sister and her nicely polish nails.
She stared at me,I glared back.
“can’t you greet?”she snapped.
I looked around like is she talking to me,why would I greet her? did I greet her yesterday.
“You don’t know how to greet, see the way you’re looking at me like a lost chimpanzee”she yelled.
“I would have greeted you if my greetings will impact some manners into you and guess what,I would rather use my time in listening to the sound of a generator than listening to you”I said..
She wanted to take actions,
my sister hastily came out of the bathroom she was washing.
“Amaka good morning”cheta said.
“ohh its you I came to see but your sister is something else”she said and pushed her hair backwards with style
“hmm don’t mind my sister,
pardon her.You know sometimes children say things without knowing the meaning”cheta said.
I was surprised my sister didn’t give her hot hot this morning.
“hmm how can I help you”cheta said while cleaning her hand on her cloth.
“I need recharge card”she said.I watch my sister collect the money,I was angry.
“Amaka can’t you recharge from your account”I said.
Amaka wanted to talk,cheta cuts her.
“I will go,don’t mind Rita”she said, Amaka walked out.
“what’s that for?”I asked angrily.
“I know what am doing,I want to try to be friendly with her so she can help me tell her mother to pay my school fees”she said.
I shrugged.Although I didn’t see it as a good idea because Amaka is a serpent..
ChetachiChetachi’s p.o.v
I thought being close to Amaka will help but instead it landed me into more troubles.Mrs Clara didn’t say anything about my school fees meaning I will stay at home in other to avoid embarrassment in school.
I moved into my room and took my bath,I sat on the bed and looked at my mother’s picture,
its the only picture of her that I have.
Although she was smiling in the picture but the picture reminds me of painful things.
mama you left us,
you’re not looking down in us from heaven as you promised in my dream…how can you be so forgetful.
I need you..
don’t you want to smile in your grave too.I dipped the picture under my pillow.
I miss margaret.I would have can her if I have a phone.
anyways I went out and went to the market to work for some money… the place was a fruit store,the woman insists I hawk and she will pay me depending on the amount I sell which I agreed..
I sold till it was evening.I have few oranges left and was returning back to the store when a car stopped beside me.
“hmm orange”the driver of the car said.
“I only have six left” I said.
“yeah,its six I want to lick”he said.
I quickly peeled and kept it in a nylon I moved close to deliver it.
the side window of the back whyned down..
.ohh my god! I felt like running away.
it was Eric.
He was also shocked to see me.Now he knows am a commoner..
ain’t I doomed?.
“Chetachi!! he called my name,
I blinked back my lashes..
“Am…am..please don’t tell anyone” I find myself saying.
“come in,please”he said.
I picked my tray.”are you sure!
“yeah,he said.I entered with my tray on my laps.
The car stopped in a classic restaurant.I feel so shy going there with him but it was nothing after all.
He watch me eat,
I got more shy…
“thank you”I said.
“you’re welcome”he replied,we went back to his car.The driver excused us He would ask me questions about myself and Mrs Clara already warned me sternly not to tell anyone anything.
I could remember the day I explained everything to Margaret, I was surprised Mrs Clara knew,she beat me like a goat.I don’t think am ready to be beaten the second time.
“you don’t want to talk,I understand” Eric said..
Imagine it was already night.
“we will talk some other day”he said. I nodded and went out of his car with the money he gave me.
Am lucky for the first time.
chai ..I hide the money and ran so I will return the fruit seller tray since since it was already late.
I made use of the shortest route which is closer to the waterfall side. The market is really farrr.
I was rushing until I crampled, I felt something shook me in the leg I couldn’t see it cos it was night.
no light.
I tried walking,the thing shook me again.”mom”I didn’t know when I shouted so loud.
“someone help”I shouted.I was already crawling.
then I felt light,it was from a phone.
I raised my head and saw the least person I intend seeing…OBI
I was lost staring ooo.He rolled his eyeballs at me,I got myself.
Am I not a fool?.
I hastily stood up, my leg still hurts but will obi help?.
there was a big stone.
“sit”he muttered under his breath like he is being forced to speak to me. Obi is the very first guy that didn’t get carried away about my shape and beauty…
I understand I have infections,sir.
I looked down and limped to the stone,I almost got there when my feet failed me.He held me with just one hand… he must be very fit.
he helped me sit and quickly remove his hand from me then he squat to my height and took my leg,
it was a nail that shook me..
“stay still, I will just remove this” he said.I nodded.
The diamond earring he wore glittered.gosh so dreamy.
It feels good to be close to you,sir. He has black eyeballs like mine,
red lips that fitted his glittering skin,
black curly hair and the hairstyle he barbed..He weaved the front part backwards in a cornrow hairstyle.
“ooouuuuccch!! I screamed as he removed the nail.
I hurts so deep,I didn’t even know when I held his arm tightly.
soo close…
he looked at me with a eye I understood.
“ohh my am sorry,I didn’t mean to hold you
am sorry am sorry!.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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