Son Of Thunder EPISODE 24

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 24
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I hastily removed my hand from his hand when our eyes locked..He removed his eyes swiftly and mistakenly pressed that place.
“mom” I shouted and didn’t know when I heard his wrist, my finger brushed into his bracelets.
what was I thinking?.
I removed my hand and watch him remove the nail totally.
he seems kind,helping someone like me.He avoided my face all through but I won’t stop looking at him.
like in my dream,he looks pretty and ethereal from up close.
I didn’t get myself until when he dropped my leg.Now how do I tell him thank you?.
“thank you sir” that’s too casual.
“thanks for helping an orphan like me”that’s too stupid,I should not say that.
“thanks for coming to save me and look Obi,stop appearing to me in my dream”that’s too crazy for me to say.
I was still thinking of a way to address a thank you,he left already.
I understand you don’t talk to orphans but nevertheless thank you sir.
I took my orange tray and stand.I limped for a while and later changed into running.I swear my condition won’t allow me pity myself. I don’t even always ask for much,
I only want to be educated if not for anything so that I can take care of my sister..and my mothers grave, I would love to change the burial ground,I don’t like the way and the place they buried her.
imagine she was buried in the place where they throw litters.
I rushed off to the store,the woman gave me my share,I ran like I never did to my mothers grave,I always go there every morning and night to sweep there.
finally,I retired home and saw another vacancy post in the wall,it was night I couldn’t see well until I moved closer and strained my eyes to read it.
Just three hours everyday..
has god not buttered my bread? this one will favor me,I can even do it after school.I tore the paper and folded it in my pocket then I ran home.
Mrs Clara was right in the living room
“good evening nne” I greeted and proceeded to leave until she called me back.
“cheta what did I tell you about boys?” she asked.
“boys!!!! I widened my eyes.
is this woman not a witch already, imagine how does she always know the people i talk to.
“I heed to your warnings”I said.
she dropped the fashion magazine she was checking in her hand and stood up,I looked down and pick on my fingers.
“I had warned you several times and this is exactly what killed your mother”she said..
I felt like an orphan that moment she mentioned my mother.
“now tell me,where you not with a guy today?”she asked.
“he’s just my friend”I said..
“you this stupid girl”she dragged my ears and twisted it,then knocked my head…
“I’m sorry mama…”I said in tears.
“what happened today mustn’t repeat itself”she said and walked out.
And in the end,it was with tears.
am not even use to people treating me well again.
I got to the kitchen and saw Mrs Clara putting a substance into my food..
I got curious.
was that salt or what???
Obi’s p.o.v
finally I found the chain in the place she kept it for me but it was together with her own…maybe because she found it difficult to untangle.
I don’t know if something is wrong or not…why is it that I can percieve her scent in her absence and cannot perceive it in her presence or is it because I haven’t met her?.
I always recall her voice when she told me answers but I still haven’t heard anyone talk like that…
I haven’t heard a voice like hers…
show yourself already…whosoever you are,its taking long.
or are you a spirit? noo,spirits do not have footprints..
so why the hide and seek? when I finally thought have found someone whom my soul could breath with,
Yes it was you and Angelina but I choose you.
I choose you to show Angelina that there can be someone who is better than her.I didn’t even dated her cos the relationship was like I was dating myself.
You won’t show up..why?
but I believe sooner or later you will do,I can always perceive the scent of my maiden.Maybe because am too eager to meet you.
my phone beeped.”too much securities”.
“Obi take some cautions,you’re just new to this environment, how can you be moving around like that? Do you want to put spark into more trouble with your life!” darman, spark manager said on phone.
“Fine!! I said.
“Obi…turn on your GPS am sending securities”darman said.
“its on”I said and flicked the little device on my bracelets.
I catwalked,taking slow steps to where I packed my car.
“Amadi!!! I heard a faint voice called. I didn’t turn back,
that’s not even my name.
“Amadioha!!! I heard in full loud voice
it sank deep in my heart.
I didn’t still turn back,I took my lips in slowly and got to my car.
“Amadioha!! I heard again,so loud.
I turned back,it was no one..
who can be shouting at this hour?.
I got to my car,I forgot my car key.
oh gosh! I rushed back to the waterfall and saw the key just where I kept it.
I took it and tied a red head band,I walked hastily.Finally,I got to my car and heard someone call from behind. what she said,I don’t understand the strange.
“Amadi,your highness! the man said to me with so much love,care and emotions.
I got confused~~this Amadi stuff is getting out of hand already.
“Amadi,your highness…
“forgive me…I didn’t….
the man knelt down and tried touching my feet..
He looks like he’s from the village part cos the way he looks and dressed.
he must be mistaken.I rushed off to my car and drove away slowly.
Jerry’s p.o.v
“common,let’s hit the club tonight”
I said..
“oh club,am not interested”Eric said.
“aaiiishh I need a girl right now”I said
Eric smiled.”what type of girl this time around”.
“Any girl waoow enough to make a niggar straight will do,glancing at the face alone should make me want to eat her raw..”I replied.
“okay,hold on”Eric said and picked his phone.He clicked on “sexy” an application where one can come in contacts with call girls.
“how about this one”he showed me a picture of a naked girl.
“too old”I said.
we both laughed.
“this” he showed another one.
“her ass isn’t big”I replied and sip in my wine.
“this…”he showed me another one.
“her tilts are too small”I said.
He stonned me a pillow.”you’re tasteless and can never be satisfied when it comes to women”.
“I ain’t tasteless”I replied.
“so you’re what?”he said.
“I just need a perfect height,not too tall and not short.The type I can kiss comfortably without breaking my neck you know…
fair and spotless,
boobs like inflated balloon,
bums like a royal throne” I said.
“womanizer”Eric threw me a pillow.
“common we are both the same” I retorts.
Eric dropped his phone and went upstairs,Kelly should be in his room sleeping I guess.
I took the projector remote and screened it to the unknown girl ultimate is looking for.If only I can see her face,I would be able to find her in a twinkle of an eyes and do anything to make her open those wide hips for me.
I switched it,Eric phone was darman spark manager.
Eric came and answered his call.
“Darman what did you say?”
he asked over the phone.
I could hear every single thing since the call was on loud speaker.
“Eric you have a show tonight*
darman said.
Eric frowned,its obvious he doesn’t want to go.
“ohh Eric is not around,this is jerry” Eric suddenly made his voice sounded like mine.
“okay jerry,give the phone to Eric”
Darman said.
“Nope,Eric is not here,its only I and Kelly”Eric formed his voice,it sounded very much alike.
“give the phone to Kelly”darman said.
Eric looked at me and smiled.
“Kelly,I think you should take up this singles song since Eric is being careless about it”darman said over the phone.
“Hell no!! I have my confirmations to attend.I need breathing space.You can tell Obi to do that” Eric formed Kelly’s voice.
“you brats!! Darman shouted over the phone and hung up angrily.
I poured myself a glass of wine and picked his phone when he dropped it so I can check the sexy app myself when I mistakenly clicked on gallery.
“so many girls picture on your phone and you’re saying you’re not a player” I said.
“I only have those girls picture cos I find them attractive”he replied.
I scrolled on the picture and finally stopped on one.
she looks so familiar with her mirror skin that reflects,she’s so attractive.
I stared at the picture with desires.
“this one can make my night! I said.
“which one?*Eric asked as he collected the phone to check.
“ohh the new girl I just met,Chetachi I find her attractive tho” he said.
“CHETACHI?? hold on hope its not the girl…ultimate is looking for?.
“I asked her if she’s the one cos the body shape matched but she said she’s not the one”Eric said.I felt relieved.
“sooooo??? we both asked.
“let’s bet, whosoever gets her first” I said cunningly..
“are you sure you want to bet with me,cos the last time I won you” Eric said…
“that was then, I won’t allow you win my bank account this time cos I already graduate into a couch while you’re still a player”I said,
He smiled deeply.
“If I win her first by going through her legs it means I win your investments for 6months.Deal or no deal” I asked.
“its a deal”Eric said.
we both drank out of our wine.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here
Akinranti feranmi.
October 12, 2020 at 5:18 am