Son Of Thunder EPISODE 42

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 42
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my eyes ran into obi…I felt so embarrassed and managed a dry smile when my eyes reduced a bit but my smile still came out with tears
my tears increased when I felt coldness everywhere.
the two people where still far away from me..I turned slightly.
it was Eric and Jerry,i got their cloths wet.
obi stood and stared at me
he tried coming to the poolside but the guards took a step so he moved back and bite his lips cutely.
“instead of getting her out of the pool, you were busy issuing her with a strike?” Jerry questioned.
“sorry my prince”the supervisor said
“you’re fired”Kelly said.
multiples of phone went up when Eric carried me up and placed me carefully on the neat pavement.
Jerry came came put of the pool and helped me up to a chair,I feel so cold, he covered me with a towel.
by the time I turned,obi already rushed out with his guards and that made ujunwa and crews smiled.
“I told ya obi won’t even look at her twice”I heard her..
ujunwa when you knew this
then why do you derive happiness in punishing the low might just think am a fool for acting silence most times but I am sensible enough to ask myself of what use does it means fighting you back when you always end up putting me in the wrong..
is my body used to pain??.
“listen and listen good,the hate and eviction card of CHETACHI OKEKE has been dissolved”Emeka burst in and said.
ujunwa eyes almost drop down,
ifeoma was shocked
everyone was shocked.
I was also shocked as well when emeka walked in.
Emeka,king somadinna last son have never spoken to me before but he stood up for me..I looked up at emeka…
“I stand in power to make this new law,no more eviction, no more hate card and if anyone go against my new law…such person will be sent put of royal institute”Emeka said.
“but you and prince eze created and started eviction…you can cancel it now except you will go through that pain commoners go through” Linda said…
“she’s no longer a hate student,its over”emeka said and rushed out..
All eyes on me when I stood up.
imagine,all the students already know me.
a lady came and I followed her to change.I got dressed for the next challenge. I heard Extension company will be coming.
I breathed out and took the drugs so it will subdize the chemical work.
Ujunwa’s p.o.v.
I ran after Emeka but he wouldn’t stop..
“emeka stop!! I shouted.
“am not in the mood okay,just let me be will you?”…..
“Emeka you’re my brother and you should be defending me and not that tramp”I shouted.
he turned.
“give me one reason why I will defend you*he said.
“I can’t believe you’re acting like this because of that worthless dirty low lifeless—–
Emeka raised his hand to slap me, I moved back in shock,the look on his face was so serious.
He held his hand back.
“emeka you almost slapped….
he walked away.
“come on you can’t…
“you saved her today from my trap, you cannot always save her everyday okay! I shouted angrily and left for my suite in high mood.
“that cheta needs to leave,emeka almost slapped me because of her”
I said…
“cool just withdraw her admission.. is emeka falling for her too”Linda ask
“I can’t remove her admission straightaway, if I remove it either Kelly or Eric will use Obi’s authority to give it back and secondly I don’t want obi to find out I did something soo cruel..I need to be sweet and kind in his mind as always”I said.
“then let’s mark her,for now that’s the best idea”Ifeoma said.
I smiled to myself.
“best idea,let’s mark” Linda says.
“but how will the card mark come out when the spark boys are now standing up for her,even emeka. We need at least 14princes to approve then 14princesses…that’s what we need to generate a very strong mark card for cheta” ifeoma said.
“okay, Eze and Ebuka on our side,this is not an issue I will log into the royals connect then I will connect prince Edwardo and Javier….
Cheta won’t survive this one” I said.
“I hope this doesn’t backfire on you Ujunwa.You know how influential obi is…Obi now have more authority and slots of about 80% than Eze! what if obi stands up for her”Brenda said.
Linda smiled.”Have you ever seen obi standing up for someone, come on.He always mind his business”.
“hmm uju do you think all these is necessary because truthfully this mark is too extreme.This girl might die of pains*she said.
“who cares?? she herself will run away from obi when she finds out the type of person he is…who can cope with obi? even his friends and band mates knows when not to get him provoked..Just seeing obi get angry once will make her run away,his temper can burn down a house” I said.
they laughed.
ifeoma already generated the mark card for cheta.
“cool,I heard the next challenge is on” I said and walked out with my maids to the hall..the walls already have covers of extensions products.
a crowd of students tripped in and spread out.I glared when I spot cheta with two girls..classless girls like her.
don’t worry,you are just passing time here.You will soon leave.
I smiled when the managers of extensions walked in.
“good evening”they greeted.
“same here ma’am”we choroused.
“waoow I must say you all are beautiful.Good evening once again and welcome to extension Hair avenue season6,right now is a bomber package–
the woman paused and smiled at a girl..
we were instructed on what to do to win the challenge.
Total was 15points..
winner gets a duplex,2millionaire, two years data subscription and a modeling contract—
we started the challenge randomly.
the highest was 10points so far and when it was my turn,I had 14….
waoooow and surprisingly, cheta also had same 14points, the last point was difficult to get.
Everyone clapped..
The female manager smiled.
the challenge was changed into aore hard one.I tried with 10 out of 12..
I frowned when cheta had 12 out of 12….
I rushed out…finally.
Darman’s p.o.v[Obi’s manager]
I had so many questions in my brain when sir William,Obi’s dad narrated to me the hidden part of obi’s birth.
He was the one that set up the team that dropped obi in the bush 22years ago…
“but why didn’t obi get a place in the orphanage and the truth of his birth will be hidden forever?”I asked.
“if obi stayed in the orphanage, he will have been behind king somadinna’s sight cos it’s the king responsibility to take control of any orphan…he might restrain him and that will even be castrophic adding to the facts that he shares the same birth date with eze”he said.
I took a deep breath.”So obi is…. how can King somadinna be so cruel?? right now I am so worried about obi cause I know king somadinna is also in suspense…
he knows right now that the throne doesn’t belong to him,
am afraid of him finding out about Obi being the run away prince… and besides the truth about his birth can’t be hidden forever” I said.
“the truth can be hidden easily only by adding a sperk of lie,even the truth can turn into a lie …..
Obi will find out about his birth soon and also gets to the throne they killed his father for,
that was why I told Chi to took him away to a safe place…
The luxury box was meant to take care of him and as we planned, Obi grew up America right from when he was just one week old,
he look like an halfcast and not like a Nigerian… king somadinna won’t figure it out easily.
Obi will have to display strenght,
He already make an identity for himself by being the world most wealthy celebrity…Somadinna doesn’t stand a chance with obi when it comes to wealth and hence nobody competes..
secondly,obi will have to gain more hearts…so many people’s love
I mean more hearts of the people so that when the time comes, he will have more supporters and neither somadinna nor his sons will stand a chance with him”He said.
I smiled.”Obi will make a good king, I find it hard to believe he owns all of those properties somadinna took over”.
“let this be a secret,hence I am entrusting you with all responsibilities of Obi”sir William said…
“I swear with all my apprehenditions I won’t tell on anybody” I said.
we shook hands and part ways.
Cheta’s p.o.v……
I won I felt soo happy, happiness was written everywhere on my body.The duplex I won was like the world to me.Finally my grandmother,Rita and i will have a more comfortable place to stay.
“congrats!! Margaret whispered.
Tiara hugged me.
I smiled widely.”I don’t think I will eat this night oo”..
they all laughed.
“you deserve it”Margaret said as we walked in the hallway to the cafeteria.
“wait,I haven’t seen Mina for a week now?”I asked.
“hmm Mina traveled”tiara said.
“okay,I will call her.I miss Mina” I said
“yeah,its dinner time”tiara said, she likes food.
“you guys should go,I will join you” I said and traced the royal suite.
straightaway to Eric’s room,
I need to say thank you…..
I knocked politely on the door,it was opened by a girl wearing a tight gown.
I giggled,is this his girlfriend. Let me go now before she will think another thing.
“sorry,mistake” I said and ran away to Jerry’s room.He didn’t even come out,what I heard was loud music…
bad boys…he doesn’t want people to hear the girls sound track..
I rushed back to the cafeteria and took a plate.Uju scoffed.Must I always be in trouble with this girl.
I looked away and took a stand on the line,I don’t know what she’s doing but I saw her took her phone..
is it group chat???
all the girls started running away fro me like I am a disease..??
I feel so sad,no one neared me.
but I thought Emeka said no hate.
It was my turn to collect food although they keep running away from me..
I moved forward and showed the woman my plate.
“I want beef sauce and fried yam” I said.She collected my plate like she wanted to put food for me,
she threw my plate away…
everyone laughed.
“why are they—-
I wanted to cry,I feel like running away..Ujunwa is doing all this to threaten me so I will stop schooling she said am her competition…
maybe the plate I took was dirty, that was why she threw it away.
I took another plate and showed her, she collected it and threw it away.
“no food for marked students, are you having problems with brains–
the woman shouted,
more laughter erupted.
I took a deep breath and walked to an empty seat, everybody sitting in that roll stood up.
I can’t take this anymore,
am stopping my school right here now…let me remain a commoner and be happy—
I stood up,my tears on the floor as I walked out.
I felt someone hold my right hand back when I started crying…
there was suddenly silence.I opened my eyes..Obi
Everyone stood up in respect,
Ujunwa also stood up.
Obi stared at me,only me with so much expressions

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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