Son Of Thunder EPISODE 49

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 49
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Rita cleared her throat.”Obi is a boy” she said.
Old nana knocked her head instantly, it was loud and I imagined how painful it would be.
“aaahh is obi not a boy”she said.
“come back here,I do not mean that way.I mean the other way round. Who is Obi?”Old nana asked again, her voice could bring down a storey building.
I already ran to the bathroom door in my room in case she wants to come for me too.i never knew granny would be over possessive.
she turned to my direction,I moved my face quietly to the window side.
“for the last time, who is obi?”
she asked.No one answered.
“am talking to someone! are you guys here at all”she said, still we didn’t talk.
“I said…..
Rita ran to my side,we quickly took each others hand.
“eeeehhn eeeehhn so you two have started giving men’s free Toto I mean you’ve started giving them that thing in between your legs abi(isn’t it).”.
“grandma that’s not true”Rita said, defensively.I was already crying.
“that’s not true abi…then why have you refused to answer my simple question.. who is obi?”she said.
I didn’t want to cry much,I entered the bathroom Rita followed and I locked the door.
Remembering one past experience with my late mother made me quickly wipe my tears.I was just 15years then madam cash son,Dominic was very fond of me and always come visiting our poor home everyday despite the fact that he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.
each time he comes,he always comes with goodies,expensive cookies,candies,burgers and all that..
everyday he always bring all that to me and my mother saw it as something else…
even as at that,
she has her way of solving things..
my late mother have her way of making me open up to her anything any man tells me,I always make her know everything.
Dominic was 18years before he traveled out of the country,that night before he left.He asked me out although I didn’t reply him,I ran away as a shy girl, my mother was the first person I told…
she knows everything.
now grandmother…she doesn’t know how to make me tell her things.
the love my mother had for me was irreplaceable..
I wish she didn’t die,
even granny can’t take her place.
“ummm sorry,don’t cry”Rita said.
I smiled and took a wrapper to tie on the shorts I wore.
“ummm Rita,can you please check my waist?”I asked.she did.
“what did you see there?”I asked.
“OBI name and a little tatoo, he marked you.There’s another tattoo on your laps,then another one on your shoulder”.
“what does that tattoo means?” I asked..
“I don’t know but it looks like a gem stone…something like diamonds” she said.
I breathed out.Obi marked me without telling me.
Rita smiled..
“why are you laughing?”I asked her, I thought we were crying before.
“I can’t wait to move to a bigger house”she said.
“I don’t understand—“I said.
she cleared her throat.
“his name is OBI DIAMONDS he marked you with his name and draw diamond spots on you, don’t you know he is inviting you into his family already…”
“I always knew you are crazy”I said.
she laughed..
we waited a little bit before opening the bathroom door,then grandmother already left.
I breathed out I don’t even think I can stay in my room again,I followed Rita out to her room.
I slept,she slept and hugged me from the back.
“I miss our brother,okon”she said.
“well,I miss mother.She appeared to me in dreams and tell me so many things…. so many things I will tell you but I won’t tell grandmother” I said..
Rita slept so fast.
I couldn’t sleep,the door opened again.Grandmother.
I forced my eyes closed,finally she sat beside the bed where I slept.
“Chetachi,am sorry I said that to you earlier….ummm try and understand me,I always remember Ruth each time I look at you” she said,I won’t still open my eyes.
she called my names,I didn’t answer. cos I know what she wanted to ask.
who is obi???.
“honey,look at me…okay tell me,I promise I won’t shout at you”she said..
“grandma go away already,I won’t tell you,you made me cry already”I said.
“I’m sorry”she said.
“bikonu(please) tell me the person that marked you,its urgent”she said.
I refused to talk.
cos I don’t want to tell her since she can’t be like my mother.
“okay fine,I will tell you if I see my mother”I said.
she wanted to cry.I smiled,she also needs to feel the pain,she thinks I enjoy being an orphan.
she really want to cry.
“fine don’t, I know mama won’t come back”I said.
“uhm yeah….so who is Obi?”she asked..
a powerful thunder stroke that moment followed by a lightening, cold was everywhere then a heavy rainfall followed…
I took my lips in quietly.
why is everywhere now cold??
old nana looked so suspicious…
“I will tell you tomorrow,I want to sleep”I said.
she still looked suspicious but she left me to myself.
Darman’s p.o.v
at this stage,obi needs monitoring more than ever.
how can you be damn careless…
where is he now!!!
***your excellency…I…
“sir…sir…spark house”I said in a rush
“spark house?Eric just confirmed he is not there”President tochi(Obi’s dad) said.
“sir sir….he should be…in..
“you have just 20mins..
Obi you will kill me at last.
“his GPS device is still off..
“okay found” I breathed out when one of the guards said finally.
president tochi has never been this mad at me ever since my working years with him but each time it comes to his son’s matter,he is always super mad..
its not like bragging but I guess he has his own special reasons.
i called him back.
“sir found.He is in his lake house”I said..
“with who…holly molly! darman..
“am on my way..
“don’t tell me he told securities to back down again,that troublesome kid aahh he needs serious flogging” saud president tochi..
I chuckled.
“kindly take the guards along” he said now softly.
“done,your Excellency”I said.
then alerted the military cars.
seven military cars followed my car out in a roll as well .
Obi will be mad seeing the huge securities.
at some points,I always pity him.
like how will you even breath obi??
soon I arrived in the pretty estate.
the securities opened the gates, the military cars drove into the wide compound sequencially then my car, lastly.
they knew what to do.
each stood on the boarder while I walked into the living room.I met ikenga(Obi’s personal guard) standing in the living room.
“why was your phone switched off? you made me hypertensive for one hour straight”I said.
“obi told me to switch it off”he replied
“why?”I asked.
“he wants space”he replied.
I sighed and went upstairs to the bedroom where I met obi himself. He wore the dark jeans with a diamond stonned belt then a yellow long sleeve top.
I rushed in with heavy breath.
he had a glass of wine in his hand then his phone with his earpod connected.
“don’t tell me you were looking for me”he said in a smile.
“obi this is not funny at all,don’t do it again.You turned off all your tracking device.His Excellency was worried sick”I said.He smiled.
is it funny??
“Well,you know what today is right?” I asked.
“sure,royal feast at family house”he said.
“good…we should start going then” I saud.
“we or you??”he said.
“you won’t fail mother again..will you? this feast is always done for you every month and you didn’t attend for the pasts month why?” I asked.
“cos I don’t want to”he replied and laid on the pillow.cute view.
“obi you need to…for grandmothers sake,you know how much..
“fine,I will attend if only Mina won’t be present”he said.
“Mina? is she a problem?”I asked.
he pouted his lips cutely.
“Mina is so stubborn,she does not understand the fact that I am suppose to be her brother,she still wants us to date.
and when I said I wouldn’t date her, she now wants us to have a sexual relationship.
president tochi thinks I don’t like coming home,he doesn’t understand am trying to avoid what Mina wants.
I don’t even sleep peacefully in my room,she had to get my key molds into a spare.
she’s not seeing me as her brother cos I didn’t grew up in Nigeria. I only stayed one week old in Nigeria,the rest of my life was lived in the states then I came to spark house and stayed 2months then I traveled with William to train close to 5years.
then my first time seeing her when she grew up was last year during her 19th birthday,the spark boys came for her birthday and that was when this nonsense started.
You can imagine Mina stripping in front of me? I just couldn’t tell the family something gross”Obi said.
I smiled..He hasn’t seen anything.
“fine,let’s go”I said.
he stood up and brushed oil into his hair again…
we left.
There are so many things you need to understand Obi,I thought.
“Eric,Jerry and Kelly are coming too” he said without turning.
I nodded.He did some few things before following me out.
I glance at him when he walks.. is he real? Obi are you real? your handsomeness,everything.
like 30securities rushed to his side when we got to the compound.
“dismiss”he ordered slowly as he beeped the red ferarri color blocking..He smiled when he threw the key at Kelly.
the cars drove out.
soon we arrived.
waooow mother adaolisa spends a lot in this feasts, why??.
the cars packed in the lots.
“Jesus!! see girls,after all I won’t regret coming here”Jerry said.
Obi smiled out dimples.”you should be careful with those girls,darman must not see you with them”.
“super story”jerry said and rushed in.
Obi nodded and walked in with the rest..
everyone turned.
but wait…who brought all this girls? who are they?
is that him
is that him
I must put in my very best.
I heard.I smiled.
Obi also turned. the girls were walking with him although with gap differences.
I saw mother adaolisa smiled.When she sighted obi.
she hugged Eric first,there was a maid holding a tray beside her.
she picked the candy.
“aah ahh”she said.
Eric opened his mouth,she smiled and put the candy.
she did the same to Kelly and Jerry then Obi.
“my son!! she took him in a long hug.
“isn’t this okay already”obi whispered
she smiled…
he should be wondering the meaning of this love he always as a kid.
Obi is the first boy I have seen having 14grandmothers,
the only boy I have seen having 6fathers,
the only boy I have seen having close to 35siblings…
waoow.Those people are his past past background.
President Tochi is his real father’s friend and the one that planned the escape of keeping Obi in a bush 22years ago.He is a very kind man.
Obi’s real dad is a royal blood,
a very powerful grand king,his ancestors were the ones that found this very kingdom king somadinna claims today.
his parents were involved in an accident according to what people said…
the death of his parent shocked everyone.
even in other kingdoms.
everyone started looking for Obi, the one hour old baby that survived the accident.They were,looking for him both for good and bad.
sir william was kind enough to ensure obi’s safety first by taking him far away to the bush. Adaolisa was lucky to find him and raise him up as a son.
When sir william went back so he can take obi back,it was too late cos Adaolisa wouldn’t let go of the one hour old baby already,she volunteered to take care of obi without even knowing who he is..
sir William left obi for adaolisa because adaolisa was a good woman but he never expected will turn into a famous somebody..
well obi’s future is not a simple one,
only a simple and contended girl can be with him,
obi needs someone faithful cos his net worth keeps growing and the more enemies he gets.
imagine?? king somadinna didn’t know the 230millionaire he lend as a loan for some projects was from Obi!
and we have not added his real wealth to it already.
Just like sir William said,Obi will get married at a very young age.So his wealth will be divided and an account will be created in his girlfriends name.
not for lavishing but for safety,
obi likes spending on ladies that why he needs a real girl.
someone simple and sensible.
I smiled,watching mother and son.
“Obi look back,tell me what you see?” the first grandmother said.
obi smiled and look back,there were so many sexy ladies.
jerry chuckled.
“tell us what you see”Kelly said.
*umm well,I saw the pretty tree through the window”obi said.
“jezzzzzz!! Kelly busted out.
“she meant the girls”Jerry whispered.
“no no,I don’t do girls”obi said. he stood up,they are making him talk too much already, he ran into a group of girls.
“ummm hi”a girl quickly hugged him
“umm am Alicia”the girl said.
Obi nodded and left.
soon the long dinning was set.
hmmm many people filled in, so many people.Mother invited princesses too.
I cleared my throat when I saw princess ujunwa.
“umm hi”she smiled and catwalked to obi’s table.She sat beside Obi without being told.
“do you need anything?” mother adaolisa finally asked ujunwa.I think the maids should be doing that.
is mother adaolisa liking ujunwa already…
“umm hi”ujunwa said and brushed her hand on obi’s hand,where he wore the real kingdom royal bracelet. That serpent,I don’t trust her.
“that hand remove it”obi said icily, then stood up.
Dominic had just come.
I watched in smile as Dominic and Obi took each other in warm brotherly embrace…..

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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