Son Of Thunder EPISODE 57

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 57
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I covered my mouth quietly in a smile…Rita is really crazy sweet to have shown up at the gate again.She smiled and waved bye bye at the car before the glass finally whyned up.
I felt sweet all of a sudden,
this is how love should be…I guess.
Obi turn in the car light then increased the air condition level.
he turned sideways,our eyes locked.
He stayed like that and looked at me for a while..
I too was lost looking in his eyes..
then his brows down to his lips to his jaws.
my eyes have no control.
Obi suddenly looked at me in a different way.
I felt so sweet as I saw myself as another thing.
aaahhh those looks
just like in movies.
God deliver your daughter,Chetachi.
I used my bag to cover my chest and obi smiled.
“do you know that you’re a spoilt baby”he said.
“no am not”I said and held the bag tight to my chest as I cleared my throat.
Obi gently collect my bag from me then took my hand in his in that way I felt butterflies.
I saw the Amadioha’s symbol on his arm…it was very visible and I got so curious.
“how old are you?”he asked as he gently locked a bracelet on my hand.
I can’t think straight.
he removed his hand and my thinking came back to normal.
“getting to twenty-one”I said.
he smiled seductively,then took his lips in cutely.
I felt a rush of sweetness in my smile…the way he stared at me was as if he has never seen a lady or perhaps I was different.What does it feels to have a boyfriend anyways..
not just anybody but him-Obi.
“can you just look up,I don’t bite”he said calmly,yet sweet.
ohhh I did.
a SUV car was behind his car then a white jeep in front. Those must be securities.
“I want to hear from you”he said.
“well…my prince…am–
I bashed my lashes,he smiled
he took my hand then moved close to my ears.Jeeezzz he smell so sweet.
“will you say yes?”he whispered.
he was suddenly so close.
I looked down to his lips and those stupid mind in me made everything in me wants his touch.
“are you still thinking about it? seriously you think I just want to eat you and runaway-
“Fine I want to eat you”He said.
waaatt.I turned my face to look him.
“i will eat you and stay forever” he said in a smile,I felt relieved.
but the way he said it was wild-
“I love you”he said.
“I…I…love you too”I said in my mind.
“move it”he said into his white phone, the first car in front moved then ours.
Obi relaxed back and drive slowly.
I know he is rich but this monitoring of a thing is too much..
how does he cope? does he breath.
he hummed a song quietly as he drove.The song was a foreign song.
more wilder than the ocean,baby my love for you is sweeter than honey…
waaaaattt a golden voice.
He edited the name and fix in my name in the next lyrics.
cheta stay stay….sweeter ooo sweeter….
the song is too sensual.
I smiled..
Finally,the car made a u-turn.
Ujunwa’s p.o.v
I was so engrossed watching Obi’s runaway catwalk…I can’t believe obi modeled for mr nigeria.
I got so carried away.
I mean he got so ethereal,at times I find it hard to believe its still the same Obi I met in person.
someone knocked at my door,
I paused the video I was watching,I could see it was a maid from the glass’s view.
“who’s there! I shouted as I opened the door.
“greetings to you my princess”she bowed.
“you knocked wrongly…you should only knock once and wait.
Do you know how much it took me to redesign this door to my taste?
in fact you shouldn’t touch my door with bare hands anymore and inform other maids too.
am the only one allowed to touch my door,you guys might get me infected” I said…
Emeka passed.
“Ujunwa that’s too harsh”he said. I rolled my eyeballs.
the maid sighed.
“how do we call you princess,should we use the belll?”she asked.
“ will infect that too.Listen carefully when you get to my door you say “I need your presence most beautiful princess Ujunwa” repeat it.
“I need your presence,princess” the maid said.
“Are you high? I said you should say “I need your presence most beautiful princess ujunwa”I corrected.
“I need your presence most beautiful princess Ujunwa”she said.
“whatever,why are you here?”I asked
“his highness is calling you”she said.
“why are you so daft!! why didn’t you tell me this since”I said and rushed to the throne room,
he wasn’t there,I rushed to his suite where I met him.His face wasn’t smiling at all
“yes dad”I said.
“ujunwa can you explain this”he said and showed me a magazine.
“finally,you saw it”I said.
“Ujunwaaaaa!!!! he shouted.
“yes dad”.
“are you the one staying naked in that magazine?”
“well yes but?.
“but that was what cost me a federal appointment”he shouted.
“let me explain its not what you think my body was coveted in the water”..
“you’re grounded for one week”he said.
“what dad you can’t do this,I have classes”i said and tried walking away,the guards dragged ms down the compound then to the 6th building in the estate.
they unlocked the door and pushed me in carefully.
“but no one is here dad! I shouted.
“good so you have enough time to think about your life,the maids will be bringing food to you through the window”he said.
“Dad!! I shouted.The door was locked
I ran over to the nearest window,in tears.I opened the window and hastily stretch out my hand when I saw my mother.
she took it.
I brought out more tears.
“mum you don’t understand, I wasn’t the one was never me in the magazine, it was photoshoped”I said.
“am sorry uju maybe I can’t do anything to free you but your father is really really angry.He lost millions,millions….
some bloggers used that dirty thing to bring him down”she said.
“mum I didn’t do anything wrong, I promise”.
“I know and I trust you because I love you”she said.Just then Ebuka showed up with a key.
I quickly rushed to the door but then my eyes jammed a file table…
what file is that anyways??. I picked it up..
“this is the statement of this kingdom ownership…why is it hear anyways. I checked the name on it,it was officially signed Amadioha.I was thoroughly confused.It ought to be my father’s name…why Amadioha?.
the door opened.I dropped the file and went out.
Chetachi’s p.o.v.
The date was fun,I enjoyed every moment we spent,gosh I wish it never ended…
I smiled.
“ummm Obi I would walk from here so that nobody will see us together” I said.
“most people saw us together in the place I took you to”he said.
the car moved a little bit, very close to my house.
He smiled.”can you walk from here in the dark?”he asked.
“yes thank you for today”I said.
I opened the car door,
a guard already did that.Obi stepped out and the guard returned to the back.
I walked,Obi followed me.
I got to the back gate of the house,the plan I made with Rita was that I should flash her she will come and open the back gate for me.
that girl,I pray she haven’t slept..
I opened my bag to bring my phone, Obi took my hand and held me tight.
Next he leaned on me.
he kissed my neck..
“you don’t need to worry about my family,its me you love”he said.
“I will tell you my answer tomorrow” I said another thing.
He just watched me like a movie.
I was awed…shocked as he kissed my neck slowly.
he hastily unlocked.
“I…..I….”I stammered.
Obi moved over and feathered his lips on mine…Jeeeezzz.
my eyes widened when be slide his tongue into mine then he pressed into my hips slowly.
the phone I was holding fell.
He kissed me deeper,sweeter….soon it got wilder as it felt sensational.
I felt something strong.
He unlocked and we both look around.
no one was watching.
he smiled and leaned into me from the back…
Jeezz my fatt asss…he hugged me from the back and locked my waist more romantic than ever.
Obi really knows how to handle a woman soo manly.This should be my first body to body contact with him..
I smiled but is this what he means by I will eat you but I won’t runaway…
this guy is spoilt.
he changed the pattern of kissing,I felt his fingers moved down my hips as he nibbled on my lower lips.He got soo touchy.
“aww obbbiii..jeeezz waitt!
I moaned sweetly into the kiss.
he pulled away but didn’t leave me. he kissed my cheeks tightly then my shoulders…
he kissed my cheeks again then tickled my tommy.
“my prince”I gasped.
“my queen”he replied and pulled away when he got a call.He dropped the call and brought out something from his pocket.
He was locking it on my waist,then
we both heard sounds from the gate..
“obi go go go go go….
I smiled.”its my grandmother oo she will stone us if she see us together”.
“I’m in trouble already”I quickly left him since he already locked the waist chain then i ran to the gate.
it opened…revealing my grandma.
my heart beat already trippled.
“and where are you coming–
she suddenly paused.
I traced her direction,her eyes fell on Obi who sat on the hood of his car.
Jeeeezzz. I remembered I told him to go.
I scratched my neck…when she look back at me.i made an attempt to enter,she dragged me back.
“go back to where you’re coming from”she said.
Obi stood up.waaaaatttt.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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