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Son Of Thunder EPISODE 60

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 60



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Dominic’s p.o.v😍

“why were you rude to her in the first instance? you insulted a lady means you insulted a woman”…
I rolled my eyeballs at obi’s speech.

soooo silly.
what’s all these seriousness always with him,we are both age mates,only that he is older than me with just one fucking month.

and about cheta,I only did all those things to in an attempt to get through her panties but the girls upbringing was smart…since I couldn’t get what I wanted,am just back to finish what I couldn’t finish.

“tell me”obi said.
“her name is…che
“sir Alvin called,its so urgent”Kelly came in immediately we all ran downstairs.

Eric picked the call and connected it to the projector straight away.I ruffled my hair and sat on the couch beside jerry,
everyone sat.Obi walked to and fro for a while then finally sat on the bar stand section.
he crossed his legs sexily,
only his anklet glittered expensively.

“good day guys”sir Alvin greeted from the screen.
“good day Alvin”we chorousred..
obi had his head down then took his lips in cutely.

Alvin cleared his throat.
“firstly I will start by commending you guys for a job well done. The joint debut was a blast,you all did well and have been rewarded with 20millionaire to be shared by the group with an all expense paid trip to Dublin”Alvin,sparks voice said.

“Jeerrzzzzz”jerry jumped up in happiness.
“greatness”Eric said and popped a champaign.
Kelly shake hands with everyone,
obi just smiled.
I also smiled but i reserved my excitement for the final news.

jerry poured wine into his glass.

“and guys there is an invite for dmw although the invite was late and even as at that,we should expect a good job”Alvin said.
“yes sir”we said.
“obi look into the files”Alvin said.
Obi just nodded.

“lastly—“Alvin said.
we all looked up.


“Jerry who do you think won special prizes??*Alvin asked.
“Hmm either Kelly or Dominic or obi”. he answered.
“OK.. Eric,who do you think won special prizes” alvin asked Eric.
“umm,hmm Dominic or obi”he replied

“Congrats obi,you’ve met up the demands for the most streamed hit songs.The confirmation of your prizes commence tomorrow”Alvin said. “goodnight”he added,the screen went off.

“congrats boo”Kelly shook hands with Obi.
“you deserved it”Jerry chuckled.
I just smiled then went upstairs afterwards.

isn’t this the height of another disappointment? chasing similar thing with obi and ending up loosing to him..

I felt bitteted and fell on my bed.
I suddenly felt hot that I took off my tee shirt,I ran into the shower.
I felt cold again,
I walked out and strolled around to my drawer and picked the cigarette pack.

was I being sad and bittered obi won or am just angry it wasn’t me??
I dropped the cigarette pack.
I rushed down to the living room shirtless,the guys were still celebrating.

I walked out to the compound where I met him on call as usual then his other hand was holding a dog chain.

the dog let out a loud bark when it sighted me,I walked closer the bark increased.
like seriously,the dog moved round obi barking like seriously.

“hey,stop it—
obi directed the chain backwards,
the dog moved in front again.
he added his call and slit the phone in his pant pocket.

“chacha he is not an enemy” he said and patted his head down.
atleast the noise reduced.

“chacha am not even feeling fine yet you’re making it worst”obi said abf handed the chain to the guard who took it away.

“she’s big”I said when he picked his can drink.
Obi smiled.”but barks a lot”.
he drank from his can drink.
the shape of his lips was perfect,so soft,pink and juicy look.
“tell me”he said.
“I might want to sound sarcastic right now with my questions but no offense”I said.

“ask away”he said.
I sat close to him on the other neat rock almost close to the waterfall on the compound.

“I noticed you never loose and at the end of each concert you are always booked with huge endorsements, what’s your secret”I asked.
He was silent for a while. “No secrets” he finally said.
I shook my head and made a “even if there is a secret will you tell me”.

in as much that I am bittered,I managed a smiled.

“have never seen you move around with girls ever since Angelina,does it means you’re a gay”I asked.

“I’m not a gay…my own believe is that too much of girls cause set backs so am very careful and cautious when it comes to girls….

no matter how beautiful and sexy the body is,if I don’t want to fall dominic I won’t fall..
Although behind every successful man is a woman but not just a woman they mean to say a brainy woman.
if you ever see me with a girl,
just know she is precious to me. Very precious.

I will never date a woman whom am not secured with.Am no longer looking for a girlfriend,I want a life partner and am glad I found someone whom my soul can breath with.

she’s like a gift to me and I count myself lucky to have her.
Not only because she is decent but because she is the one I love…..
I will fight to be with her.

truthfully the way I planned to love her..I don’t think I will be able to love anyone else more than her in my life
I will spoil her rotten with money,
cream her with care,
I am dividing everything I have.. everything into two for me and her..
and do everything to make sure she looks best….

I just wanted someone simple and I compared the girl am so in love with to Angelina,she passed the tests..

everyday,I think of her”Obi said, sincerity was clearly seen in his eyeballs.
I smirks,he’s in love…

“soo are you saying staying off women is the secret to your wealth?” I asked.
“it kinda works for me”he said.
“anyways,your girl is lucky to have you and am hoping to meet her one day….tell me is she more sexy than Angelina?”I asked.
“no one compares”he replied.
I smiled.
“congrats in your new wins”I said….
I stared at the royal amulet,then leave..
I smiled….. how can I be happy you won.
Till then,we shall see.

Ujunwa’s p.o.v👑👑👑👑.
Ifeoma was the first person that came looking for me in the palace very early in the morning.
I was just getting ready for the gym, I really need to work on my ass and tommy.have been eating too much nowadays.

“princess uju”ifeoma breathed out…
the maid hurried up with wearing my sneakers on my feet,
she bowed and handed me a napkin. I took my can and walked out with two maids behind me.

“princess uju”ifeoma said again.
“by this time…anyways how are you doing?”I asked.
“fine,I have a good and a bad news” she said.
I scoffed.”the good one first”I said.
“the entrollment for this year’s royal queen will be starting today…
highlife and rainbows is back with a hot competition”she beemed.

I smiled.
“I’m the stamped winner already, have won those thrice…so I will be winning again this year.

thank God,at least winning all these will make his highness proud”I said.
I could imagine wearing this years crown again.

“then the bad news”I said.
“hmm I heard Angelina,the governors daughter is back into royal high… apart from being a bigger competitor for you,she is Obi’s ex- she will soo riddicle your fake life in the school website”ifeoma said.
I covered my mouth..
“that’s not a threath,I will clear those fake updates… Asides that,Angelina doesn’t stand a chance with me.
her father is a governor,
my father is a gran king,
and we want the sane thing,
let’s see who will win”I said.

“I trust you”she said.
We walked into the gym.

Cheta’s p.o.v😍.
I felt a slight pain at my neck,that was what made me woke up.Then it dawn on me that I had slept on my reading table.
I slept on my books…jeeezzz.
I rubbed my neck and wiped my eyes when I recalled my dream.I dreamt about my mother.

it hurts, I wished she was alive.
I scented the torn pieces of her clothes then quickly hide it when I heard a knock on the door.

Rita came in already dressed in a short and a pink T-shirt.
“we should be back by 12 right?”she said.I nodded and used the bathroom I also dressed in the same cloth with her.we left.
the car was waiting already so we entered,firstly to a spa building where we got our skin treated.I had both manicure and pedicure done then our hairs was fixed.

I looked different already…if this is what feels to be obi’s girlfriend,I am enjoying it.I even dreamt I was living in his house already😂😂😂😂.I really can’t wait.

A woman came into the saloon section,I recognized her to be Mrs Clara.
Rita and I look at each other immediately. She walked past Rita.
“good morning boss,I will attend to the other customers after fixing her hair”the lady plaiting my hair told Mrs Clara.

mrs Clara nodded then smiled at me, don’t tell me sge doesn’t recognize me anymore.
“you’re too beautiful ooo”she said.
she got a call and rushed out.
that was a great relief..

soon we arrived home.
Rita rushed to eat while I rushed into my room to prepare for lecture.
Margaret have something for me,I wonder what it is.

I kept the credit card obi gave me in my purse and opened my bag. Old nana came in,she’s not really old we just like calling her like that.
in fact one wouldn’t notice she’s a grandmother until you’re being told.

I turned,she looked all neat and dressed…

“Yes cheta what I wanted to say yesterday night,I finally want to say it tonight”she said and that was when I saw her with another milk in my favorite cup.
“what is it?”she asked.
“drink this”I will tell you…
I collected the fresh milk and drank.
what’s so important that she wants to say,she had been bribing me with milk since yesterday.

to give milk means to pamper.
what’s she pampering me for…….

“take this first??”she said and gave me a bag.I opened it immediately out of curiousity. Lo and behold it was a baby Shawn.

I don’t understand,who wants to give birth????

I shook my head.”but mama no one is pregnant in this house and you’ve reached menopause right?”I said.

“isn’t the baby Shawn beautiful?” she asked.
I looked at her like is something wrong with her.

“I brought it for you”she said.
“meeeeee?????????”I said.
“Yes,this is the first time i will be asking you to do something, will you do it”she said.

I don’t understand….
“You need to get pregnant for Obi, cheta and I give you just one month cheta one month”she whispered in my ears…


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