Son Of Thunder EPISODE 64

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 64
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i laid his head carefully on the soft pillow.Having a person like him to call mine is one of the best thing that has ever happened to me.
I lifted the silver lined duvet and tucked him in then I unbanded his pretty hair.
and the chain…how do I fix it back? I tried the lock at intervals,it didn’t lock that was when the intercom beep again.
“sorry oo am coming”I said and dashed to the other line of the glass door.I could see a neatly dressed girl in a smart check material maid uniform.
I opened the door without making sounds.
“sorry madam for disturbing your sweet night”she bites her lower lips, her eyes tried peeping inside the suite.
“do you need something”I said,she jolted out of whatever thing that was on her mind.
“aaah not really…just that we..I mean the maids needs your presence downstairs considering some things. I hope am not going too far,
if you wouldn’t mind,I don’t mean to stress you”she said perfunctionrily.
I nodded and dipped the hair chain in my nightie pocket then I followed the maid.
Just two girls were in the kitchen,
plus her making three.
the black girl beemed when she saw me while the other girl made an “who is this one look!.
“hy madam,am Emily”the black girl said,she sounds lively with her gestures.
“Venita”the other girl said like she’s been forced to.
“Elaine”the one who had come to call me said.
“Cheta”I said,they spared me short glances and returned to work.
Venita and Emily left soon enough while Elaine showed me the things she called me for.Just the dietary roll and all that.she then went to get the new stocks in.
I checked them and removed the unnecessary things.I had to cross check the expiring dates of the milks and the cans in the ice freezer.
Elaine returned soon after.
“madam the list,the distributor will soon be here”she said
“take it in my pocket”I replied since I already got my hands wet.
she bowed and hastily took it,she mistakenly took the gaur chain with it I didn’t notice until the moment she made a waoow sound.
I turned,she quickly returned the chain into my pockets.
“sorry mistake”she said.
“its alright”I said and took a napkin to wipe my wet hand.
“sorry to ask…but if I may say,the hair chain belongs to who?”she whispered.
“it belongs to someone…why do you ask?”I replied with a puzzled glance since she’s acting clingy..
she composed herself when I made the puzzled glance at her,then she smiled to pacify my mind that she doesn’t bite.
“no nothing ooo,I’m just asking because it looks familiar to one of the accessories Alicia told me about although it was in stories”she shook her head.
“hmm what did Alicia tell you about it?”I asked.
“nothing much just that this particular hair chain carries amadioha’s lineage….although I don’t really know much about it”she shook her head.
“who’s Alicia?”I asked.
“A maid who works here but not anymore,she’s now in the diamond’s family house…actually I was brought to replace her here but she’s in the 5th building.Me,Venita and Emily are the only one allowed inside obi’s mansion here while other maids clean the whole building inside this estate everyday and on Friday there is general clean up”she said.
“ that’s how it is”I said.
“Yeah,it was set like this after many obi’s experience with maids…when they were many in-house maids.. most of them were not maids they were girls who just wanted to get close to Obi because he’s a royality, most of them were obsessed fans.. others tried seducing him..others tried luring him…he didn’t have peace at home so he bought this penthouse…after that Mrs Adaolisa decides that there will only be 3 in house maids…only trust worthy girls” Elaine said.
“OK…”I said even though its the hair chain part I want to hear.I only know Obi is a prince but I know nothing about his kingdom.I know I don’t love him for all that but am just eager to know.But this Alicia she’s talking about might know it right…
“so where is Alicia?”I asked.
“ohh that one..she’s Cecilia and Amelia’s nanny”she replied.
“Cecelia and Amelia? who are they?” I asked.
“ohh madam you haven’t met Cecelia and Amelia,they are the real devil, so so bossy”she said.
“real devil! waoow they must be mean”I curved out a smile.
she too laughed.”those are the diamond’s family adorable pearls.. Obi’s favorite siblings”she said and I mouthed an “O”.
she ran out with the list,
I also returned upstairs – Obi’s suite I locked the door and proceeded to the bed,I was surprised Obi wasn’t on bed..
I laid on my side of the bed and pretended to be sleeping when I heard his approaching footsteps.I don’t know how long I closed my eyes but I felt him joining me on the bed..
the bed suddenly felt warm on my body even when it was cold.
what type of rain is this?..
Obi raised the silver lined duvet then he brought out his phone.I felt him tearing something..bubble gum pack he must like girls a lot because of his love for bubble gum.
my mind drifted to those things princess ujunwa used to post on social media…doesn’t he- Obi sees them..I usually feel someone whenever ujunwa boast of him in a truthful manner on social media even though they are lies,
she always make them look real.
I remain steady by force when Obi turned.He first touch my hand which he slowly kissed.
I remain steady by force when he hugged me from the back.
“pretense sleep”he muttered and that sent shivers to my spines.
He feathered his lips on my neck, my body responded immediately when he deepened the kiss.
his fingers was romancing everywhere on my body,he deepened the kiss into my chest..
“Obimmmmm…..”I shivered in sweetness when he bite into my nipples from the singlet,I already raised my other hand in defense..
he smiled and still kissed there.
He deepened the kiss again,this time more tightly…he has self control but the truth is that he can’t resist me..
this is exactly what I need to keep my man or is this not the same obi that will wash his hand if a girl touches him.
He moved his hand up to my back as we kissed sweetly,unlocking and locking into it.The kiss was like heaven cos Obi knows where best to touch me.
he made me balance well on him,I got so carried away.I couldn’t believe I can do all this.
my breasts pressing hard against his chest was like the sweetest body contact ever.
the nightie jacket dropped down,I was now left in a transparent singlet that stopped just on my thighs, the white pant I wore could be seen easily as well as my nipples which stuck out hardly.
I smiled shyly and hugged him then I pulled the duvet to cover up.
“you’re spoilt”he said.
“you spoilt me so much”I replied.
He kissed my lips again into my chest then brushed his hands into my butt and tapped it softly.
“Obim”I whispered in his ears.
It turned him up so badly cos I felt him rock me sweetly.
The first contact was intense…I stupidly imagined what staying stark naked under the duvet with him will look like.
“Just so you know,you’re more special than any woman i ever met, even your body which I touched bear me witness”he whispered.
I smiled.
“don’t be a boring girlfriend, look at me and tell me something crazy”he said…
I turned to him.”I know you’re a see different women faces everyday…
I can’t live with the thought that you’re with another woman,it kills me inside,don’t cheat on me Obi…don’t ever hold her like you held me..not even once..I might run mad”I said.
Obi just watched me smiling like a movie.I laughed cos I don’t even know what I was saying too.
“Obim let’s play small drama I want to see something”I said.
“anything crazy,I need inspirations for my concert tomorrow”he said.
“I will play as if am in labour and you will be there petting me as my husband”I said.
“is that what you want..okay let’s go” he replied and kissed my back.
and the drama begins.
“sweety am feeling sharp pains on my waist”I said,my face has already changed.
Obi smiled in a very concerned toned
“ohh sorry babe,its one of the things in pregnancy”he said.He won’t stop kissing my neck.
“no this is different,I need to go to the hospital”I said and faked a loud scream.He used his ringed finger to rub my Tommy in circles.
“please remind me that your due date again”he said.
“its still remaining 5days to my due date(the pain increased) ohhh my goodness am in labour oooo…
my waist!! aaaahhh!!! ohhhh!!!!” I faked,it looks so real.
“ohh sorry babe”Obi said rubbing my back and kissing my neck.
“Obi rub my waist now,the pain is too much”I said.
“am rubbing it,sorry”he said.I smiled.
“Honey turn off the Ac…honey go and bring me water…no no no coldstone no no no fried chicken….”I said.
Obi started walking up and down confused.
“come back here,I don’t want food again in fact go go go”I said.
“sorry sorry has the pain reduced” he came back to me.
he looked at me,we both started laughing.
“seriously is that his pregnant women used to do”he asked.
“maybe but I watched them in movie” I said.We laughed again.
“Obi but you’re funny ooo so is that how you will be running up and down when am in labour”I said.
He smiled and kissed my forehead.
Ifeoma’s p.o.v
I called Ujunwa to one the locker room.
“uju your enemy is back”i said.
“Angelina,is she back?”she asked.
“yes,since yesterday”I said.
“the school press interviewed her and gosh! you need to watch the way she bad mouthed you, she’s back to back for real competition this time around”I said.
Uju sighed.
“she only won me once at nationals so what’s the big deal”uju said.
“I don’t mean that way,I’m just saying this so that you will know how to step up your games.
You will turn to a laughing stock if Angelina comes her and take control of your place as the school queen.
remember that the school queen is the school diva…Ujunwa what are you saying”I said.
“the hottest body competition and right skin invite is soon…I guess that’s why Angelina came back”I said
“now thank me for not deleting the website link”Amaka chirped in.
Princess ujunwa bashed her lashes.
“when I was even thinking cheta is my problem”I said.
Amaka laughed.
“Ujunwa did you hear yourself…how can you be comparing yourself to cheta…cheta the commoner,she’s no match,not even a percent.
Angelina is the real deal here”Amaka said.
“Just yesterday,she’s already signing up endorsement proposals”Brenda said.
“where’s the laptop,someone should quickly check what her status is” princess ujunwa said.
I smiled…she’s already jealous.
cream models,bikini’s model.her salary every month hits 10million, her picture is used as the city’s goof morning and good night..
she covers wedding and dinner gown magazines,
when it comes to outside contests,
she’s the goal..
she already won
Miss world
Miss universe
Miss Perfect
Miss Elegant.
brand ambassador to one of the biggest cream producing firms, she covers two of the city’s toppest bill board…
“sooo…gosh I was scared! I was thinking Angelina will be more than that”Uju smiled.
“yeah,for now you’re on the same levels with Angelina, same award winning same everything but you should work towards getting ahead of her too….Angelina is a cunning serpent and might want to face you in a way you wouldn’t expect” Amaka advised.
Cheta’s p.o.v.
the intercom device was what woke me early in the morning.Have never slept so long like this before,I always wake up early.
I rolled on the bed in smiles.I sprang up when I remembered I have lecture see what staying with Obi is causing me….
I crawled out of the bed,there was a note on the lamp stand,I took it and read what was there.
don’t forget to take guards everywhere you go,don’t hesitate to call me in case of anything…. password: Obita
signed ~Obi.
I read in smiles,then I picked the credit card.I wore my nightie jacket and went to my room.
I better get ready, I’m missing the school drama already.
I’m missing you,I can’t wait* Margarete.
how was the first night* Tiara..
jeeezzz we are celebrating this, all bills on you*.
just tell me Obi,rip off the panties..tell me is it just raw sex or he prefers condoms! tiara texts.
I read some missed messages,tiara’s message got me blushing..
enough of this,don’t delay me for school.
I dropped my phone and went to brush my teeth,I had to wash my face two times.
I just feel like staying in this mansion without going nowhere.
I turned when I felt some movements behind me.
“good morning madam”the maid, Venita said-the harsh maid actually.
“cheta not madam”I told her politely.
“would you just leave there so that I can set your bath”she said,the tone was disheartening.
I don’t understand this girl…
did I offend her before? I don’t get.
“I already did that”I said.
she moved her eyes in a roll.I just watched her like a movie.Well I have better thing to think of,am not forcing anybody to like me in the first instance.
I left my bathroom all to her and went to the bedroom,where I picked my phone to call home-my grandmother.
“mama good morn–
“cheta is that you,umm good morning my precious daughter” I heard.I had to check the screen again to be sure if it was her.Her voice has really changed.
“cheta are you there?”.
“ohh yes mama”I said.
“good,I wanted to call you before you did.”she said.
“but i–
“Its about Rita because I will be traveling again and she’s saying she can’t stay alone with the maids”.
“good,she will be coming over to the place you are…its just two weeks traveling to cape town,I won’t use more than two weeks,she will be coming back immediately I return”
I smiled and lock in the screen,
her voice sounds so different.
“is it cheta’s place,grandma should I go and pack my bags”I heard Rita’s voice from the background.
I smiled,my family is back the way I want it.
“okay no problem,the driver will come and pick her up this morning” I said..
“take care”she said,the call ended just like that.
I took a pen and wrote down the address. A message beeped into my phone from granny.
“this is the address of the house we are in”she sent.
I smiled,since when did they move to a new mansion that I don’t know.. Obi’s handwork.
I wrote it down in a paper and took it downstairs so as to show the driver.
good thing,I met him washing one of the cars- the Bugatti veyron.
“good morning mr”I greeted.
“same here damsel”he replied.He is actually a guy.If my guess is right, same age range with Obi.
“umm Stanley,you will help me with something this morning,please it is very urgent”I said politely and gave him the paper.
“see actually said please,I want to believe my ears heard you clearly”he said.
“what’s wrong in saying please? is please a new word”I chuckled.
he smiled.”I’m just surprised, Angelina always order us around” he said and dipped the paper in his pocket.
Just then a car drove in.
I saw it clearly,It was Dominic.
I felt the urge to leave.”OK..Stanley do well and go,my sister is waiting” I said and turned to leave..
too late,I turned into him.
Our eyes locking again was like a shocker to him.
“baby”he called slowly.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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