Son Of Thunder EPISODE 77

Son Of Thunder EPISODE 77
[you’re my heart’s crown
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authoress p.o.v♥️♥️
Droplets of rain flickered around and within seconds darkness overtook the earth.A sensation of cold was felt,it sent a shiver to the souls of the guards present.
Prince Eze wasn’t an exceptional a look of curiosity,jealousy was written all over his face he smirks the moment badrah the head guard from mehasena paid homage to Obi’s back view.
this is strange…he thought.
“attack”prince Eze whispered to Ethan,the most trained sword fighter.
“yes my prince”Ethan replied fiercely he took the sword skillfully abd rushed after Obi’s back view,he already saw the blood dropping out of where he was shot an arrow.
Obi felt someone chasing towards him, he turned in full surprise only to see a sharp sword swaying in his expression.His expression changed to that gazing with love and affection he wasn’t scared of the sword. Either way Ethan fell into his trap and dropped his sword.
he smiled a smile at Obi; he saw where those superpowers are coming from as Obi’s hair blow randomly with force.He knelt to him in surrender.
“AMADIOHA!!!!!!!! he screamed
a lightening struck,rain poured the more..
Obi felt so much confused. Those memories came flashing into Ethan’s memory; Obi was the baby dumped in to the stream 23years ago
he smiled at Obi’s confused face again then payed homage.
seeing what Ethan had done,the guards in secret hideout came out and knelt..
overly a trip of hundreds armies,
the space was ever increasing..
Obi looked more confused,no word came to his memory in the moment. People kept calling him a strange name
“you resurrected our lost hope abd made a great man out of your father and now you’re back to us.Kingdom of Leerah will be eternally grateful to you” Ethan said.
Obi was now confused as ever,he shifted back with both hands in his pockets.
“you’re our God….AMADIOHA your highness do not leave us”Ethan insisted.
Obi rushed out brushing his wet fingers into his hair.He hurried out of the bush oath and got to his car in no time…
his guards were already awaiting him with more than 6cars.
“my prince the donations went well”.
the guards kept forming a long line and boeing to him.
“sir how did you get like this”
a guard snuck in and covered him with an umbrella.
“sir should we conduct a health check” the other guard said.
“sir should I call the doctor”another said.
they dropped a white slippers and Obi removed the old one he was wearing then ran into the car while brushing his fingers into his hair.
All what happened in the bush path still looked like a movie to him.He really have to question his mother about this amadioha’s stuff..
“my prince”.his driver called
“tell me”he replied.
“the white off concept,manager darman just texted”.
“I’m not in the right mood to do that concept okay,just take me to the family house. I need to see mother”.
Cheta’s p.o.v♥️
Rita and I got to the lots….I waited for a while to awaits Obi’s call,he didn’t call and it’s really unlike him.He doesn’t miss my calls he does that on rarely basis and even if he did,he always call back immediately or better still he will texts me.
“we are running late,aunty”Rita said
“You are not the only one late,I also have classes”I replied and tried Obi’s line again. Thank goodness it connected but he didn’t pick…..
are you okay,where are you???.” I sent.
no reply.i sighed and moved into the car
“Stanley you can drive,Obi isn’t picking”I said.
“okay madam”he curtised and drove out of the estate slowly.
the atmosphere changed with a strong whirlwind blowing,rain will fall any moment from now.
“ohhh here comes March,I love rainy seasons” Rita said
“hmm Stanley please drive back inside,I don’t think we will go to school today.My sister has cold”Rita said and Stanley drove back.
I sighed and kept on trying Obi’s number.
he wouldn’t pick my calls,
is he avoiding me now.
I dropped my phone and picked my notepad.
my phone beeped. I ignored it, it might be those customer care..
another message again.
I picked the phone.
I love you…
I smiled and dropped the phone
Amaka’s p.o.v
soon I arrived at princess ujunwa’s penthouse I rushed in.
she was just coming out of the shower,her eyes looked like she has been crying.
“hmm sorry”Brenda walked in with six other princesses.
We hugged her one after the other.
Ujunwa smiled.
“No need,the school press cleared everything”
Princess Adaora said.
Ujunwa sighed and took off her towel,she used her finger to arrange her pant while her weavon covered her chest fully.
“Now the world now knows about Obi’s relationship.He doesn’t usually replies the press but yesterday night was incredible.Ew” princess Kayla said and fell into a couch.
“that’s by the way”I said.
“can I say something”Ifeoma said strolling around,she held her phone and car key in her hand.
“speak and I hope it’s helpful”I said.
“hmm it’s about the cheta girl”she said abd poured herself a glass of wine.
“and what’s that about chetachi”Uju yelled with so much visible hatred.
“how can you call the foolish girl name to remind Uju of yesterday night”Kira said.
Kayla itched.
“whose back are you on? is it cheta or princess Ujunwa”I said..
Ujunwa smashed her phone and a maid bent to polish her nails carefully.
“look amaka,am on uju’s side but whatever I will still say what I want to say…” ifeoma paused and faced ujunwa.
“Ujunwa you’re indeed smart”
“but that chetachi girl is smarter than you,she knows you’re desperate if you don’t get what you desire and secondly she was dating Obi all these while and yet no one knew..
she didn’t let obi get into her head,
not even a bit did she get distracted..
she wasn’t fighting for a man,she studied hard and won many hardworking awards till she earn the school president badge.
She knows what she’s doing and now students wants her to be the school queen and I know Angelina will use this opportunity well to push cheta to spot light.
I don’t hate you ujunwa but I just said the truth cheta knows your weak point but you what do you know about her” Ifeoma said..
Ujunwa’s phone rang,she stood up and out it on speaker.
“Hello Grace”she said and moved her eyes in a roll.
“Ujunwa I told you I wanted you to model those imported nighties for me,this contract belongs to Queen Adeife of deerah kingdom”
grace said.
“and I never said no”Uju replied.
“you have not been in the gym for 2weeks now
“you missed yoga classes
“no exercise
“you have not been jogging or at least running or even ballet.How can you ignore your fitness like this,need I remind you that you’re a super model,what have you been doing?”grace questioned.
“well I have been doing some home work out, don’t worry I didn’t add weight.I am the perfect model for queen Adeife” Uju said.
“check your email, that’s the fitness I need from you work towards it”
Uju checked her mail.
“my waist can’t go down 16 jezzz does my life want to end”.
“ujunwa the imported bikini goes aside this is bigger Queen Adeife just released a new sport outfits it’s already the talk of the industry and it’s a face off concept which means more money so just widen your hips by 10 and get this contract this is a boom to your career abd secondly if you get the look I need u might also model for “glow skin” grace said.
“of course”Uju screamed.
grace dropped the call.
OMG can I be queen Adeife model for “glow skin” that’s the dream of every model OMG I can’t wait” she said to herself laughing widely.
she walked to her weight tracker then she measured her hips.
Ujunwa’s p.o.v
my excitement was real.i got dressed in an expensive yoga outfit and picked my phone and car keys.
*thanks guys*I winked at my friend’s, we walked to the lots.
three maids carried my stuff’s to the car.
Soon we arrived. I really can’t wait to see queen Adeife on this surprise visit…
The students didn’t point any finger at me for lying in the school chat.Definitely the school press cleared everything.
Amaka held my hands as we catwalked to the upper elevator.It was crowded which was so unsual…
Phones were up.
what’s going on.
“that’s Prince Ryan,my crush”Kayla giggled.
“waoow his black his cute”Amaka said.
“who’s Ryan?”I asked..
“Ryan…an athlete, 40gold medal 13silver medal” Kayla said and rushed into the crowd.
I smirked and left with Amaka…
Kayla burst into the crowd and took Ryan out of the bevy of girls.Amaka and I saw them coming. I chuckled, Kayla is really crazy but. I the only one who sees that Ryan doesn’t notice anyone.
“Hi Ryan. You’re an athlete whom everyone wants to associate with.You’re warmly welcomed to Royal high” Kayla beamed seductively.
we were all in the glass hall,
everyone in yoga outfits waiting for the instructor.
“you really look handsome than in pictures. welcome to royals but you need a leading lady” Kayla said.
“And you??”Ryan voice came out cool.
“Mee??? but I just helped you get away in the midst of those girls trying to bury you”Kay said
“why did you help me?”Ryan said.
“that doesn’t even sound like a thank you”Kay said..
“I don’t need your help, Lady” Ryan said and walked out to a cool spot.
everyone laughed at Kayla..
that’s really embarrassing.
The instructor came in shortly after wards and told us what to do…
Queen Adeife is coming here today with her agencies but do I stand a chance when cheta is here.
“excuse me” I said and went out.
soon i arrived at the girls locket room,I sighted her coming already. She wore a black yoga playsuit and slayed a red hot sneakers with it she rushed into her locker room like she knew she was late.
I smiled,she just made it easier. My maid brought out the moulded spare key and locked Cheta..
we left back to the yoga class.
I smiled fully,things will turn to my favor.
I locked Cheta,does it means am scared of her
Margaret looked around.
she sighed and focused for once…
“ohh she’s here”instructor Mariel said, our guest queen Adeife walked in.
everyone clapped,some people even shouted..
“I can’t believe am meeting her as human” a girl whispered.
The instructor handed her the microphone.
“Hi guys, am glad to be here and right here with me is a bomber pack package “may the best body win” and “glow skin” you could model for the two of your looks complement but I won’t be taking someone who has bleached to model for “glow skin” cos people who always use glow skin set always complain that they don’t look like the model after using the kits,
that’s why am choosing a neutral person, someone who hasn’t use any cream nor skin care products…
once again may the best body win,
thank you”queen Adeife said,she was so fluent abd beautiful…
everyone clapped.
a weight tracker was pushed in and as well some materials, an agency stood to right down fitness.
I smiled,they started taking fitness..
“where’s cheta”I heard Margaret..
“it’s your turn”the agency pointed,her fitness was taken…but it seems queen Adeife didn’t get her desired fitness in girls.
Ryan was chosen immediately.
“Uju your turn”
I smiled and left.i stood erect on the tracker.
“hmmm her fitness is 17 and we need 20+” the agency said.
“17….17….is that the highest fitness” queen Adeife asked.
“yes that’s the highest” the agency said.
queen Ife took the tape and measured me herself.
“17…I will manage” she said and I smile.
“give her the form to fill” she said….
Uju was chosen.
jeeezzz, I wished it was me.
The agency brought out the neat form and waited to register me,the maids carried queen Ife’s bag and walked out with her.
Cheta rushed in from the other door.
is it too late???
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{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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