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[Story] PRINCESS DRIANNA Chapter 1




Written by
Ifeoma Isabella Okeke


I was eight. For my entire life I had lived in the lush splendors of Iae Wiltur- the royal palace of my ancestors. As the only child of the King and Queen of Danubae, I was groomed to become sovereign ruler of the kingdom someday. This was unusual to the surrounding kingdoms. I was girl; therefore I was not to be raised as a ruler but raised as the wife of a ruler.

But my parents- my mother especially- would not hear of such a thing. I was their first born and had a right to the throne no matter was sex I was. So as I grew I was trained in all the arts becoming a strong and powerful ruler.

I studied the basics- reading and writing- in several different languages including all the forms of Elfish and Dwarfish native to our land. I also learned the history of my world all the way back to the first of my line to step foot on what would become Danubae soil.

I studied military strategy as were my father’s orders and I began to learn to wield a bow and arrow and ride a horse. I was given my own set of bejeweled daggers, which I was taught to use and was rather clumsy with. Later I was to begin with the longsword but at the time the weapon was much larger than I and would’ve been quite impossible for me to handle.

And of course, I learned the social graces becoming a princess. I learned to walk properly, hold myself with poise, dance gracefully. I learned the ins and outs of managing and attending a state ball and how to run a palace smoothly.

But of all my training I loved best the developing of my magic skills. Born to one of the most powerful enchantresses known to our world, I naturally possessed a gift for the Power. My mother worked with me- teaching me spells and tricks- and I loved those precious times with her.

They were the only times I had with her. She shared equal power with my father in the running of the kingdom and so was a very busy woman. I was mostly raised by her close circle of sorceresses and was always at a distance from either of my parents. So I came to regard them with the awe and respect that their subjects did. To me, no one was wiser or stronger than my father and no one was kinder or more beautiful than my mother. They were in complete control of the world around me and I felt safe in that knowledge.

So that day, when I was just barely eight years old and playing in a field with Shane, the son of one of the sorceresses, I never suspected that my world could be so torn apart as it soon would be.

Shane and I were throwing harmless energy balls at one another- a favorite game amongst all children with the Power. I was ruthless in my assault on him because he’d recently teased me about the crescent moon birthmark on my shoulder. But even as ball after ball of glowing blue energy struck him, sending ticklish sensations through his body, he was unfazed.

“Is that the best you can do, Drianna?” he challenged.

I puffed up with fury. He was older than I and his Power much more developed. His energy balls would send such tickling sensations as to make one fall down with a fit of laughter while mine were barely noticeable. But he, along with everyone else in the palace, believed that I as the daughter of Queen Catalonia, should be especially more adept at the Power than anyone my age. I was not.

I couldn’t even shape shift yet and people were beginning to doubt my being powerful at all. Some said I was a late-bloomer and they pressed me to work harder at my craft. But I simply couldn’t advance at the pace expected of me. I was beginning to feel the pressures from those around me and I was growing to resent it.

I mustered up all the Power I could and shot a mighty energy ball which hit Shane square in the chest. He didn’t flinch. But he responded with a ball of equal size and much stronger potency and it struck my back as I tried to run, knocking me to the ground and making me roar with laughter.

My laughter subsided with the fading tickles and Shane appeared over me, his fiery red head blurry in my teary eyes. He extended his hand to me and when I took it he gently lifted me to my feet. I glared at him and brushed myself off.

“I just need time,” I said vehemently. “I’ll get it.”

He smiled. “I know.”

The sound of pounding horse’s hooves turned our attention to the road beside the field. A rider, hunched over his steed, red cape flying behind him in the breeze, blew past us and rounded the corner towards the palace. Shane and I exchanged a look and raced in the direction of home.

When we reached the grand doors of the palace, we paused to catch our breath and let the guards open the ornate doors for our entrance. Quietly we stepped inside into the Great Hall where the banners of each ruler of the Creote Clan hung behind the marble statues of them.

I pressed a finger to my lips and pointed to the throne room. We crept silently down the purple and gold carpet and to the set of golden framed doors. One was slightly ajar and Shane pulled it open wide enough for the both of us to slip inside. Immediately we ducked behind a statue and watched the small crowd of people at the head of the room.

My mother and father sat on their thrones, surrounded on each side by their council members. The rider knelt before them on one knee.

“Rise,” my mother commanded.

“Your majesties,” the rider regarded them reverently as he stood to face them. “I have urgent news from the Court of Otaire, King Oghma and Queen Olivia- sovereign rulers of our neighbor, Groithia.” He drew a scroll from the folds of his cloak and unrolling it, read, “As the light of our life hath been put out, so shall we to your own flame. On this day, your countryman hath slain the Crown Prince Antony Omag Otaire.”

The council members’ faces were all aghast. My mother and father’s remained stoic, though I could see in my mother’s blue eyes, the slightest glisten of tears.

“As we have been wronged, so shall we wrong you. Your heir, along with your throne and all the land that accompanies it shall be ours by force.”

My mother found my father’s hand as the council became abuzz with furied chatter and the rider replaced the scroll in his cloak. I watched as she met father’s eyes and one word escaped her lips, “War.”

The palace was in chaos. Servants rushed about, wringing their hands as they shakily performed the tasks assigned them. More guards were stationed at every door and window and they held their weapons at the ready. Knights clambered noisily through the corridors towards father’s war room and sorceresses rushed in and out of mother’s chambers.

It seemed that Shane and I had been forgotten in the madness. We were taken to the playroom and left alone. No one visited or checked up on us but the guards were stationed outside the door.

“I’m frightened,” I said to Shane as I pulled my knees to my chest and rocked back and forth in the window seat.

“Don’t be, Drianna.” He settled beside me and put his arm around my shoulders. “Your father and mother will manage everything. They’ll keep you safe. Nothing bad will happen to you.”

“But what if something bad happens to them?”

Shane looked thoughtful. “Then I’ll protect you.”

I wondered what exactly he thought he could do. Tossing measly energy balls at the enemy wouldn’t win a war. Ever since I could remember, Shane had watched out for me.

Aliqua, his mother and my head nursemaid, told me that once when I was seven months old, I’d been set on the grass in the courtyard while everyone was preparing a picnic. I was a curious baby, as she told it, and I spotted a bee buzzing around the flowers beside me. With my uncoordinated fingers I swatted at the bee, trying to catch it. It landed on a flower and just as I was about to touch its stinger, two-year-old Shane pulled me away from the insect, saving me from the painful experience of being stung.

Since that day he’d been my shadow and bodyguard. Whatever scrapes we got into in our games I came through unharmed, sometimes at his expense. But this was one time that Shane couldn’t watch out for me. He was ten years old, far from a man and far from being the sorcerer he would be. His reassurances did nothing to settle my growing fear. But I was grateful for the sentiment.

“Do you want to play a game?” I shook my head. “Do you want me to read a book to you?”


“Well then what do you want to do?”

“I want to see my mother.”

“You can’t do that. The guards won’t let us.”

“Well we just won’t go past them.” I leapt from the window seat and bounded over to the far nursery wall. I stared thoughtfully at it and its intricately carved wood. By running my fingers over the leafy pattern, I found the button I was looking for and pressed, sending a small portion of the wall swinging open.

“Drianna…” Shane warned as I ducked through the passage.

“I’m going with or without you,” I called over my shoulder. “Are you coming?”

He was behind me in an instant and together we picked our way along the dark passageway. It seemed forever before we reached the door which would lead to the torch-lighted hall. When I felt it’s weathered wood beneath my fingers I exhaled a sigh of relief. The next part would be easier.

The hall was narrow and we had to dodge the flaming torches that lined its walls. Shane’s hand found mine and pulled me behind him to lead me through the corridor.

“Watch out for rats,” he whispered.

I shuddered. “Don’t talk about rats.”

He chuckled. “Don’t worry. We’re almost there.”

Almost as soon as the words were out of his mouth the door swung open and we were inside my mother’s chambers. A crowd of faces all turned to us and silence fell over the room. I spotted Aliqua amongst the sorceresses and cringed inwardly at the look of displeasure on her face.

Then my mother’s voice came to my ears. “Drianna, Shane, what in God’s name are you two doing?”

We looked up at her sheepishly. She was tall and intimidating when angry. Her two blue eyes stared down her long, pointed nose at us and her pink lips pulled into a frown.

“I’m sorry, mother. I wanted to see you.”

“See me? About what?”

I fumbled for the words but came up hopelessly blank. So I shrugged my shoulders and concentrated on digging my toe into the thick carpeting. Mother laid her long-fingered hand on my shoulder and I felt that she understood that I was frightened and naturally seeked her out.

“I would like to introduce you to someone.” She led me to the center of the room where a tall man was standing with his arms clasped behind his back. “This is General Akkad. He is a great friend of your father’s and was your grandfather’s most trusted commander. He’s since retired and now lives in Dezla.”

I’d never heard of Dezla. Nor had I ever heard of General Akkad. I peered up at him nervously. He was an imposing figure with long, sturdy legs and a proud chest. Browned skin was taut on his cheeks and his thin lips were surrounded by white stubble that matched his unruly white hair. As he looked at me, they twitched and were suddenly smiling down at me disarmingly. The smile reached his eyes too and that’s where his real kindness shone. It twinkled in the dark orbs and was not bellied, but indeed enhanced by the wrinkles and crows feet around them.

“Your highness,” he said with a bow.

“General Akkad is going to take you to Dezla for a bit. Would you like that?” mother asked.


“It’s not safe for you here.”

“I’ll come back?”

“Of course. When it’s safe.”

I considered this. “When shall I leave?”

“Immediately, I’m afraid.”

Mother had taught me to be brave and to do what was most sensible and necessary at the time. I didn’t want to leave but if it was my mother’s wish, then I would. With a look up at the general, I nodded. “OK.”

The carriage was ready and waiting. A few of my things had been packed into two small trunks and loaded onto the plain black coach. The black horses stamped and neighed impatiently in their harnesses and General Akkad stood waiting by the carriage door. I looked back at the small crowd behind me.

Mother and father were there as was Aliqua, my tutor, my etiquette instructor, and my archery instructor. I embraced each of them and accepted teary kisses from Aliqua. I was as much her child as Shane.

I glanced around. The little redheaded boy was no where to be seen.

“I don’t know where he’s gotten off to,” Aliqua said, knowing my thoughts.

“Tell him I said goodbye?”

“I will.”

“And tell him not to go on any adventures without me.”

Aliqua nodded and stifled a sob. I turned and went to the waiting coach, allowing General Akkad to help me inside.

“Wait! Drianna!” Shane’s voice called to me. His feet pounded against the cobblestones and he arrived breathless at my side. His two green eyes met mine and he gave me a lopsided smile, presenting me with shiny blue horseshoe. “For luck. It’s from Liliquoi’s hoof.”

I smiled. Liliquoi was my favorite of all the horses in the royal stables. I’d been there at her birth and the stableman, Hirok had given her to me. She was the first horse I’d ever riden.

“Thank you, Shane.” I hugged him tightly, clutching the horseshoe to my chest. “I’ll miss you.”

I pulled away and climbed into the carriage. The general slipped in across from me and with the slap of the reigns, the horses began trotting out of the gates. I leaned out the window, waving to my family. Shane ran after the carriage, waving until we were well down the drive.

When the palace was out of sight, disappeared behind a hill, I sank back into my seat. General Akkad watched me with pity in his eyes as mine filled with tears. I was eight years old. And I was leaving the only life I’d ever known and would never know again.

To Be Continued
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{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

If you miss any episode click here



” I know, Diana but… This is a feeling, and I trust my instincts on this. Alpha Derek will win this war but… something will come after it. “
★ ★ ★ ★
It took five days before the battle was over. And after that day, Derek went missing. For years… Nine year, he was nowhere to be found.
The battle went well with alpha Derek winning as May had foretold. He conquered the White Wolf Pack, now claiming it to be his.
But who will be their new leader when their new alpha has gone missing??
Who will be there to protect the two packs from any future intruders??
Although Diana tried to believe that he was dead, but her heart keeps telling her that he isn’t.
And even as Lucas has grown enough to take over the throne, Diana still refuses to crown him as the next Alpha.
She knew he was gonna come back, she knew Derek will one day come back to claim what rightfully belongs to him… and he did.
But… that was on the same day Diviana and Lucas turned twenty.
~ The Final End ~ ❤️


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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48




THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

If you miss any episode click here


“Dearly Beloved,” the elder began, ” we are gathered here today in the presence of these witnesses, to join Alpha Derek and Lady Diana in matrimony commended to be honorable among all; and therefore is not to be entered into lightly but reverently, passionately, lovingly and solemnly. Into this – these two persons present now come to be joined. If any person can show just cause why they may not be joined together – let them speak now or forever hold their peace. “
He continued, “Friends, we have joined here today to share with Alpha Derek and Lady Diana an important moment in their lives. Their time together, they have seen their love and understanding of each other grow and blossom and now they have decided to live out the rest of their lives as one.”
“Do you Alpha Derek, take Diana, to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you two part.”
“Yes, I do.”
“Do you Lady Diana, take Derek, to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish; from this day forward until death do you two part.”
“Yes. Yes, I do.”
” It’s time to put each other the ring.” The elder instructed.
” I Derek give you Diana this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” He fixed the ring into her finger.
” I Diana, give you Diana this ring as an eternal symbol of my love and commitment to you.” She did the same to him.
At the final declaration, the elder said. “By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you alpha Derek and Lady Diana husband and wife. You may now kiss each other. “
He ended with, ” I present to you the newly married couple
Everyone stood up with an applaud as the couple lead out.
After the matrimony was over, Diana’s eyes went all over in search for her parents. Even with the now over grown bumb, she walked up and down. Now that she has seen them, she ran to give them a warm hug.
Derek had ordered some people to stop her but, she didn’t listen but kept running. Mrs Craig, her mother held her mouth in fear, but did that seem to bother Diana?
She ran to them, throwing herself in their embrace. ” Diana, you will hurt the baby. ” Her mother gave her a look.
” Mom, don’t worry, the baby is fine. “
” Well, that isn’t an excuse to me. If you wanna die, then not my grandchild. “
” Mom, you don’t care about me anymore? “
” I do, but it seems like you don’t care about yourself. Come here, give me another hug. ” She chuckled, pulling Diana to herself.
” Dad, how have you two been all this days. “
” We’ve been doing great. Though, your mother keeps mourning you until Kent told us you were alive with the wolves. “
” Mom… ” She stressed the word. ” Do you wanna kill yourself? “
” What do you expect? I thought I had lost my only child and daughter. I have to, it’s not like I loved what I was doing. You know what, whatever. It’s your day, let us jubilate it. “
” Why don’t we sit at the high table. I know my husband will be expecting us. “
” Yes, sure. Sure. “
Chapter 48:
( Seven Months Later )
“Call me my mother! Call me my mother! ” She cried in pains.
“But, my lady. You… ”
” I said, call me my mother!” She yelled at the nurse who did that Immediately.
Not quite long, her mother walked in straight to her side.
” Hold me tight, don’t let me go.” She said in pains and tears.
” I will never leave you my love. I’m here for you, okay? ” She assured her.
She nodded continuously while the nurse asked her for a push.
She screamed, her grip tight on her mother’s hand. She kept gasping for air.
The nurse ordered for another push which she did. Again and again, this she went on until something like a head was seen.
“I see it. I see it. One more push my lady.”
There came the cry of a baby filling the air.
“What do we have?” One of the nurse asked.
“It’s a girl!”
Diana stared at her mother who offered her an assuring look that everything was gonna be okay.
Soon, Diana felt pains in her stomach like something was kicking her.
“There’s another!” A nurse informed. “There’s one more.”
Diana looked at her mother weakly, she wasn’t sure if she could endure it this time. She needed to rest, but the being in her wants to leave.
” Kiara, I thought you said it was only a she! ” She echoed not minding the people around her.
” Sorry, I forgot to mention there was a he too. “
” Oh my God, I don’t think I can hold this anymore. Mother… ” She pressed her hand tight.
Mrs Craig rubbed her palms softly, tears dropping out of her eyes. She can’t do this, she needed some rest.
“Okay. You need to push hard, my lady. Push!”
She held her teeths firmly together. Her body stiffened in each push. It was time for the last push, she gathered her strength, her eyes turned purple.
” Diana, this is the last… you’ve got to push. ” Kiara whispered in her head.
” I’m trying, Kia. I’m trying, okay. “
The other her was ready, Kiara has to help her.
She gave the hard push…
She breathed heavily.
“What do we have?” A nurse asked.
“It’s a boy! ” Replied the other.
“I wanna touch my babies.” She said dully and they brought the two infants to her side.
They laid them beside her. She couldn’t stop from staring at this creatures, they were beautiful, they were gorgeous.
“Do you want to feel them?” She asked.
She nodded her head. ” Yes, yes. Oh my… goodness. ” She held them both in her arms, humming one of those lullabies she always sang for Diana when she was little.
” Aren’t they beautiful?”
She nodded.
Derek entered, looking astonished at his two little kids on Diana’s arms. ” Come, Derek, look what we have. ” Mrs Craig said,
He came closer, He took his male child into his arms, holding him tight from falling. He loved babies, but he has never taken one into his arms so he fears he might hurt his child.
For the first time, a tear fell from his eyes. He has never thought of being a father. Now he is, what kind of father will he become?
“He’s beautiful. They both are so beautiful. My bloods, my futures. “
★ ★ ★ ★
( Six years later )
Diviana ✓
” DIVIANA! ” I heard mom called but I paid deaf ears to her, running down the hallway. ” Diviana, I said, get back here, will you?! “
I stopped, stamping my feet angrily to the ground while I heard her approach me. ” Mom… “
” Don’t you ever mom me, okay? I said get back to your room and stay with your brother. ” She pointed towards the direction of my room.
” But mother, Lucas can take care of himself. Besides, I just wanna play. “
” You just wanna play, ” I notice her eyes look on my legs. ” And you aren’t putting on your shoes? Divia… “
” But this is not outside the castle… “
” Can you stop exchanging words with me and do as I said? To your room, now! ” She pointed.
” But mother… ” I tried to say.
” I said, don’t mother me… “
” Diana, take it easy. ” Cax said, touching her shoulder.
” Take it easy? Did you even listen to her? No, she is going into her room. And woman, what are you still waiting for? ” She said, throwing me a hard gaze.
” Fine, I’m going.. ” I scoffed, murmuring to myself as I headed back to my room.
” Hey Divia… ” Lucas tried to say but I cut him short.
” Shut up. ” I banged the door close.
Diana ✓
” You have to take it easy on her, besides she’s still a kid. “
” No, she’s stubborn. ” I corrected.
” That trait didn’t just come from nowhere, she must had gotten that from her mother. “
I eyed her, ” That was years ago. “
” Traits doesn’t give a damn how long it was or has been. It flows, and I think you just passed that down to her. ” She chuckled.
” No, I was stubborn, but not as stubborn as she is. ” We started to my room.
” I bet yours was worst. Cos if I can remember, yours resulted to you getting bitten. “
” Oh, maybe I must have forgotten. “
” Thank God I reminded you. “
” Uh-huh… “
To Be Continued…


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{ His Human Mate }

Written ✍️: Cisca. H.

If you miss any episode click here


The morning has surfaced, we were both awake sitting on the bed. Derek was busy with his laptop, while I sat busy with nothing. I was still contemplating if I should tell him about Kiara’s discussion with me or if I rather keep it to myself.
I don’t even know how to start it but… I really need to have this discussed with him now. I sighed.
” Derek, ” I called him.
” Mm-hmm. “
” Can we talk about something? “
” Right now? ” He asked, his eyes still on his laptop.
” Yeah, right now. “
He stopped what he was doing, shutting his laptop close. He adjusted himself, that we were sitting face to face.
” Okay, I’m listening. “
” I uhmm… ” I started with a pause. ” You know, I was wondering, we haven’t gotten married yet and, I’m almost… so close to giving birth. So, I was thinking if we might discuss about our union. What do you think? ” I don’t even know what I’m saying.
” I thought about that so, I decided on hosting our marriage next week. But I didn’t wanna push it too forward without getting your opinion first. And you know, I didn’t wanna talk about it in your condition. “
I sighed. ” It doesn’t matter if we have to get married with me being pregnant. It’s much better if I may say. “
” You’re scared people might take me away from you? “
” No… I.. I mean of course not. ” But the look was just too obvious to tell, leaving him to laugh at me. I found myself laughing too.
By the way, why would I be scared?
Everyone of course knows we are mated already. Or, am I being too concerned because of guests yet to come for the wedding. You know, those pretty ladies who thinks they are better than everyone in the world.
Gosh… I guess I’m overthinking right now.
” Yeah, I’m scared, a little tho. ” I confessed.
” It’s okay to be scared. But you’ve got to believe this, I’m never leaving you for anyone. Not after what we’ve started together. “
I nodded in relief.
” You wanna talk about anything else? ” He asked again.
Hold on… Did he just…
” You just read my mind, didn’t you?” I pointed at him.
” It was too much. I mean, your thoughts are too much and they are bothering me. “
” I’m sorry, I… Maybe I won’t ask again. “
” No, go ahead. “
I exhaled, rubbing my palms. ” Last night, I thought about this but, I don’t think you might approve it. Can you just read my mind, please? “
” Diana you know I can’t do that. It’s your privacy, I don’t wanna invade it. If you’re being too shy to tell me, maybe you can anytime. “
” No, I want to have it discussed now. I… Okay, it’s about my parents. I was thinking maybe you can permit them to attend the ceremony. I just wanna see them, even if it’s for the last time. “
He smiled. ” Don’t worry about them, I already sent them an invitation. “
I chuckled, scoffing. Gosh, I’m damn surprised. ” Oh my goodness, Derek, you’re full of surprises. Thank you so so much, I love You. I love you. ” I threw myself on him, causing him to rest on the bed.
” I’m grateful for what you did, Derek. You definitely don’t know how happy I am. “
” Whatever makes you happy, makes me happy too. “
This time, it was I who pressed my lips on his, kissing him passionately.
” Damn it, kiara you’re hurting me. ” I grunted at the hot pains in my belly.
” Sorry, she’s too stubborn just like you. I’m trying to calm her down but she’s too… “
” Ahhh…” I cut her shirt with my yell. ” Kiara for damn sake make her stop!! ” I yelled.
” I’m trying. I think… “
” You think what? “
” I think she wants to pull out. “
” Pull out? ” I repeated. ” Pull out where?! What’s that supposed to mean? “
” I don’t know. I think she wants to leave your womb.”
” Then make her know it not the damn time yet. I’m … Oh my God, I feel like passing out. Kiara!! “
” For God sake, Diana, I’m trying!. “
” Then keep trying!! ” I held the lower part of my stomach, pushing myself to lay on the bed. ” This is the most painful moment of… my… life. ” I said in clenched teeth. ” Whew…” I breathed, in and out.
I did that again and again as if that would help. And indeed it did. ” Kiara, ” I called with a warning tune. ” Don’t you ever, ever again play with her. Understood?! “
” Yes, boss. “
I exhaled heavily, resting my back on the bed. ” Whew… “
That night, I sat happily at the varenda. I always go there each time I wanted to be alone. I wanted to think, to be outside the universe.
I never expected Derek to have done what he did. Every other alpha will try to show how angry they were when humans are being mentioned, humans different from their mates.
But Derek just proved how different he was to other alpha’s. First, he respects my privacy. He never reads through my mind without my permission. And now, he just approved the idea of letting my parents attend our marriage.
Did I just said approved? He has already send an invitation letter to them??
Good God, I’m so fucking excited right now. Finally, I was gonna see my parents once again!
To Be Continued…
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