The Last Confessor Episode 46

The Last Confessor Episode 46
(She’s the last of her kind….)
By: Kebby NG
“I get it that the confessor is the head of us now and she belongs to the king, she doesn’t even come to the kitchen again to even assist with even the littlest work.
She wouldn’t even still be present to serve the royal family food too and the king wouldn’t even say anything.” One of the chefs, grunted as she poured the washed turkey in the boiling water.
“Exactly my thoughts! It’s unfair you know. And according to what I heard about the confessor when she was about to be brought here, I heard the king was gonna be maltreating her real hard.
I heard he’s gonna be treating her badly and eventually kill her.” Another chef said with a snort.
“Yeah. But with what I’ve been seeing, I haven’t seen the king punish her real hard like he’s supposed to do. I don’t know if the confessor has finally bewitched the king.” The first one that had spoken, said with a frown on her face as she added the spicy to the turkey.
“Stop speaking ill of the confessor okay? Just focus on doing your work and not going about gossiping about. Don’t you know the confessor is unwell after what Naya did to her? You should be glad that you’re not in the dungeon with the other chefs.
If I were you, I would just focus on my duty and not gossip about.” Mia suddenly chipped in. She rolled her eyes at the girls and hissed.
They were just three of them that the king had released so they can prepare breakfast for the royal family but they were under strict watchful eyes on them.
But it doesn’t mean the king wasn’t gonna punish them. When they are done cooking and serving, they would be escorted to the dungeon too.
But they were glad that they would away from the dungeon for at least, an hour.
“Just mind your business okay? We didn’t ask you to interfere.” The first lady, hissed angrily and shot Mia a hateful glare.
“Why wouldn’t she take sides with the confessor when they are friends and the confessor had bewitched her too.” The second lady scoffed.
“Just do whatever you’re doing and don’t land yourselves in trouble because of your leaking mouths.” Mia mocked and stuck out her tongue at them.
They were visibly angry but they couldn’t do anything and so, they just kept quiet and focused on their jobs respectively.
Jeffrey gasped in shock when he entered the king’s room and found Isabelle unconscious on the floor and blood on the floor. Where she laid was covered in blood and fear gripped him.
Without hesitating, he carried her up in a bridal style and dashed out of the king’s room.
“She had really hit her head so bad and it would take weeks for the thing to heal.” The doctor said and took a quick glance at Isabelle who was sleeping on the bed with a bandage on the side of her head that was injured.
The doctor had induced her and so, she was asleep. Thank goodness, the doctor had arrived on time and started treatment immediately.
Isabelle’s breathing was low and barely audible. She looked so pale and her face had a different look.
The side of the deep cut, her hair there were cut off so the doctor could bandage her injured head properly.
“It’s a miracle she’s alive.” The king muttered to the king who just stared blankly at Isabelle unconscious form.
The doctor still found it hard to believe that Isabelle had survived despite the fact that, she had lost a lot of blood; it’s indeed a miracle that she’s alive.
“She’s gonna be awake in twenty four hours because of the sleeping pills I gave her. It would take a lot of time for her to heal completely. She’d need a lot of rest and less work so she can heal faster.” The doctor said, even if it seemed the king wasn’t listening to him.
But anyways, he had to speak.
“Alright.” The king breathed out.
“I’ll take my leave now my king. I’ll come back again tomorrow when I’m sure she would have been awake.” The doctor said and bowed his head.
“Alright Andy, you can leave now.” The king said plainly.
Andy bowed, arranged his equipments back into his box and walked out of the room.
The king sighed and took slow strides towards the bed Isabelle laid on.
She was in a different room, a bit far from the maids and palace workers quarters.
According to the doctor, she doesn’t need to be disturbed and that was why he had brought her here, a place were he doesn’t allow anyone to visit.
He stared at Isabelle’s chest as it heaved up and down slowly and rhythmically.
Her lips were pale and it was torn a little. Perspiration gathered at the top of her head.
She was perspiring but as the king touched her hand, it felt a little bit cold.
He sighed despondently and sat beside get on the bed.
He took his hand to her forehead and wiped off the sweat.
He held her hand in his and caressed it softly.
He stared at the bandaged side of her head and he couldn’t help but feel bad.
Because of her, he didn’t pay a visit to Salome like he intended to do.
What really happened to her?
How did she hit her head that made her have such a deep cut?
Was she pushed or she slipped?
His head was muzzy because of different thoughts that came in all at once.
He was literally confused.
His eyes trailed to every part of her body and he couldn’t deny the fact that even in her pitiful state, she still looked pretty.
Why did she have to look so pretty?
Suddenly, his eyes trailed to her wrist and it was bare. The bracelet was gone.
He was clearly shocked as he continued to stare at her both wrists.
Whoever put her in this condition, wouldn’t go scott free and whosoever took the bracelet away from her wrist, would be punished severely.
He wouldn’t spare anyone that got Isabelle in that condition and who even still had the guts to take off her bracelet.
It was at that moment the king couldn’t find the bracelet that he knew someone was behind her fall and he’s gonna make sure he deals with the person.
The next morning, Isabelle stirred awake gently and winced loudly because of the sharp pain she felt at the side of her head.
She placed her hand on her forehead and sighed tiredly.
“Isabelle, you’re awake. How are you?” The king asked, after noticing that she was fully awake.
Isabelle stared at the king confusingly.
“Huh? Who are you?” She asked with a slight frown in her face.
The king’s face dropped in shock and disappointment.
She tried to move but she felt a splitting headache and her hand went to where was bandaged.
“Who are you and what the hell happened to me?” She half yelled.
What the hell happened to Isabelle?
Hope it’s not what I’m thinking o
Kebby lovers
Much love for u all

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
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If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here