The Last Confessor Episode 57

The Last Confessor Episode 57
(She’s the last of her kind….)
By: Kebby NG
“Hey, get up and wipe those tears away.” King Miley grinned with a stern voice.
Isabelle didn’t even move from where she sat as she continued to weep miserably.
She felt so angry at the king for giving her out to this monster – well, the truth is that, she doesn’t even know who’s more of a monster, is it king Ceasar or King Miley?
Both king’s were mean and heartless. They killed any offender as if killing is a thing of joy.
But she didn’t know why she preferred staying with king Ceasar to king Miley. Both king’s almost have same trait but she didn’t want to live with king Miley.
“Hey! I’m talking to you!” King Miley hissed angrily and grabbed Isabelle roughly by her arm.
“When I’m talking to you…” King Miley’s words were cut short as an unexpected arrow flew and hit him right on his chest.
His eyes widen and he went down on his knees immediately. Blank blood dripped out slowly from the corner of his mouth.
Isabelle gasped and moved away from him, she turned and saw king Ceasar staring at them with a triumphant look on his face. And instantly, she knew the arrow had come from him.
He had actually deceived king Miley so he can have the opportunity to kill him. Her mind that was in turmoil, suddenly became relaxed as she stared at the king.
King Ceasar threw another arrow and it met king Miley at his back and king Miley groaned in excruciating pain and fell heavily on the floor, with blood coming out from his mouth.
King Ceasar took slow strides towards them. He got to where king Miley laid, almost unconscious already. He crouched in front of him and raised his head to stare at him.
“You… deceived…me and… shot…me…with…a poisonous arrow.” King Miley spat out blood with his face filled with anger and defeat.
“You should know I never loose and let go easily. You chose the hard way and I gave it to you. You should have just accepted the money I was willing to pay you and all this wouldn’t have happened.” King Ceasar said with a triumphant smirk.
King Miley coughed out blood and groaned in pain and in anger.
He couldn’t believe that he had been fooled by king Ceasar. He had doubted the fact that king Ceasar would just readily agree to hand the confessor over to him just like that.
But then, he had seen the seriousness and firmness in his face and he couldn’t help but believe that he was serious on giving the confessor to him.
He wasn’t wise enough to know that he planned something huge for him.
“You… bastard!” King Miley groaned with his voice barely audible and with life slipping out of him gently.
“Eish! Even at your dying minute, you still talk a lot. Well, save your strength and words so when you get to hell, you’ll be able to say hi to devil for me.” King Ceasar smirked and with those words said, he drew out the arrow with force and plunged into his heart directly.
King Miley coughed out blood and winced slightly.
Isabelle just stood, watching the scene before her eyes. She watched as her king killed king Miley right before her eyes without any remorse.
Her body shook and all the hair on her body stood still with fright.
She didn’t even for once in her confused state believe or think that her king would kill king Miley.
She had actually believed that king Ceasar had really handed her over to king Miley – but she didn’t know it was part of his plans.
She felt relieved and at the same time, scared because she was right there when everything was happening.
“My…men will…come after you.” King Miley said with a lot of difficulty as excruciating pains spread around his body.
“Gosh! You’re really strong huh? Say hi to do devil for me.” King Ceasar said with his eyes dark. He drew out his sword behind him and sent it straight to king Miley’s heart.
King Miley gasped as his breathing wavered and slow down.
Then, he took his last breath and just heart stopped.
“Bastard!” King Ceasar spat out with disgusted look as he gazed at the bloody dead body of king Miley whose eyes were opened even at death.
Isabelle felt nauseous immediately and she held her stomach and placed other hand, on her mouth.
King Ceasar turned to stare at Isabelle and he frowned lightly.
“Let’s get going already. You look sick.” He said and his face softened a little.
Isabelle just nodded her head and they both started for the door.
Outside, she met many of king Miley’s guards dead and she gasped out loudly.
“Where are the red sisters?” King Ceasar asked as he stared around the building.
“They’ve been taken away your highness.” One of the guard bowed.
The king nodded his head and walked towards were the carriage was already waiting for him. Isabelle climbed into the carriage too and sat beside the king, with her hands in between her legs and her head bowed.
The ride to the palace was a quiet one as none of them spoke a word to each other.
They haven’t gotten half way when Isabelle starting feeling dizzy and she started to doze off.
She would jolt awake if she dozes off because her head wasn’t properly balanced and there was no comfortable place or thing she could place her head on.
King Ceasar face creased in a frown as he stared at the dozing Isabelle.
He observed that, she was a little pale and sick.
Isabelle’s head unconsciously fell on the king’s shoulder and immediately, she removed her head as she got to know.
She turned to stare at the king with tired eyes and flushed cheeks; she was embarrassed.
“I’m sorry my king.” She whispered drowsily and yawned lightly. She rubbed her sleepy eyes and yawned again.
Just then, she felt the king hand on her neck, directing her head to stay on his shoulder.
Isabelle didn’t object but she let the king put her head on his shoes.
She smiled lightly. She was surprised and she was happy too. She felt so happy and comfortable with her head on the king’s shoulder.
When the king start being caring towards her?
She let her mind wander off at her breathing even.
The king surprised her again, by tucking her hair behind her ear. He stroked her hair gently and she felt a tingling sensation in her stomach.
She felt butterflies dance enthusiastically in her stomach.
“Sleep, you look tired.” She heard the king whisper to her.
She smiled and nodded her head.
And just as she drifted off to sleep, she felt a wet kiss on her forehead and her heart fluttered at the realization that it was from the king.
Who else never expected what the king did to king Miley?
He is suddenly becoming nice towards Isabelle
Kebby lovers
Much love for u all

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
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{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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