
(Heart of ice…)
By: Faith Lucky
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Kaylan stared at Lord Xander, dumbfounded. She couldn’t believe it. She thought her ears were deceiving her but obviously, they were not.
Xander stretched his hand, staring at her. “Take my hand, will you?”
Kaylan gasped softly as her gaze dropped down to his outstretched hand. Slowly, she reached out and too his hand.
Still staring down at the joined hands, she couldn’t believe how perfectly they match. It was so perfect it brought tears to her eyes.
When she stared up back at his face, she saw the look in his eyes. It was something she’d never seen. Something special. Something unique.
Lord Xander was confused. It was as though, having kaylan’s palm in his opened his eyes, his soul, his innermost desires.
They stared at each other for so long. It was something strange and yet, marvelous.
“Let’s go. You will make the choice of horse.” Lord Xander said and a small smile touched the corner of his lips.
Kaylan smiled as they started walking away. “I already have one in mind. It’s white and so hairy at the neck.”
“That is Unicorn. She’s my favourite.” Xander replied.
“Wow. Akim said that…” Kaylan’s voice trailed off, wondering if she’d made a mistake by mentioning Akim.
Xander looked at her when he noticed her hesitation. “It’s okay.” The last thing he wanted right now was to make her feel uncomfortable.
Soon, they got to the stable. While they stood outside, Axel went in, brought out the white beautiful horse.
Kaylan gasped when she saw the beauty of the horse. It was just so adorable and she couldn’t wait to ride on it.
“So cute.” Kaylan mumbled as she moved closer to the horse. She rubbed her palm on the animal’s belly carefully.
The horse moved about, it’s leg hitting the ground in a funny way. Kaylan giggled.
“She likes you too.” Xander said after watching them for a while.
Kaylan blushed with amazement. “Really? Awwn! I love you too, Unicorn!”
“My Lord, which other horse would you like me to bring out…?” Axel was asking but was cut short by a wave of Xander’s palm.
“Let it be.” He cut him short in his usual cold voice.
Axel bowed, stepped backward.
“We have to get going princess.” Xander said, taking over the ropes.
“Yeah!” Kaylan sighed. She was super excited. And of course, shy.
The beach was super quiet, cool and calm.
Kaylan was a bit surprised when they arrived and didn’t see anyone. She thought it was wield.
“I sent everyone away upon our arrival.” Xander said as if he was reading her mind.
He was walking slowly while Kaylan was on the horse. He held the ropes for her, guiding her from falling.
Although she was scared but she couldn’t help wonder how Xander was able to make everyone leave. Yes, he was the king but it was still surprising.
“Can you… please join me up here? I’m scared. I don’t wanna fall.” Kaylan mumbled, staring down at Xander.
Xander was tempted to laugh. He couldn’t believe a whole princess didn’t know how to ride on a horse. “I’m here. Don’t you worry…” Xander was still talking when suddenly, Unicorn lurched forward, making the ropes slip from Xander’s hold.
Kaylan screamed out when the horse started running off, along the seashore. She bent, trying to keep up as it ran.
“My Lord! Xander!! I’m gonna fall! Help me!!” Kaylan screamed out like a baby as the horse kept running.
Xander stood still, watching the scenario. The way Unicorn ran playfully, the way Kaylan held it’s sides, screaming. It cracked him up and he had to laugh.
He laughed, bent and tied his boots before running after them. “Unicorn! You have to stop…she doesn’t like that!” He said as he ran after them, trying to catch up.
“Oh mother! My mother! My sweet mother!!” Kaylan cried.
Xander finally caught up with them when the horse slowed down. He made a mistake and forcefully grabbed the ropes.
The horse lurched forward and threw Kaylan very high in the air.
Kaylan screamed as she flew up . Xander spread his arms, balanced himself on the ground so as to catch her with his body.
Kaylan fell right into his arms and both of them crashed into the sand.
She laughed out loud, her chest heaving so heavily. She was exhausted but not in pain. She was still in Xander’s arms, her hair scattered on his chest.
Xander laid on the ground, listened to the sweet sound of her laughter. He sat up and Kaylan quickly moved a little bit away from him.
“Oh…I’m sorry. Thank you for catching me.”. She said.
Xander was quiet. He turned to look her, watched the fear rise in her eyes.
“Did I do anything wrong? Oh my gosh….I called you by your name earlier. I’m sorry…”
“Call me that from now on. Xander. It sounded like music when you called it.”
Kaylan stared back at him. They were sitting on the sand, the soft waves kissing their feet.
“You’re serious about that? Are you serious?” Kaylan asked. She was surprised on how fast things were changing. She. Was finding it hard to believe that she was talking with Lord Xander.
Xander stared at her and Kaylan could swear she saw his eyes sparkle. She didn’t know what was happening but..she didn’t want it to stop either.
“I’ve treated you like you were nobody, right?” Xander asked.
Kaylan shook her head,. Sweet smile on her face. “You have your reasons for whatsoever you chose to do, my Lord. You are a brave man, a fearless fighter. I’ve always adored you, feared you like a god.
“Despite all odds…I’m glad I met someone like you. It’s a privilege.” Kaylan said, maintaining an eye contact with him all the while she talked. She didn’t know where she got the courage to do that but it was surprisingly good.
Xander stared at Kaylan and the images of his two dead wives blurred his vision. He never cared, never wanted to know anything about them even until the point of death.
Now he could see it all, his faults, his mistakes were glaring at him in the face. They had died because of him, because of something he hadn’t redeemed.
And now, this previous lady before him might leave him soon. The most beautiful, pretty humorous and challenging of any other women he had seen and met.
His third wife, whom had successfully taken a big space and a special place in his heart.
His third wife whom he had fallen for at first sight but was afraid to love so he wouldn’t lose her like the other two.
It was suddenly too overwhelming, too painful.
“My Lord… are you okay?” Kaylan asked, staring into his penetrating eyes.
Xander shook his head, reached out and touched her hair. “I don’t want to lose you.”
Kaylan frowned. “My Lord. What do you mean?”
“The curse. I don’t want to lose you.”
“The curse? What…?” Before Kaylan could complete her statement, Xander drew her closer to himself, wrapped his arms around her delicate body and took her lips with his, in a slow passionate kiss.

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
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THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48

THE GIRL HE MARKED Chapter 47 & 48
{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here

{ His Human Mate }
Written : Cisca. H.
If you miss any episode click here