The Last Confessor Episode 29

The Last Confessor Episode 29
(She’s the last of her kind….)
By: Kebby NG
Isabelle stood out in the open, her hands on her waist as she kept staring behind the whole time to see if the princess was coming already.
She wouldn’t deny it – she felt so nervous; so so nervous.
She never thought she’d be going back to her father’s anytime soon- not after what the monster did to her Oh! She never thought of it.
Her blood boiled with anger. Thinking about every single thing he did to her was almost making her run mad.
Oh! That animal. She’d never forgive him – never!
Shortly, she saw the princess walking towards her and she sighed.
She walked with so much agility and smartness and just like always, Isabelle admired her.
But Isabelle was a little uncomfortable when the princess had about two guards with her. She had told her not to tell anyone about it – at least, not yet.
“Are you ready?” Rayna asked as she stood in front of Isabelle and Isabelle nodded.
“Um…my princess” she called. “You’re taking some guards?”
“Of course! Do you think I’d be that dumb to leave this palace alone with you? If truly the red sisters are behind this, then it’s possible they’re after you and who knows? They might be somewhere outside this gate” she enthused smartly and Isabelle only bowed her head, getting the princess’ point.
“Listen to me, Confessor” she continued.
“I’m only doing this for my brother’s sake, and nothing else. So, for your sake, you better make sure this is true. Or better still, make sure you’re not just trying to use me to escape because I’ve told you before..”
“This isn’t a joke, princess” Isabelle cut her off,calmly tho.
“I’m truly trying to be of help”.
Rayna looked at her and scoffed, then continued walking away, towards her carriage, and Isabelle followed.
While the guards rode on behind them, Isabelle and the princess sat together in the carriage. The princess fanning herself the whole time time, while Isabelle just sat quietly
For a second, she paused to think. Why was she even doing this for the King? Why the King? Shouldn’t she be her perfect opportunity to finally be free from him? Why would she risk her life so much for him?
Her heart tore apart.
Somehow, she couldn’t explain it and felt guilty she knew about Salome, but didn’t say or do anything to stop her. Oh! How foolish she had been.
She should’ve said something; done something. Why did she just keep shut, huh? And now, she has to go through these stress of returning home.
The princess didn’t bother saying a word at all and finally, they got to their destination – when Isabelle asked them to stop.
“Is this it?” The princess asked and Isabelle nodded
It’s been such a long ride.
“Finally. Let’s go, then” she said but Isabelle found it difficult moving from her seat as she just fixed her eyes ahead.
The memories – they were coming back bit by bit and were trying to scare the hell out of her.
Was she ready to face him? Would he still b there?
“What’re you waiting for,conessor!” Rayna called from the floor and Isabelle gulped nervously and stepped out.
“Stay here and be on the lookout for us” Rayna said to the guards before walking away with the Confessor.
They had to walk for a little more time because they had to go through some more bushes and grasses.
“Are you sure this so called plant would still be here?” Rayna asked as they walked along.
“I don’t know,my princess. I’m just hoping” she answered.
“Gosh” the princess mumbled.
“But why are trying to do this, anyway?” She scoffed
“My brother hates you. Why are you trying to save him?”
Isabelle didn’t say a word because she also didn’t have the answer to that question. She couldn’t even think of it – not at all.
She had no idea.
Finally, after the long walk, they finally spotted the house in front of them.
“Is that it?” Rayna asked again and Isabelle nodded.
That was it – the home of her torment.
It appeared to be older and uglier – like her father hadn’t been taking care of it. Oh! To hell with him; she’ll never give a damn.
She took in a deep breath and started towards the house and the princess followed.
They got to the door, but it was locked and looked dirty and dusty. The environment was nothing to write home about either as it was looking like an abandoned grave yard. What has this man been doin? With the look of things, he didn’t seem to be living there anymore.
“Where can we get the plant, Confessor? I don’t think there’s anyone here” Rayna said and Isabelle sighed and walked away, going to the backyard.
Her eyes beamed when she saw it still standing there, right beside the grave. She let out a rueful smile.
“It’s still here” she said to the princess, her voice a little rhin.
“Oh! Thank goodness. Let’s go get it, then!” The princess exclaimed and rushed towards it with Isabelle.
They both crouched beside it and carefully, Isabelle plucked out the leaves.
“I hope you’re sure of this? This is the right plant, right?” The princess asked, but Isabelle didn’t say a word.
She was trying so hard to control herself; her emotions. Being in that place alone was driving her completely crazy.
She took out the leaves she wanted, sniffed and then stood up.
“Is that all? Can we leave?” The princess asked, but Isabelle still gave no response.
Gosh! She was such a talkative.
Isabelle sniffed again and went to the grave.
She knelt before it and placed her hands on it.
“Hi mum” she smiled ruefully, a tear dropping from her eye.
She sniffed in again and more tears came rushing out The princess watched quietly in astonishment.
“It’s been so long” she whimpered.
Her heart tore at the remembrance that she couldn’t even get to see her mother’s face. She couldn’t even get to stay in her mother’s arms – not even for a second.
Oh! Why was she cursed? Why was she so cursed to take the life of her mother during childbirth?
She wept more – painfully.
“I’m sorry” her voice shook.
She leaned closer, planted a kiss on the surface of the grave, then stood up and left without looking at the princess.
Kebby lovers
Much love for u all

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{ His Human Mate }
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{ His Human Mate }
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