An action thriller centered around the chronicles of three friends who formed an alliance to hunt down an enemy and take revenge on an injustice against an innocent victim. Their fury in this journey will evoke lots of encounters. Find out more.
Nigerian Music Minster and Worship Leader Anthony Kani, has released his much anticipated EP titled: “The Secret Place“
Anthony Kani is a music minister with a burning desire to see believers experience God tangibly.
Anthony Kani considers himself & the entire team highly privileged to be the vessels God has chosen to release this unique sound and it is his prayer that everyone who listens will be taken on a journey to the realm of the heavenlies and experience God on a deeper level.
All the songs were received in the place of fellowship with the Father leaving the team with the daunting task of interpreting them properly with the right production not without the help of the Holy Spirit.
This also comes as a foretaste of what to expect from the 10 track “The Secret Place”Album.
Tobiloba’s latest Single is a Remix of Kosenibirefrom his previously released E.p (Tehila Uncovered), the Single expresses a vertical worship ,describing the unchanging faithfulness of God toward us.
It’s a multi-lingual one, he sings in the English, Romanian, Yoruba Language as well as the Nigerian Pidgin.
Enjoy the creative twist to Kosenibire.